Search results

  1. CasualGreyKnight

    Accepted Casualgreyknight - Grant Application

    In-Game Name: Casualgreyknight Business Name (if applicable): Tricky Trinkets Business Description (if applicable): Selling goods from the most recent MC updates, the newer the better! Name Of Grant: Sectoral Grant Reason: I'm looking to be the first to sell resources harvested from pale...
  2. CasualGreyKnight

    Election Presidential Elections - OCTOBER 2024

    I, Casualgreyknight, declare that I will be contesting the Office of President. My Vice Presidential running mate will be the one, the only, Raptapper. We will be running as members of Aquatic Independence Coalition.
  3. CasualGreyKnight

    Bill: Draft Town Tweeks Act

    A BILL TO Amend the Oakridge constitution The citizens of Oakridge, through their elected Representatives in the Town-Council and the force of law ordained to that Town-Council by the people through the constitution of Oakridge, do hereby enact the following provisions into the by-laws: 1 -...
  4. CasualGreyKnight

    Election Council Elections - AUGUST 2024

    I, Casualgreyknight, declare that I will be contesting a seat for Head of Residence as a member of the Galatic Empire of Redmont.
  5. CasualGreyKnight

    Accepted Casualgreyknight Grant Applications

    In-Game Name: Casualgreyknight Business Name (if applicable): Potion Plaza Business Owner (if applicable): Casualgreyknight Plot/rental region name(s): Or-c008, shop 1 Name of grant: Active Business Bonus Grant Requirements met (y/n): Y Additional information: Would be used for materials and...
  6. CasualGreyKnight

    Accepted Casualgreyknight Grant Application

    In-Game Name: Casualgreyknight Business Name (if applicable): Potion Plaza Business Owner (if applicable): Casualgreyknight Plot/rental region name(s): Or-c008, shop 1 Name of grant: Active Business Bonus Grant Requirements met (y/n): Y Additional information: Would be used for materials and...
  7. CasualGreyKnight

    Information Expressions of Interest - Court Clerk

    -Username: Casualgreyknight - What are your strengths and weaknesses?: My biggest strengths are my communication skills and passion things that are vital to bring to any job in order to get it done right while also making it enjoyable. My biggest weakness is my tendency to be easily frustrated...