May it please the Court,
Your honor, opposing counsel, ladies and gentlemen who serve as interested parties in this case, this is an open-and-shut case of harassment, conspiracy to commit extortion, and hostage holding. We...
Your honor, the information requested is not relevant and is public information. The defense is attempting to use the plaintiff to conduct their investigation for them when they can go out and get the information they seek.
D-003 through D-005 and D-016 show out of court conversations used to prove the truth of the matter asserted. They are therefore hearsay and must be struck as the statements contained within are not under oath and are not able to be cross-examined.
The plaintiff objects to all defense exhibits under relevance. NONE of them actually go toward the matter at hand: that the defendant piggy-backed on allegations of bribery and supported the same, adding on to them. All exhibits are attempting to split hairs over things like exact...
Breach of Procedure
The Commonwealth has not been summoned. Furthermore, the Court rules state that a party can amend the filing with notice to the Court. It is not a request, and it cannot be blocked by the Court. The amendment is happening.
Due to the urgency of this case, the plaintiff wishes to move forward.
Petition for Emergency Injunction
In light of the new evidence obtained, there is definitive proof that Twiscet received one less vote than allocated and CaseyLeFaye received one more, if you count up the first choice...
The prosecution interprets the magistrate's statements as a note regarding Court procedure and not advice pertaining to legal strategy. The prosecution deplores this motion and would like to proceed.
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