Recent content by furiouspaladin

  1. F

    Lawsuit: Adjourned IShowed_Up v. Michealson [2024] DCR 35

    I like to request a Diherea order wich each defendent and plaintiff shit there pants on live to reveal the truth
  2. F

    y does dc have to be down hopefully fixin vehichle

    y does dc have to be down hopefully fixin vehichle
  3. F

    staff can you read my appeal

    staff can you read my appeal
  4. F


  5. F

    stqff can u read my damn appeal

    stqff can u read my damn appeal
  6. F

    idk if i deported or nah rn i havent been on

    idk if i deported or nah rn i havent been on
  7. F

    Diamond Foundation grant applications

    Finacial Asistance Username Furiouspaladin Reason For grant Starting a buisness Security buisness to supply a plot Amount of money 15,000$ 7 days 9 hours 35 minutes 59 seconds Other Please i realy need it
  8. F

    I realy need loans please give me one

    for 8k
  9. F

    Happy ignaugration day.

    Today is the ignaugration hope to see you there