Recent content by cheetahracer1

  1. cheetahracer1

    Lawsuit: Dismissed MikeOxlonger1 v. Philip_d_blank [2025] DCR 9

    your honor who is CheetahRacer1 and also what does contempt mean?
  2. cheetahracer1

    Lawsuit: Dismissed MikeOxlonger1 v. Philip_d_blank [2025] DCR 9

    damn did he do that fr? thats crazy
  3. cheetahracer1

    Election Mayor Election - OCTOBER 2024

    I, cheetahracer1, declare that I will be contesting the Office of the Mayor. My Deputy Mayor running mate will be TheMusica. I will be running as an Independent.
  4. cheetahracer1

    hi :)

    hi :)
  5. cheetahracer1

    Bill Nye, the...

    Bill nye the Billy guy