Act of Congress Property Standards Act


Court Clerk
Construction & Transport Department
Redmont Bar Assoc.
President Order of Redmont Trifecta
Apr 7, 2020
House Vote: 8-0-1
Senate Vote: 3-0-0


Amend to consolidate and simplify legislation concerning land and property.

The people of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the “Property Standards Act.”
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) Authored by Rep. xEndeavour
(4) Co-Sponsored by Rep. Reaperay
(5) Supported by the DCT Secretary and DCT leadership

2 - Reasons
(1) Property legislation is currently spread across a number of different Acts of Congress, making laws hard to find.
(2) The DCT has lost regulatory powers through an increasing amount of laws concerning property. This bill empowers the DCT to regulate in a more flexible arrangement.

3 - Consolidation
(1) The following Acts of Congress will be rescinded:
(a) Inactivity Plots Act
(b) Incomplete Building Clarification Act
(c) Property Definitions Foundation Act
(d) LDV Dwelling Items Act
(e) LDV Minimum Amenities Adjustment Act
(f) Regulation Enforcement Act
(g) Property Fairness Act
(2) The DER (Section 6) and DCT (Section 4) will be removed from the Jurisdiction Act.

4 - Jurisdiction
(1) The Department of Construction and Transportation shall retain jurisdiction to establish regulations outside of this law and to evict properties in accordance with these laws and regulations. These regulations will be listed under Department policy and will be displayed on the relevant rules and laws page node.
(2) The Department of Environment and Recreation shall retain jurisdiction to establish regulations outside of this law and to evict wild regions in accordance with these laws and regulations. These regulations will be listed under Department policy and will be displayed on the relevant rules and laws page node.
(3) Property zoning will be defined by staff according to this law.

5 - Residential Zoning
(1) Plots beginning with ‘R’ are residential plots (e.g. ‘r001’).
(2) Residential plots may only have houses built on them.
(3) Players cannot have houses with more than three visible floors.
(a)As basements and rooftops aren't entirely visible, they are an exception to this rule.

6 - Commercial Zoning
(1) Plots beginning with ‘C’ are commercial plots (e.g. ‘c001’).
(2) Commercial plots may only have businesses, offices, shops, apartment buildings, and other commercial buildings built on them.
(3) Commercial plots are height limited to 60 blocks, unless otherwise approved by the Department of Construction and Transport.

7 - Industrial Zoning
(1) Plots beginning with ‘I’ are industrial plots (e.g. ‘I001’).
(2) Industrial plots may only have factories, warehouses, and production facilities built on them.
(3) Industrial plots are height limited to 60 blocks, unless otherwise regulated by subordinate laws.

8 - Skyscraper Zoning
(1) Plots beginning with ‘s’ are skyscraper plots (e.g. ‘s001’).
(2) Skyscraper plots inherit the zoning laws concerning commercial plots, except the height limitation.
(3) Skyscraper plots are height limited to 200 blocks and must be taller than 60 blocks.

8 - Black Market Zoning
(1) Plots beginning with ‘bm’ are black market plots (e.g. ‘bm001’)
(2) Black market plots are exempt from certain laws, as directed by staff.
(a) such laws include possession, sale, and advertising of illicit items.

9- Government Subsidized Commercial Spaces
(1) Government Subsidized Commercial Spaces includes several types of government-owned rentable areas:
(2) Business Districts. Plots beginning with 'cbd' or 'nbd' are Business Districts.
(3) Market Stalls. Plots beginning with 'revstall' are Market Stalls.
(4) Newsstands. Plots beginning with 'revnews' are Newsstands.
(5) Large Billboards. Plots beginning with 'billboard' are Large Billboards.
(6) Mini Billboards. Plots beginning with 'minibillboard' are Mini Billboards.
(7) Food Trucks. Plots beginning with 'FT' are Food Trucks.
(8) Only the Department of Construction and Transport shall create rentable regions that fall under these naming conventions.

10 - Apartments
(1) There are no naming conventions for apartment regions names.
(2) Apartments must not contain Nether portals and/or chest shops.
(3) Water drops from water source blocks must not drip into other rent regions.
(4) Lava drops from lava source blocks must not drip into other rent regions.

11 - Urban Agriculture
(1) Agriculture is not permitted on R, Government Subsidized Commercial Spaces, or BM plots.
(2) Agriculture is permitted on I, C, and S plots if it is conducted underground or hidden.

