Search results

  1. YeetBoy1872325

    Lawsuit: Adjourned BoopingBerry v. Town of Oakridge [2024] FCR 88

    1. They are given the power to facilitate evictions within town jurisdiction, which in practice is the ability to set local plot regulations and request that the DCT action evictions for plots violating local regulations. 2. The Oakridge Property Standards Act is the law of the land in Oakridge...
  2. YeetBoy1872325

    Lawsuit: Adjourned BoopingBerry v. Town of Oakridge [2024] FCR 88

    Your honor, may I request an extension to find a lawyer who can question the witnesses, since I am on the witness list?
  3. YeetBoy1872325

    Lawsuit: Adjourned BoopingBerry v. Town of Oakridge [2024] FCR 88

    1. I believe so. 2. The authority of the Oakridge Property Standards Act. I report plots in violation of that law to the DCT. 3. No. 4. Unsure of what is meant by public works programs. But we don't evict plots for any reason other than violating the Oakridge Property Standards Act - if we want...
  4. YeetBoy1872325

    Lawsuit: Adjourned BoopingBerry v. Town of Oakridge [2024] FCR 88

    1. Because I wanted to inform the person being evicted that their plot would be evicted soon, since I had reported the plot to the DCT. 2. I am not sure what that means, if you mean deciding to report for eviction, that was me. If you mean physically actioning the eviction, that was DCT. 3. It...
  5. YeetBoy1872325

    Lawsuit: Adjourned BoopingBerry v. Town of Oakridge [2024] FCR 88

    1. No. 2. As Oakridge Mayor I have very important relations to the department. Every paste the town makes must be actioned by the DCT. In the context of evictions, I have been instructed to report plots in Oakridge which violate our local building regulations, in the DCT discord server, which...
  6. YeetBoy1872325

    Lawsuit: Adjourned BoopingBerry v. Town of Oakridge [2024] FCR 88

    IN THE FEDERAL COURT OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF REDMONT OBJECTION Breach of Procedure. Opposing counsel has missed their 24 hour deadline to post questions, and no extension requests were made. The defense asks that you charge opposing counsel with Contempt of Court, instruct the witnesses to...
  7. YeetBoy1872325

    Lawsuit: Dismissed CrackedAmoeba1 V. The Town of Oakridge [2024] FCR 83

    Yeet_Boy is the legal representation of the Town of Oakridge.
  8. YeetBoy1872325

    Lawsuit: Dismissed CrackedAmoeba1 V. The Town of Oakridge [2024] FCR 83

    OBJECTION Breach of Procedure This objection has not been made following the proper formatting as accessible in the Objections Guide. I humbly request that this objection be stricken from the record.
  9. YeetBoy1872325

    Lawsuit: Adjourned BoopingBerry v. Town of Oakridge [2024] FCR 88

    IN THE FEDERAL COURT OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF REDMONT ANSWER TO COMPLAINT BoopingBerry Plaintiff V. Town of Oakridge Defendant ANSWER TO COMPLAINT 1) The defense affirms all facts DEFENSES 1) As per Executive Order - Executive Order 5/24 - Local Governance, all towns have the authority...
  10. YeetBoy1872325

    Lawsuit: Dismissed CrackedAmoeba1 V. The Town of Oakridge [2024] FCR 83

    IN THE FEDERAL COURT OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF REDMONT MOTION TO DISMISS Rule 5.5 (Lack of Claim) The Plaintiff's complaint fails to state a claim for relief that can be legally supported. The Plaintiff alleges that the Town of Oakridge’s actions constitute Market Allocation under Redmont law...
  11. YeetBoy1872325

    Denied Yeet_Boy Grant Application

    bro responded 2 years later
  12. YeetBoy1872325

    Election Presidential Elections - JUNE 2024

    I will be dropping out
  13. YeetBoy1872325

    Act of Council Community Affairs Act

    A BILL To Create a Department of Community Affairs in Oakridge The citizens of Oakridge, through their elected Representatives in the Town-Council and the force of law ordained to that Town-Council by the people through the constitution of Oakridge, do hereby enact the following provisions into...
  14. YeetBoy1872325

    Election Council Elections - JUNE 2024

    I, Yeet_Boy, declare that I will be contesting a seat as the Head of Residence as a member of the GER.
  15. YeetBoy1872325

    Election Presidential Elections - JUNE 2024

    I, Yeet_Boy, declare that I will be contesting the Office of President. My Vice Presidential running mate will be Bepus. I will be running as a member of the Galactic Empire of Redmont.
  16. YeetBoy1872325

