Lawsuit: Dismissed UnityMaster v. lcn [2025] SCR 2

Alexander P. Love

Justice Department
Popular in the Polls Legal Eagle Statesman Order of Redmont
Jun 2, 2021

Case Filing


UnityMaster (Represented by Dragon Law Firm)



The Plaintiff complains against the Defendant as follows:

On January 16th, 2025, an incapacitation letter was illegally signed by the Acting President of Redmont lcn as well as the cabinet. This letter is now being referred to the House of Representatives, and will cause grave damage to this democracy if allowed to continue and go into effect.

1. UnityMaster (Plaintiff)
2. lcn (President)
3. Freeze_Line (Co-Conspirator)
4. kvogt2340 (Co-Conspirator)
5. HellsideBurnton (Co-Conspirator)
6. Technofied (Co-Conspirator)
7. bigpappa140 (Co-Conspirator)
8. Katto (Co-Conspirator)
9. IisForIzzy (Co-Conspirator)
10. crytiee (Co-Conspirator)
11. TheReal42Person (Co-Conspirator)

1. On January 16th, 2025, the President announced and attached an illegal letter of incapacitation, stating that this letter was forwarded to the House of Representatives (exhibit P-001).

1. According to the Constitution: "The President may be considered incapacitated and unfit to fulfil the duties of the Presidency with the following process: Majority of Cabinet, through the Vice President, brings a motion to the House of Representatives, to declare that the President is unfit for office. The Congress may then vote to remove the President with simple majority in the House of Representatives and supermajority in the Senate." An incapacitation may only be brought to the House of Representatives by the Vice President. There is currently no Vice President as the former Vice President is currently the President on an acting basis. Therefore, the letter may not be legally delivered to or considered by the House of Representatives.
2. UnityMaster is not the current President as lcn is temporarily holding the office. The attempt to incapacitate a President who is not acting as the President is unconstitutional. The first word of the incapacitation clause is "the", referring to the one and only President, the current President. The letter of incapacitation has the legal effect of motioning for a removal of lcn, not UnityMaster. Once lcn becomes the Vice President again, the letter of incapacitation becomes inoperative since he will no longer be the President and UnityMaster will assume the office once more.

The Plaintiff seeks the following from the Defendant:
1. The letter of incapacitation be invalidated as it is against lcn and also cannot be transmitted to the House of Representatives.
2. $50,000 in punitive damages for this is an outrageous act to blatantly violate the Constitution and attack my client in a clear power grab. The Legal Damages Act provides the basis for punitive damages.
3. $50,000 in emotional damages as UnityMaster is in potential jeopardy of losing the highest office in the land if this unconstitutional act is not corrected. He is stressed and frantic as would any reasonable person be in this situation.
4. $30,000 in legal fees, 30% of the value of this case, to cover Dragon Law Firm's charge incurring the plaintiff legal fees.


By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 16th day of January, 2025.


Petition for Emergency Injunction

Due to the potential for irreversible damage, the plaintiff requests that any incapacitations are frozen before being allowed to illegally go through, and that UnityMaster maintain his position and resume his Presidency when his deportation ends as normal.

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The plaintiff would like to amend the complaint as follows:

1. According to the Constitution: "The President may be considered incapacitated and unfit to fulfil the duties of the Presidency with the following process: Majority of Cabinet, through the Vice President, brings a motion to the House of Representatives, to declare that the President is unfit for office. The Congress may then vote to remove the President with simple majority in the House of Representatives and supermajority in the Senate." An incapacitation may only be brought to the House of Representatives by the Vice President. There is currently no Vice President as the former Vice President is currently the President on an acting basis. Therefore, the letter may not be legally delivered to or considered by the House of Representatives.
2. UnityMaster is not the current President as lcn is temporarily holding the office. The attempt to incapacitate a President who is not acting as the President is unconstitutional. The first word of the incapacitation clause is "the", referring to the one and only President, the current President. The letter of incapacitation has the legal effect of motioning for a removal of lcn, not UnityMaster. Once lcn becomes the Vice President again, the letter of incapacitation becomes inoperative since he will no longer be the President and UnityMaster will assume the office once more.
3. Examining the Constitution with a constructionist approach, it is clear incapacitation is intended, in spirit, to be a process a cabinet has available to remove a President that is incapable of performing their duties for the rest of term, not to simply remove a President they don't agree with on policies and process. The common definition of "incapacitation" is being unable to perform some duty. UnityMaster is able to perform his duties once he is back from deportation. Incapacitation is also not intended as a mechanism to be used to oust someone who is unavailable for only a small portion of his term, as that is what the Acting President provisions are for. To summarize, the intent of incapacitation is to remove a President who physically cannot carry out his duties for an extended period of time, not to oust political opponents who are unavailable in the short term. A similar principle is applied to impeachments: impeachments are only lawful when trying Constitutional offenses, not run-of-the-mill crimes that almost anyone can be found guilty of by some subjective interpreter. We ask the Court to bring stability to this madness.
The plaintiff would like to amend the complaint as follows:

1. According to the Constitution: "The President may be considered incapacitated and unfit to fulfil the duties of the Presidency with the following process: Majority of Cabinet, through the Vice President, brings a motion to the House of Representatives, to declare that the President is unfit for office. The Congress may then vote to remove the President with simple majority in the House of Representatives and supermajority in the Senate." An incapacitation may only be brought to the House of Representatives by the Vice President. There is currently no Vice President as the former Vice President is currently the President on an acting basis. Therefore, the letter may not be legally delivered to or considered by the House of Representatives.
2. UnityMaster is not the current President as lcn is temporarily holding the office. The attempt to incapacitate a President who is not acting as the President is unconstitutional. The first word of the incapacitation clause is "the", referring to the one and only President, the current President. The letter of incapacitation has the legal effect of motioning for a removal of lcn, not UnityMaster. Once lcn becomes the Vice President again, the letter of incapacitation becomes inoperative since he will no longer be the President and UnityMaster will assume the office once more.
3. Examining the Constitution with a constructionist approach, it is clear incapacitation is intended, in spirit, to be a process a cabinet has available to remove a President that is incapable of performing their duties for the rest of term, not to simply remove a President they don't agree with on policies and process. The common definition of "incapacitation" is being unable to perform some duty. UnityMaster is able to perform his duties once he is back from deportation. Incapacitation is also not intended as a mechanism to be used to oust someone who is unavailable for only a small portion of his term, as that is what the Acting President provisions are for. To summarize, the intent of incapacitation is to remove a President who physically cannot carry out his duties for an extended period of time, not to oust political opponents who are unavailable in the short term. A similar principle is applied to impeachments: impeachments are only lawful when trying Constitutional offenses, not run-of-the-mill crimes that almost anyone can be found guilty of by some subjective interpreter. We ask the Court to bring stability to this madness.
You may do so.


Worth the fine.
You are hereby charged with contempt of court. Reserve commentary for #legal, not court cases you are not party to.

Writ of Summons

@lcn is required to appear before the Supreme Court in the case of UnityMaster v. lcn

Failure to appear within 72 hours of this summons will result in a default judgement based on the known facts of the case.

Both parties should make themselves aware of the Court Rules and Procedures, including the option of an in-game trial should both parties request one.

Your Honor, this case should have been brought against the Commonwealth, as lcn was acting in an official capacity.

I have also brought representational consent, just in case.

Your Honor, the plaintiff has failed to provide representational consent and cannot represent UnityMaster until they do.



The defence moves that the complaint in this case be dismissed, and in support thereof, respectfully alleges:

Your Honor, this case is based on the claim that the Vice President illegally forwarded the incapacitation letter and that the plaintiff effectively performed their duties prior to the deportation, which is demonstrably false.

According to Section 27, Paragraph 2 of the Constitution:

  • "Powers of the Vice President: Where the President is unable to fulfill their duties or is absent for an extended period of time, the Vice President assumes the role of President in an Acting capacity, bearing all responsibilities and powers of the President."
The Vice President, lcn, assumed the role of Acting President when UnityMaster (President at that time) was unable to fulfill their duties. The Vice President retained their title and position as Vice President while also assuming the additional responsibilities of Acting President. UnityMaster remained the President but was unable to fulfill their duties.