12 - Sale of Plots
(1) Plots may be sold back to their Landlord for 90% of the plot's in-game price, or be resold to another player, or may be auctioned.
(2) When a plot has been reported for eviction, the report will remain extant until it is resolved or evicted. Transferring ownership of the plot in question will not have a bearing on the date of eviction, unless otherwise provided by the relevant Department.
(3) If plot ownership is transferred while there is an active eviction report on the plot or a violation of the Property Standards Act is present on the plot, the original owner has a duty to disclose the report and/or violation to the buyer or recipient of the plot. Failure to do so will result in the original owner being guilty of failure to disclose.

13 - Duty of Disclosure
(1) Failure to Disclose
Failure of a party to provide the other parties with all legally required information and or documents which are relevant to a property.
Per Offence: Cost of damages incurred by the recipient as a result of the failure to disclose.
(a) A plea of ignorance to a report is not an admissible defence to failure to disclose.

14 - Completed Buildings
A finished plot is defined as a plot with a completed building which is compliant with the building regulations and has a function, or a finished interior.

15 - Historical Building Alterations
Changing the physical appearance of a preserved, historical building without permission or consent.
Minor Alteration: $1000 Fine + Verbal Warning
Major Alteration: $3000 Fine + Plot Eviction
Demolished Building: $5000 Fine + Plot Eviction

16 - Plot Limitations
(1) C Plots. A citizen may not own more than 50 commercial properties.
(2) R Plots. A citizen may not own more than 2 residential properties.
(3) I Plots. A citizen may not own more than 2 industrial properties
(4) S Plots. A citizen may not own more than 6 skyscraper properties
(5) BM Plots. A citizen may not own more than 1 black market property.
(6) Government Subsidized Commercial Spaces. A citizen may not own more than 2 of each type of Government Subsidized Commercial Space.
(7) Realtors. Any citizen with a Realtor job may exceed these limitations by 5 plots each
(a) excluding BM and Government Subsidized Commercial Spaces.
(b) provided the plots exceeding these limitations are for the purpose of reselling the plot within 30 days of purchasing the plot.
(8) Plots located within towns are not subject to the above plot limits. Each town shall retain jurisdiction to create their own plot limits for plots located within their town.

17 - Merged Plots
Any merged plots will not be recognised as one plot, rather they will be counted as the amount of sub-plots which form the whole merged plot.

18 - Plot Releases
The releasing authority must release plots in a fair and equitable fashion that is controlled and factors in time zones.

19 - Breach of Property Standards
Failing to comply with any part of the Property Standards Act will incur a penalty unless otherwise provided within this Act.
Per Offense: $150

20 - Violating Business District Rules
A player renting a Business District without meeting the set requirements as outlined by the DCT.
First Offence: Normal DCT Eviction
Second Offence: $1000 fine per Business District plot rented in violation
Third Offence and after: $2500 fine per Business District plot rented in violation
Fines are enforced by the DCT

21 - Exemptions/Extensions
(1) The Secretary of Construction and Transportation has the power to issue and revoke exemptions and extensions for building regulation and legal compliance when they are satisfied that either of the following criteria is met:
(a) there is a compassionate and compelling reason requiring an exemption/extension
(b) that the exemption/extension does not undermine the intent of the eviction process
(c) that there is significant progress being made to rectify the breach
(d) in the interests of large-scale development
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Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law.


Amend the Property Standards Act

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the 'Property Standards Amendment Act September 2022'
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) The Act has been co-sponsored by: Rep. xEndeavour, Rep. Mhadsher101
(4) The Act has been authored by: Rep. CrackedAmoeba1, Rep. xEndeavour

2 - Reasons
(1) The law in its current state does not allow for aquariums, pools, hot tubs, baths, etc in rent regions. This amendment will correct the law while still addressing the original intent of the Property Standards Act to stop water drops from leaking into other rent regions.
3 - Amendment
(1) Amend subsection a to subsection b:

(a) 10 - Apartments
(1) There are no naming conventions for apartment regions names.
(2) Apartments must not contain any types of liquid source blocks; Nether portals; and or chest shops.

(b) 10 - Apartments
(1) There are no naming conventions for apartment regions names.
(2) Apartments must not contain Nether portals and/or chest shops.
(3) Water drops from water source blocks must not drip into other rent regions.
(4) Lava drops from lava source blocks must not drip into other rent regions.

Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law.

House Vote: 5-1-1
Senate Vote: 5-0-1


Protect New Players and Amend the Property Standards Act

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:​

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the 'CBD Protection Act'
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This Act has been co-sponsored by: Senator Avelanie
(4) This Act is supported by Secretary Deadwax

2 - Reasons

(1) There is no process to protect CBDs from players repeatedly not following the DCTs regulations, and continuing to wrongfully rent more after being evicted.

