Recent content by Psypio

  1. Psypio

    happy 18th birthday void, its been a while and you probably wont see this but have a good one g...

    happy 18th birthday void, its been a while and you probably wont see this but have a good one g (pretty sure its ur 18th, could be wrong)
  2. Psypio

    Election Presidential Elections - OCTOBER 2024

    I, Psypio, declare that I will be contesting the Office of President. My Vice Presidential running mate will be JustaDumpling. I will be running as an independent.
  3. Psypio

    My friend you REALLY need Discord, you'd fit right in with the Redmont Communist Party

    My friend you REALLY need Discord, you'd fit right in with the Redmont Communist Party
  4. Psypio

    Repealed Executive Order - 10/23 No More FTG

    this confirms rurge is not for the people, reinstate FTG.
  5. Psypio

    Edit the word above you by changing one letter

    not how it works, you cant add a letter
  6. Psypio

    Bill Nye, the...

    Bill Nye the chernobyl guy
  7. Psypio

    Edit the word above you by changing one letter

    i give up kats
  8. Psypio

    Edit the word above you by changing one letter
