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  1. YeetBoy1872325

    Election Presidential Elections - OCTOBER 2023

    I, Yeet_Boy, declare victory. Apologies for any inconveniences.
  2. YeetBoy1872325

    Elect Yeet and crytiee for President and Vice President. Make the right choice.

    Elect Yeet and crytiee for President and Vice President. Make the right choice.
  3. YeetBoy1872325

    Election Presidential Elections - OCTOBER 2023

    I, Yeet_Boy, declare that I will be contesting the Office of President. My Vice Presidential running mate will be crytiee. I will be running as a member of the Galactic Empire of Redmont.
  4. YeetBoy1872325

    Election Council Elections - SEPTEMBER 2023

    I, Yeet_Boy, declare that I will be contesting a seat as the Head of Event Coordination as a member of the GER.
  5. YeetBoy1872325

    Monday left me broken

    Monday left me broken
  6. YeetBoy1872325


  7. YeetBoy1872325

    The same thing they did to me @TheReal42Person - give me a home, job, and fun. Absolutely...

    The same thing they did to me @TheReal42Person - give me a home, job, and fun. Absolutely disgusting stuff. They should not be allowed to exist.
  8. YeetBoy1872325

    does anyone know who is in charge of the GER btw?

    does anyone know who is in charge of the GER btw?
  9. YeetBoy1872325


  10. YeetBoy1872325

    Election Mayor Election - JULY 2023

    We need to stop the count
  11. YeetBoy1872325

    Election Mayor Election - JULY 2023

    I, Yeet_Boy, declare that I will be contesting the Office of the Mayor. My Deputy Mayor running mate will be killedmydreams (zLost). I will be running as a member of the Galactic Empire of Redmont.
  12. YeetBoy1872325

    Edit the word above you by changing one letter

    Limo is a shortened form of limousine