As evidenced by the incapacitation letter (D-001), Former President UnityMaster has failed to fulfill their duties prior to their deportation, making them unfit for the office. It is UnityMaster’s actions before their deportation that directly led to this incapacitation, not the deportation itself. Consequently, the Vice President exercised their constitutional right to assume the role of Acting President, while still maintaining their position as Vice President. The Vice President did not usurp the role of the President but acted in accordance with the Constitution.

If we refer to Section 46 of the Constitution, which outlines the process for declaring a president incapacitated, it states:
  • “The President may be considered incapacitated and unfit to fulfil the duties of the Presidency with the following process: Majority of Cabinet, through the Vice President, brings a motion to the House of Representatives, to declare that the President is unfit for office. The Congress may then vote to remove the President with simple majority in the House of Representatives and supermajority in the Senate.”
This process clearly defines how a president is incapacitated, which the Vice President followed and Congress confirmed. Nothing in this process is unlawful. The Vice President, with the support of the entire Cabinet, declared the President unfit for office, and Congress later voted to incapacitate the plaintiff. Everyone followed the lawful democratic process, as outlined in our constitution.

Incapacitations occur when the president is deemed unfit for office. For the sake of the commonwealth, both the entire Cabinet and Congress agreed that UnityMaster was unfit for office and, as a result, lawfully incapacitated them.

The plaintiff's claim rests on the erroneous assertion that the Vice President lcn usurped the President’s role and that the President was incapacitated solely due to their deportation. However, the Vice President only assumed the responsibilities of Acting President while retaining the title of Vice President. Furthermore, it was the President’s failure to perform their duties prior to deportation that led to their incapacitation.

The plaintiff, therefore, has no valid claim. The defense respectfully requests the Court to dismiss this lawsuit under Rule 5.5: Lack of Claim, which states:
  • "A Motion to Dismiss may be filed for failure to state a claim for relief, or against an claim for relief that has insufficient evidence to support the civil or criminal charge."
Not only has the plaintiff failed to state a valid claim for relief, but they have also failed to provide sufficient evidence to support their allegations. The burden of proof rests on the plaintiff, and they have failed to meet that burden.

Additionally, we would like to highlight that this case is based on a factual error. The claim that the Vice President becomes the President when assuming the role of Acting President is incorrect. Thus, the case should be dismissed under Rule 5.14: Factual Error.

Finally, at the time of the case being filed, the plaintiff, UnityMaster, was deported. And as evident in gsse v. Commonwealth of Redmont [2024] FCR 101, deported players have no rights and do not have the right to bring disputes to court.

Therefore, the defense respectfully moves this Honorable Court to dismiss the complaint in its entirety.


The defense requests a response to the motion to dismiss.



Your Honor, the mentioned D-001 was not included in the motion to dismiss.

The defense moves to amend the motion to dismiss as follows:

1. Addition of:

Just for clarity, I am recusing from this case.


In a 2-0 decision the Supreme Court has decided to grant the motion to dismiss.

The plaintiff stated that the Vice President by assuming the role of Acting President surrendered their original position. The constitution of our nation states clearly that at times where the President is unable to fulfill their duties that the Vice President is the one to assume the role of President in an Acting Capacity. This does not mean permanently, the Vice President retains the vice presidency while temporarily fulfilling the duties of President. An example of this, when a Deputy Secretary serves as Acting Secretary at times there is no Secretary or a temporary absence, they continue to retain their original position.

The Vice President followed the constitution by initiating the incapacitation process, even having the required majority of cabinet to agree on it. This was then followed by the necessary majority in the House of Representatives and supermajority in the Senate.

Finally, at the time of filling this case, the plaintiff was indeed deported. Deported players have no rights in our nation and have no rights to dispute this in court.

The Supreme Court thanks both sides for their time.