3 - The Property Standards Act shall be amended as followed:

22 - Violating CBD Rules
A player renting a CBD without meeting the set requirements as outlined by the DCT, including renting more than 2 at once and renting a new player CBD despite not being new.
First Offence: Normal DCT Eviction
Second Offence: $1000 fine per CBD rented in violation
Third Offence and after: $2500 fine per CBD rented in violation
Fines are enforced by the DCT
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Nay - the DCT already have the power to enforce these rules with a $150 fine, which is far more appropriate. Ref Property Standards Act.
Nay - the DCT already have the power to enforce these rules with a $150 fine, which is far more appropriate. Ref Property Standards Act.
Problem is that people dgaf when it's only 150. They can get that by voting 3 times pr day. It ruins the possibility of getting a CBD for other players if we just continuously have to evict the same players over and over cause they keep breaking the law.

Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law.

House Vote: 7-0-1
Senate Vote: 5-0-0

Amend the Property Standards Act​

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the “Landlord Freedom Act”.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This Act was authored by Representative Mr_SeaGuy and Mhadsher101.
(4) This Act is co-sponsored by Claxx77

2 - Reasons
(1) A renter may decide to remove the minimum amenities provided in an apartment by law, which can cause the landlord to break the law
(2) The minimum amenities required no longer has to be backed by the law, because most apartments already offer more than the minimum.
(3) It is difficult for landlords to check every apartment frequently to see if the minimum amenities are still there, especially if they operate dozens of apartments.

3 - Amendments to the Property Standards Act
11 - Minimum amenities requirements
The following amenities must be provided free of charge for a residential space to be rentable:
(a) 1x bed
(b) 1x double chest or equivalent
(c) 1x crafting table
(d) 1x furnace
First offence: $100 fine per breach of law*
Second offence: $200 fine per breach of law*
Third offence and after: $300 fine per breach of law, jail for 5 minutes*
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Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law.

House Vote: 7-1-1
Senate Vote: 6-0-0
Amend the Property Standards Act​

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives and Senators in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment

(1) This Act may be cited as the Property Standards Act Amendment Act, or alternately as the Reveille Development Act.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This Act is proposed by Izzibaby.
(4) This Act is co-sponsored by Senator DrThunder7.
(5) This Act was drafted by Senator DrThunder7.

2 - Reasons

(1) The property development sector is currently an underdeveloped sector of the economy.
(2) Reveille currently has large quantities of underdeveloped plots.

3 - Revision of the Property Standards Act

17 - Plot Limitations

(1) C Plots. A citizen may not own more than 20 commercial properties.
(2) R Plots. A citizen may not own more than 2 residential properties.
(3) I Plots. A citizen may not own more than 2 industrial properties
(4) S Plots. A citizen may not own more than 2 skyscraper properties
(5) BM Plots. A citizen may not own more than 1 black market property.
(6) Realtors. Any citizen with the Realtor job may exceed these limitations by 2 plots each (excluding BM plots), provided the plots exceeding these limitations are for the purpose of development and or sale.

Will be changed to:

17 - Plot Limitations
(1) C Plots. A citizen may not own more than 20 commercial properties.
(2) R Plots. A citizen may not own more than 2 residential properties.
(3) I Plots. A citizen may not own more than 2 industrial properties.
(4) S Plots. A citizen may not own more than 3 skyscraper properties.
(5) BM Plots. A citizen may not own more than 1 black market property.
(6) Realtors. Any citizen with a Realtor job may exceed these limitations by 5 plots each (excluding BM plots and CBD regions), provided the plots exceeding these limitations are for the purpose of reselling the plot within 30 days of purchasing the plot.

The following will be appended to the Property Standards Act.

23 - Developer License
(1) Creation of a Developer License would allow select companies to develop empty areas of the city with the intent to sell the plots after the plot is developed.
(2) Allow The Department of Construction and Transportation (DCT) to grant exemption to the Plot Limitations under the following guidelines.

(a) Can only be granted to a company that is registered with the DoC.
(b) The license will be granted to a single owner of a company.
(c) Only one (1) Developer License may be granted to an individual possessing the Realtor profession.
(d) Applicant must not have any pending eviction reports during the application process
(e) Any additional guidelines the DCT may set.
(3) Developer License must state the following:
(a) Name of the Developer License holder
(b) Amount of plots for each plot type they are granted the exemption from (c) Duration of the Developer License
(4) Additionally BM Stalls and CBD regions are to be excluded from the Developer Licence.
(5) The DCT must maintain an accurate and publicly available record of who has a Developer License, the number of plots for each plot type over the limit they can have, and the duration of the license.
(6) The DCT can set any guidelines licensees must follow to maintain the Developer License.
(7) The DCT reserves the right to deny or revoke a Developer License at any time.
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Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law.

