Expungement: Granted lcn - Expungement Request


Oakridge Resident
President Presidential Commendation
Feb 10, 2024

Username: lcn

I am representing myself

What charges are you seeking to expunge? 1. NPC Robbery (16 Apr 24)
2. NPC Robbery (23 Apr 24)
3. Robert Robbery (26 Apr 24)
4. 13.21 NPC Robbery (04 Jun 24)
5. NPC Robbery (06 Jun 24)
6. NPC Robbery (12 Jun 24)
7. NPC Robbery (14 Jun 24)
8. NPC Robbery (11 Jul 24)

Basis for Expungement: 1. As per §5 of the Standardized Criminal Code Act, a good behavior citizen may request to have their criminal record removed, provided it has been at least 2 months since they have been charged with a crime.
2. It has been 5 months and 6 days since I have been charged with a crime, and as such, I am able to request to have my criminal record removed.
3. I feel deep remorse for my actions committed against my fellow citizen Robert.
4. I deplore the actions of my past criminal self, and have since vowed to change my ways.
5. For over 5 months, I have been plagued with a deep guilt for my actions, and have taken every step I can to make up for it.
6. I know having the records removed does not undo the actions I committed, but it will allow me to move on.
7. Robert and I have made amends and he has forgiven me. We are good friends now, and are always there for each other.
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Before we proceed, I must ask the Petitioner, lcn, about whether they want to continue to seek this expungement.

As per Staff, the new policing plug-in (implemented earlier today) erased all previous records. Effectively, there is nothing to expunge.

With this in mind, do you still wish to proceed?
Your Honor,

I thank you for your concern. However, I believe there has been a misunderstanding in what Staff have announced.

Previously, all crimes were logged in the criminal records section of forums with the exception of Murder, which was only logged with the in-game jail records. Only the in-game jail records have been erased, and the criminal records section of forums still has records of all previous crimes with the exception of Murder.

Effectively, all Murder records have been erased, while records for all other crimes still exist.

Assuming this is correct, and that it is not the intention of Staff to remove all criminal records, I wish to proceed with this expungement.

Writ of Summons

@Freeze_Line is required to appear before the Supreme Court in the case of lcn- Expungement Request

Please declare whether you approve or disprove of this expungement request upon arrival.

Failure to appear within 72 hours of this summons will result in a default judgement based on the known facts of the case.

Both parties should make themselves aware of the Court Rules and Procedures, including the option of an in-game trial should both parties request one.



The Commonwealth accepts this expungement request.



Lcn - Expungement Request

The recommendation of the state supports this expungement, therefore I will be granting this expungement.

I hereby order the Department of Homeland Security to remove the charges listed.
