Recent content by Bardiya_King

  1. Bardiya_King

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  2. Bardiya_King

    Election Council Elections - AUGUST 2024

    I, Bardiya_King, declare that I will be no longer contesting a seat as the Head of commerce as a member of PCR. I dont got time in the next few months!
  3. Bardiya_King


  4. Bardiya_King

    Election HEAD OF COMMERCE - JULY 2024 (Special)

    I, Bardiya_King, declare I am contesting the position of Head of Commerce as a member of the PCR
  5. Bardiya_King

    Hope you eat a Taco.

    Hope you eat a Taco.
  6. Bardiya_King

    Election Presidential Elections - JUNE 2024

    I DONT WANNA DO THIS NO MO (I drop out)
  7. Bardiya_King

    Hey man why no me?

    Hey man why no me?
  8. Bardiya_King

    What’s a fruit that has green and red

  9. Bardiya_King

    Defund the Government! (Dont please)

    Defund the Government! (Dont please)
  10. Bardiya_King

    Lawsuit: Dismissed Bardiya_King v. Dumbyhead1234 [2023] FCR 80

    1. When dumbyhead accused you of forging the document, how did that affect your enjoyment of Redmont? I frankly was offended at first the. Later after constant berating from other members of the community I began to bring down playtime to not be attacked any more. 2. Since dumbyhead accused...
  11. Bardiya_King

    Lawsuit: Dismissed Bardiya_King v. Dumbyhead1234 [2023] FCR 80

    Your Honor, I have great news: the surgery was canceled because the complication cleared up itself.
  12. Bardiya_King

    Lawsuit: Dismissed Bardiya_King v. Dumbyhead1234 [2023] FCR 80

    Your Honor, I'd like to request a one-week extension due to an untimely emergency surgery.