House Vote: 5-4-0
Senate Vote: 5-1-0


Amend the Property Standards Act & Taxation Act

The people of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
  1. This Act may be cited as the “Plot Limitations Compromise Act”
  2. This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage
  3. This Bill was authored by President LilDigiVert
  4. This Bill was created in collaboration with and approved by DCT Secretary cjcroft & the Reveille Builder Working Group
  5. This Bill was co-sponsored by President of The Senate A__C, Senator Mhadsher101, and Representative Nanicholls
2 - Reasons
  1. The city is empty and there is a demand to increase the amount of commercial plots someone can own. This bill triples the amount of commercial and skyscraper plots available to citizens
  2. CBD limitations are currently only codified in DCT policy and not in law, this bill closes that ambiguous gap in legislation.
  3. This bill creates a more progressive tax bracket for properties, minimizing the risk of plot monopolization
  4. This list is very long, so the tax bracket for plots will be put behind a spoiler in the Taxation Act
3 - Amending Property Standards Act “16 - Plot Limitations”

(1) C Plots. A citizen may not own more than 20 50 commercial properties.
(2) R Plots. A citizen may not own more than 2 residential properties.
(3) I Plots. A citizen may not own more than 2 industrial properties
(4) S Plots. A citizen may not own more than 2 6 skyscraper properties
(5) BM Plots. A citizen may not own more than 1 black market property.
(6) CBD Plots. A citizen may not own more than 2 CBD properties.
(6)(7) Realtors. Any citizen with a Realtor job may exceed these limitations by 5 plots each (excluding BM plots and CBD regions), provided the plots exceeding these limitations are for the purpose of reselling the plot within 30 days of purchasing the plot.

4 - Amending Taxation Act “7 - Property Tax”

Number of PlotsTaxation Rate ($ per day)Amount per week ($)

5 - Spam

(1) Taxation Act Section “7 - Property Tax” shall be placed under a spoiler on the forums.
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Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law.

House Vote: 10-0-0
Senate Vote: 4-0-1

Amend the PSA's plot limitations​

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the 'Property Standards Amendment Act.'
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This Act has been authored by Rep. xEndeavour
(4) This Act has been co-sponsored by Caseylefaye

2 - Reasons
(1) Why is 17 a duplication of 16? The intent of this law is not to remove breach of plot limitations but to remove superfluous sections which can be clearly determined from breaching section 16 - plot limitations.
(2) Addition of NBD plots at request of DCT Sec.
(3) Developer licenses have never been used and are not functionally appropriate.

16 - Plot Limitations
(1) C Plots. A citizen may not own more than 50 commercial properties.
(2) R Plots. A citizen may not own more than 2 residential properties.
(3) I Plots. A citizen may not own more than 2 industrial properties
(4) S Plots. A citizen may not own more than 6 skyscraper properties
(5) BM Plots. A citizen may not own more than 1 black market property.
(6) CBD/NBD Plots. A citizen may not own more than 2 Business District properties.
(7) Realtors. Any citizen with a Realtor job may exceed these limitations by 5 plots each.
(a) excluding BM, NBD, CBD regions.
(b) provided the plots exceeding these limitations are for the purpose of reselling the plot within 30 days of purchasing the plot.

17 - Breach of Plot Limitations
(1) C Plots. A citizen may not own more than 50 commercial properties.
(2) R Plots. A citizen may not own more than 2 residential properties.
(3) I Plots. A citizen may not own more than 6 industrial properties.
(4) S Plots. A citizen may not own more than 3 skyscraper properties.
(5) BM Plots. A citizen may not own more than 1 black market property.
(6) CBD Plots. A citizen may not own more than 2 CBD properties.
(7) Realtors. Any citizen with a Realtor job may exceed these limitations by 5 plots each (excluding BM plots and CBD regions), provided the plots exceeding these limitations are for the purpose of reselling the plot within 30 days of purchasing the plot.

22 - Violating Business District Rules
A player renting a Business District plot without meeting the set requirements as outlined by law and the DCT. including renting more than 2 at once and renting a new player CBD despite not being new.
First Offence: Normal DCT Eviction
Second Offence: $1000 fine per Business District plot rented in violation
Third Offence and after: $2500 fine per Business District plot rented in violation
Fines are enforced by the DCT.

