By the power vested in me by the Redmont Constitution, I, LilDigiVert, President of the Commonwealth of Redmont, do declare the following under this Executive Order:
(1) Tax Exemption Reform II - There are millions stored in banks right now that are hidden from taxes. At the same time, the...
By the power vested in me by the Redmont Constitution, I, LilDigiVert, President of the Commonwealth of Redmont, do declare the following under this Executive Order:
(1) All murder committed at the fairgrounds during the DPA sponsored Red vs Blue event are hereby pardoned (8/31-9/13).
By the power vested in me by the Redmont Constitution, I, LilDigiVert, President of the Commonwealth of Redmont, do declare the following under this Executive Order:
(1) Every citizen of Redmont is hereby pardoned for all convicted crimes EXCEPT:
a. Embezzlement
b. Corruption
c. Market...
By the power vested in me by the Redmont Constitution, I, LilDigiVert, President of the Commonwealth of Redmont, do declare the following under this Executive Order:
Due to poor economic planning from previous administrations, unethically sold debt obligations, and ~2 months of a broken tax...
By the power vested in me by the Redmont Constitution, I, LilDigiVert, President of the Commonwealth of Redmont, do declare the following under this Executive Order:
In order to fully reap the benefits of the new post office plugin and increase visitors to towns, the Department of State shall...
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