Imagine being so desperate to talk to someone that you stalk their Discord, but yet don't actually reach out. If you want to talk just reach out, no need to do whatever this petty maneuver is.
Don’t take anything for granted. You may not realize how good you had it until it’s taken away. Even then, it’s probably too late at that point to express how much you appreciated whatever it was. Take the time to do it while you still have the chance, before it’s gone. In case it’s not too late, take care of yourselves people.
It's funny how history sometimes repeats itself. It's rather creepy though when it happens on almost exact same day, but different years. Just 9 days off, but while that half year of life may be gone, it was not wasted. Past cannot be erased, but it can be used in order help ensure that move forward much more smoothly. Take care, while things may seem rough, there will eventually be daylight at end of tunnel. <3
Sometimes, it's not your fault. Even if it may seem like your fault, sometimes it's someone extremely toxic making you feel like shit. Don't be carpet that people walk all over, be lamp that stand up for self, and shines their own light. <3
There will always be challenges ahead. You won't always succeed with said challenges. It doesn't matter how much you fail, as long as you can pick yourself back up. Failure doesn't come until you refuse to get up after failing. As long as you pick yourself back up, you are succeeding.
There are 7.6 billion people on this earth. Each and every one of them is unique. Embrace your uniqueness, rather than trying fit in. You'll be lot more comfortable that way.
Some say glass is half full, while some say it's half empty. I say both are wrong because "empty" part is filled with air, so therefore glass is completely full at all times smh.
Just when battle may seem to come to end, new one begins. There may never be time of peace because war will never end. You are stronger than you believe, and therefore capable of fighting every battle.
Don't try rush your own recovery. It may seem like on surface wounds have healed, but it may turn out later that dagger stabbed you deeper than you initially thought. Make sure to allow yourself time to heal. After all, when you break bone, you put it in sling/cast and avoid usage until fully healed. Same concept, whether it's physical, or emotional pain.
Be careful what you do. It's quick and easy to dig into earth, and mess up terrain. However, it takes time and energy for nature to sort itself out. This can be sped up by trying to undo damage, but it still takes time. This concept can be applied to anything. Whether it's land, animals, or even people. No matter what it is, it's worth protecting, including yourself.
In grand scheme of things, those who don't matter will leave you in dust. Those who truly care about you will try to stick with you no matter what happens.
Bleeding is an interesting concept. When you bleed on the outside, you’re more likely to notice, and get treated than if it’s internal. The crazy thing is, internal bleeding is more likely to be fatal than external bleeding as a result. The same applies to toxicity, so make sure to take care of yourself.
To those who think they have lots of chaos right now. This storm of chaos is called life. When all may seem lost in mega storm of life, you have to be your own cheerleader. Everyone in your life will eventually leave you, whether it's willingly, or unwillingly. You are only person who will consistently stay in your life.
Be careful when shooting for stars. If you get too close, but miss anyway, you may just let yourself get burned anyway. With that in mind, each human being is capable of being loved. <3
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