23 - Developer License
(1) Creation of a Developer License would allow select companies to develop empty areas of the city with the intent to sell the plots after the plot is developed.
(2) Allow The Department of Construction and Transportation (DCT) to grant exemption to the Plot Limitations under the following guidelines.
(a) Can only be granted to a company that is registered with the DoC.
(b) The license will be granted to a single owner of a company.
(c) Only one (1) Developer License may be granted to an individual possessing the Realtor profession.
(d) Applicant must not have any pending eviction reports during the application process
(e) Any additional guidelines the DCT may set.
(3) Developer License must state the following:
(a) Name of the Developer License holder
(b) Amount of plots for each plot type they are granted the exemption from (c) Duration of the Developer License
(4) Additionally BM Stalls and CBD regions are to be excluded from the Developer Licence.
(5) The DCT must maintain an accurate and publicly available record of who has a Developer License, the number of plots for each plot type over the limit they can have, and the duration of the license.
(6) The DCT can set any guidelines licensees must follow to maintain the Developer License.
(7) The DCT reserves the right to deny or revoke a Developer License at any time.

23 - Exemptions/Extensions
(1) The Secretary of Construction and Transportation has the power to issue and revoke exemptions and extensions for building regulation and legal compliance when they are satisfied that either of the following criteria is met:
(a) there is a compassionate and compelling reason requiring an exemption/extension
(b) that the exemption/extension does not undermine the intent of the eviction process
(c) that there is significant progress being made to rectify the breach
(d) in the interests of large-scale development
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Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law.

House Vote: 9-0-0
Senate Vote: 6-0-0


Amend the Property Standards Act​

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the "Dream High, Build Higher Act".
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This Act has been authored by: Representative lcn.
(4) This Act has been co-sponsored by: Representative zLost.

2 - Reasons
(1) To increase the value of skyscraper plots.
(2) To encourage urban development and construction on skyscrapers.
(3) To fix a typo in the law.

3- Amendment
The Property Standards Act shall be amended as follows:

8 - Skyscraper Zoning
(1) Plots beginning with ‘s’ are industrial skyscraper plots (e.g. ‘s001’).
(2) Skyscraper plots inherit the zoning laws concerning commercial plots, except the height limitation.
(3) Skyscraper plots are height limited to 200 320 200 blocks and must be taller than 60 blocks.
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House: 5-0-1
Senate: 4-0-0


Amend the Property Standards Act

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the 'Town Plot Limits Clarification Act'.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) Authored by Representative lcn.
(4) Co-Sponsored by Deputy Speaker zLost.

2 - Reasons
(1) To clarify the law.

3- Amendments
(1) The Property Standards Act shall be amended as follows:

Under 16 - Plot Limitations, add:

(8) Plots located within Aventura, Oakridge, or Willow are not subject to the above plot limits. Each town shall retain jurisdiction to create their own plot limits for plots located within their town.
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House: 6-0-0
Senate: 4-0-0


Amend the Property Standards Act

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the 'Government Subsidized Commercial Spaces Act'.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) Authored by Representative lcn.
(4) Co-Sponsored by Deputy Speaker zLost.

2 - Reasons
(1) To clarify a DCT policy and put it into law.

3- Amendments
(1) The Property Standards Act shall be amended as follows:

10- Government Subsidized Commercial Spaces
(1) Government Subsidized Commercial Spaces includes several types of government-owned rentable areas:
(2) Business Districts. Plots beginning with 'cbd' or 'nbd' are Business Districts.
(3) Market Stalls. Plots beginning with 'revstall' are Market Stalls.
(4) Newsstands. Plots beginning with 'revnews' are Newsstands.
(5) Large Billboards. Plots beginning with 'billboard' are Large Billboards.
(6) Mini Billboards. Plots beginning with 'minibillboard' are Mini Billboards.
(7) Food Trucks. Plots beginning with 'FT' are Food Trucks.

(8) Only the Department of Construction and Transport shall create rentable regions that fall under these naming conventions.

11 - Apartments
(1) There are no naming conventions for apartment regions names.
(2) Apartments must not contain Nether portals and/or chest shops.
(3) Water drops from water source blocks must not drip into other rent regions.
(4) Lava drops from lava source blocks must not drip into other rent regions.

12- Urban Agriculture
(1) Agriculture is not permitted on R, S, or BM plots.
(2) Agriculture is permitted on F plots
(3) Agriculture is permitted on I and C plots if it is conducted underground or hidden.

