Recent content by crytiee

  1. crytiee

    Accepted crytiee's business grant appliciation

    In-Game Name: crytiee Business Name (if applicable): Lavender Fields Location Of Business: (if applicable): or-c002 and or-c012 Business Description (if applicable): Lavender Fields is a real estate company. We are thrilled to open our business in the town of Oakridge and provide people with...
  2. crytiee

    Act of Congress Reveille Prison Clinic Resolution

    abs - it's already within the powers of the Executive to do this
  3. crytiee

    Blind Typing!

  4. crytiee

    Bill: Rejected FIT Act Amendment

    A BILL TO Improve the Financial Institutions Tax Act Amendment with common sense. The people of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into...