Vetoed Presidential Re-election Act

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Senate President
Congressional Staff
Oakridge Resident
Popular in the Polls 4th Anniversary Statesman
President of the Senate
Oct 5, 2023

Amend the Constitution and Allow Presidents to Run for Re-election

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the 'Presidential Re-election Act.'
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This Act has been authored by Speaker CaseyLeFaye.
(4) This Act has been co-sponsored by Senator CopTop_YT.

2 - Reasons
(1) Adding presidential re-election will help stimulate politics in DC by adding re-election politics. This will make presidents more careful with their actions because they will worry about re-election.

3 - Constitutional Amendments
(1) The Constitution shall be amended as follows:

“In order to run for President, the player needs to meet these requirements:​
  • Has been 4 months since the player’s initial join date.
  • Has accrued 300 hours of active playtime and 12 hours of playtime within the last 30 days.
  • Is an active participant in the community, in-game, on discord, and on the forums.
  • At the beginning of every presidential term, all cabinet positions must be nominated/re-nominated and approved by the Senate.
  • An elected president cannot run in a consecutive Presidential election.
In order to run for Vice President, the player needs to meet these requirements:​
  • Has accrued 150 hours of active playtime.
  • Has accrued 12 hours of playtime within the last 30 days
  • Is an active participant in the community, in-game, on discord, and on forums.
  • At the beginning of every presidential term, all cabinet positions must be nominated/re-nominated and approved by the Senate.
  • A Vice President cannot be the last President."
I wish to change my vote to Aye

Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law.


Owner Veto

Unfortunately a Staff Veto already exists on this matter, and therefore this Act is also already Staff Vetoed.

You can find existing Staff Vetoes here, which is where we try and record all vetoes we make for transparency, but also to capture and provide a statement of reasons.

Description: Either limiting an elected office by number of terms, or by allowing the presidency consecutive terms.


1. Two terms of up to 8 consecutive months (two 4-month terms) under one leader can create stagnation on the server environment.

2. History shows that second and third terms often lack the energy and innovation of first terms, even when non-consecutive.

3. Regular leadership change ensures fresh ideas and a dynamic government, in particular, it enhances opportunities for new players.

4. Limiting elected offices may discourage long-term participation in the server.

5. Players who are invested in government might disengage if barred from running ever again, reducing experienced contributions to the community.

This veto primarily exists in the interests of retention and in keeping our server an engaging and dynamic environment.

Please take time to review the list of staff vetoes, we try and keep it up-to-date and to capture all historical vetoes.

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