13 - Sale of Plots
(1) You can sell your plot back for 90% of the plot’s original price, resell it to another player, or auction the plot.
(2) When a plot has been reported for eviction, the report will remain extant until it is resolved or evicted. Transferring ownership of the plot in question will not have a bearing on the date of eviction, unless otherwise provided by the relevant Department.
(3) If plot ownership is transferred while there is an active eviction report on the plot, the original owner has a duty to disclose the report to the buyer or recipient of the plot. Failure to do so will result in the original owner being guilty of failure to disclose.

14 - Duty of Disclosure
(1) Failure to Disclose
Failure of a party to provide the other parties with all legally required information and or documents which are relevant to a property.
Per Offence: Cost of damages incurred by the recipient as a result of the failure to disclose.
(a) A plea of ignorance to a report is not an admissible defence to failure to disclose.

15 - Completed Buildings
A finished plot is defined as a plot with a completed building which is compliant with the building regulations and has a function, or a finished interior.

16 - Historical Building Alterations
Changing the physical appearance of a preserved, historical building without permission or consent.
Minor Alteration: $1000 Fine + Verbal Warning
Major Alteration: $3000 Fine + Plot Eviction
Demolished Building: $5000 Fine + Plot Eviction

17 - Plot Limitations
(1) C Plots. A citizen may not own more than 50 commercial properties.
(2) R Plots. A citizen may not own more than 2 residential properties.
(3) I Plots. A citizen may not own more than 2 industrial properties
(4) S Plots. A citizen may not own more than 6 skyscraper properties
(5) BM Plots. A citizen may not own more than 1 black market property.
(6) CBD/NBD Plots. A citizen may not own more than 2 Business District properties.
(6) Government Subsidized Commercial Spaces. A citizen may not own more than 2 of each type of Government Subsidized Commercial Space.
(7) Realtors. Any citizen with a Realtor job may exceed these limitations by 5 plots each.
(a) excluding BM, NBD, CBD regions
(a) excluding BM and Government Subsidized Commercial Spaces.
(b) provided the plots exceeding these limitations are for the purpose of reselling the plot within 30 days of purchasing the plot.

18- Merged Plots
Any merged plots will not be recognised as one plot, rather they will be counted as the amount of sub-plots which form the whole merged plot.

19 - Plot Releases
The releasing authority must release plots in a fair and equitable fashion that is controlled and factors in time zones.

20 - Breach of Property Standards
Failing to comply with any part of the Property Standards Act will incur a penalty unless otherwise provided within this Act.
Per Offense: $150

21 - Violating Business District Rules
A player renting a CBD Business District without meeting the set requirements as outlined by the DCT.
First Offence: Normal DCT Eviction
Second Offence: $1000 fine per Business District plot rented in violation
Third Offence and after: $2500 fine per Business District plot rented in violation
Fines are enforced by the DCT

22 - Exemptions/Extensions
(1) The Secretary of Construction and Transportation has the power to issue and revoke exemptions and extensions for building regulation and legal compliance when they are satisfied that either of the following criteria is met:
(a) there is a compassionate and compelling reason requiring an exemption/extension
(b) that the exemption/extension does not undermine the intent of the eviction process
(c) that there is significant progress being made to rectify the breach
(d) in the interests of large-scale development
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Because I voted on this in the House and cannot vote as a senator on the poll my vote is: Aye

Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law.


Owner Veto

In keeping with proportionality and in the interests of maintaining a realistic skyline, the increase of 120 blocks to the skyscraper limit is vetoed.

This would represent a 60% growth in a skyscraper's height restriction and is not in accordance with maintaining server aesthetic

House: 8-0-0
Senate: 6-0-0


Amend the Property Standards Act​

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the 'Property Contradiction Fix Act.'
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This Act has been authored by Rep. lawanoesepr.
(4) This Act has been co-sponsored by Rep. Lcn.

2 - Reasons
(1) The Property Standards Act states two different limits on Residential Plots
(2) This makes the limit for R plots unclear

3 - Amendments
(1) Remove Section 5.3 of the Property Standards Act
(3) A player is restricted to owning one Residentially zoned plot at any one time.
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Aye, much needed clarity within the law.
House Vote: 4-2-0
Senate Vote: 3-2-0

Amend the Property Standards Act

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the 'Plot Buyer Protection Act.'
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This Act has been authored by Rep. lawanoesepr.
(4) This Act has been co-sponsored by Rep. Lcn.

