Recent content by DemocracyCraft

  1. DemocracyCraft

    Vetoed Protect Our Democracy Amendment

    Senior Administration has been consulted in this owner veto. Ownership Unless you do something outrageously out of left field, an owner veto is usually at the very least an ownership decision, if not a senior administration one. End and Tech operate symbiotically - End handles front of...
  2. DemocracyCraft

    Information Welcome to Minecraft's Premier City RP Server

    INTRODUCTION Welcome to DemocracyCraft! DemocracyCraft, or DC, is a City Roleplay server focused on the player's ability to create, amend, and remove the rules and laws that govern them. Our server boasts cars, helicopters, a democratically elected government, businesses, economy, among other...
  3. DemocracyCraft

    Government Constitution

    PREAMBLE We the people, of the Commonwealth of Redmont, in order to form a more perfect country, establish this Constitution to guarantee the preservation and protection of Justice, promote the general welfare of our citizens, and secure the liberty of our participation in the governance of...
  4. DemocracyCraft

    Information Laws

    Looking for Rules? Click here. Make sure you read the linked Acts for the most up-to-date version of the law! This page should not be used as a replacement for reading the official Acts and is not an alternative to them.