2 - Reasons
(1) Buyers are only protected from active eviction reports, not potential reports.
(2) Buyers should have more protections from sellers

3 – Amendments
(1) Amend Section 13.3 of the Property Standards Act
(3) If plot ownership is transferred while there is an active eviction report on the plot or a violation of the Property Standards Act is present on the plot, the original owner has a duty to disclose the report and/or violation to the buyer or recipient of the plot. Failure to do so will result in the original owner being guilty of Failure to Disclose.
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Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law.


Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law.

House Vote: 8-0-0
Senate Vote: 4-0-0

Amend the Property Standards Act

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the 'Farmland Zoning Fix Act'.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This Act has been authored by Representative lcn.
(4) This Act has been co-sponsored by Representative qsdt.

2 - Reasons
(1) Since farmland zoned plots are exclusive to Willow and Oakridge, they should be defined and regulated within their respective town's by-laws.
(2) Until Willow is re-established as a town, the Executive should have jurisdiction regarding farmland zoned plots.
(3) The definition of farmland plots in this Act is not functional. Farmland plots start with wl-f, and orchard plots start with or-orchard.
(4) To fix an issue regarding Urban Agriculture and S plots.
(a) S plots are supposed to have the same regulations as C plots, just without the height limitation, so Urban Agriculture should be permitted, if the farms are underground or hidden.
(5) To fix a couple typing errors.
(6) To update the law.

3 - Amendment
(1) The Property Standards Act shall be amended as follows:

5 - Residential Zoning
(1) (Plots beginning with ‘R’ are residential plots (e.g. ‘r001’).
(2) Residential plots may only have houses built on them.
(3) A player is restricted to owning one Residentially zoned plot at any one time.
(4) Players cannot have houses with more than three visible floors.
(a) As basements and rooftops aren't entirely visible, they are an exception to this rule.

6 - Commercial Zoning
(1) Plots beginning with ‘C’ are commercial plots (e.g. ‘c001’).
(2) Commercial plots may only have businesses, offices, shops, apartment buildings, and other commercial buildings built on them.
(3) Commercial plots are height limited to 60 blocks, unless otherwise approved by the Department of Construction and Transport.

7 - Industrial Zoning
(1) Plots beginning with ‘I’ are industrial plots (e.g. ‘i001’).
(2) Industrial plots may only have factories, warehouses, and production facilities built on them.
(3) Industrial plots are height limited to 60 blocks, unless otherwise regulated by subordinate laws.

8 - Skyscraper Zoning
(1) Plots beginning with ‘s’ are skyscraper plots (e.g. ‘s001’).
(2) Skyscraper plots inherit the zoning laws concerning commercial plots, except the height limitation.
(3) Skyscraper plots are height limited to 200 blocks and must be taller than 60 blocks.

8 - Black Market Zoning
(1) Plots beginning with ‘bm’ are black market plots (e.g. ‘bm001’)
(2) Black market plots are exempt from certain laws, as directed by staff.
(a) such laws include possession, sale, and advertising of illicit items.

9 - Farmland Zoning
(1) Plots beginning with ‘F’ are farmland plots (e.g. ‘F001’)
(2) Farmland plots are exclusive to Willow (Livestock, Crops) and Oakridge (Lumber) in support of the respective industry only.

9- Government Subsidized Commercial Spaces
(1) Government Subsidized Commercial Spaces includes several types of government-owned rentable areas:
(2) Business Districts. Plots beginning with 'cbd' or 'nbd' are Business Districts.
(3) Market Stalls. Plots beginning with 'revstall' are Market Stalls.
(4) Newsstands. Plots beginning with 'revnews' are Newsstands.
(5) Large Billboards. Plots beginning with 'billboard' are Large Billboards.
(6) Mini Billboards. Plots beginning with 'minibillboard' are Mini Billboards.
(7) Food Trucks. Plots beginning with 'FT' are Food Trucks.
(8) Only the Department of Construction and Transport shall create rentable regions that fall under these naming conventions.

10 - Apartments
(1) There are no naming conventions for apartment regions names.
(2) Apartments must not contain Nether portals and/or chest shops.
(3) Water drops from water source blocks must not drip into other rent regions.
(4) Lava drops from lava source blocks must not drip into other rent regions.

11 - Urban Agriculture
(1) Agriculture is not permitted on R, S, Government Subsidized Commercial Spaces, or BM plots.
(2) Agriculture is permitted on F plots
(2) Agriculture is permitted on I, C, and S plots if it is conducted underground or hidden.

12 - Sale of Plots
(1) You can sell your plot back for 90% of the plot’s original price, resell it to another player, or auction the plot.
(2) When a plot has been reported for eviction, the report will remain extant until it is resolved or evicted. Transferring ownership of the plot in question will not have a bearing on the date of eviction, unless otherwise provided by the relevant Department.
(3) If plot ownership is transferred while there is an active eviction report on the plot, the original owner has a duty to disclose the report to the buyer or recipient of the plot. Failure to do so will result in the original owner being guilty of failure to disclose.

13 - Duty of Disclosure
(1) Failure to Disclose
Failure of a party to provide the other parties with all legally required information and or documents which are relevant to a property.
Per Offence: Cost of damages incurred by the recipient as a result of the failure to disclose.
(a) A plea of ignorance to a report is not an admissible defence to failure to disclose.

14 - Completed Buildings
A finished plot is defined as a plot with a completed building which is compliant with the building regulations and has a function, or a finished interior.

15 - Historical Building Alterations
Changing the physical appearance of a preserved, historical building without permission or consent.
Minor Alteration: $1000 Fine + Verbal Warning
Major Alteration: $3000 Fine + Plot Eviction
Demolished Building: $5000 Fine + Plot Eviction

16 - Plot Limitations
(1) C Plots. A citizen may not own more than 50 commercial properties.
(2) R Plots. A citizen may not own more than 2 residential properties.
(3) I Plots. A citizen may not own more than 2 industrial properties
(4) S Plots. A citizen may not own more than 6 skyscraper properties
(5) BM Plots. A citizen may not own more than 1 black market property.
(6) Government Subsidized Commercial Spaces. A citizen may not own more than 2 of each type of Government Subsidized Commercial Space.
(7) Realtors. Any citizen with a Realtor job may exceed these limitations by 5 plots each
(a) excluding BM and Government Subsidized Commercial Spaces.
(b) provided the plots exceeding these limitations are for the purpose of reselling the plot within 30 days of purchasing the plot.
(8) Plots located within Aventura, Oakridge, or Willow are not subject to the above plot limits. Each town shall retain jurisdiction to create their own plot limits for plots located within their town.

17 - Merged Plots
Any merged plots will not be recognised as one plot, rather they will be counted as the amount of sub-plots which form the whole merged plot.

18 - Plot Releases
The releasing authority must release plots in a fair and equitable fashion that is controlled and factors in time zones.

19 - Breach of Property Standards
Failing to comply with any part of the Property Standards Act will incur a penalty unless otherwise provided within this Act.
Per Offense: $150

20 - Violating Business District Rules
A player renting a Business District without meeting the set requirements as outlined by the DCT.
First Offence: Normal DCT Eviction
Second Offence: $1000 fine per Business District plot rented in violation
Third Offence and after: $2500 fine per Business District plot rented in violation
Fines are enforced by the DCT

21 - Exemptions/Extensions
(1) The Secretary of Construction and Transportation has the power to issue and revoke exemptions and extensions for building regulation and legal compliance when they are satisfied that either of the following criteria is met:
(a) there is a compassionate and compelling reason requiring an exemption/extension
(b) that the exemption/extension does not undermine the intent of the eviction process
(c) that there is significant progress being made to rectify the breach
(d) in the interests of large-scale development
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House Vote: 7-0-1
Senate Vote: 4-0-0

Amend the Property Standards Act

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the 'Property Buy Back Clarification Act'.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This Act has been authored by Representative lcn.
(4) This Act has been co-sponsored by Representative qsdt.

2 - Reasons
(1) To fix an ambiguity in the law.
(a) It is not clear to whom the plot should be sold to, or for what price.

3 - Amendment
(1) The Property Standards Act shall be amended as follows:


13 - Sale of Plots
(1) You can sell your plot back for 90% of the plot’s original price, resell it to another player, or auction the plot.
(1) Plots may be sold back to their Landlord for 90% of the plot's in-game price, or be resold to another player, or may be auctioned.
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Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law.

House Vote: 6-1-0
Senate Vote: 5-0-0

Amend the
Property Standards Act

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the 'Town Wording in PSA Act.'
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This Act has been authored by Rep. CaseyLeFaye.
(4) This Act has been co-sponsored by Rep. Lcn.

2 - Reasons
(1) Willow is gone, so it should not be included in 17(8) of the Property Standards Act.
(2) Changing the wording to “towns” makes it so that we do not have to change the law again in the future in case a town gets removed.

3 - Terms
(1) Section 17 - Plot Limitations of the Property Standards Act shall be amended as follows:

“(8) Plots located within Aventura, Oakridge, or Willow towns are not subject to the above plot limits. Each town shall retain jurisdiction to create their own plot limits for plots located within their town.”​
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Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law.


Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law.


Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law.


Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law.
