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  1. Mask3D_WOLF

    Redundant Repeal the Allegiance Act

    Nay — we should keep this for the future when we do need it.
  2. Mask3D_WOLF

    Lawsuit: Dismissed The Commonwealth of Redmont v. Bezzergeezer [2024] SCR 31

    Wrong case, Your Honor, please strike my message. I do apologize.
  3. Mask3D_WOLF

    Lawsuit: Dismissed The Commonwealth of Redmont v. Bezzergeezer [2024] SCR 31

    May I also file an amicus brief, Your Honor?
  4. Mask3D_WOLF


  5. Mask3D_WOLF

    Lawsuit: Adjourned totemundying v. Town of Aventura [2024] DCR 40

    “(a) Defending the national legal interest.” is the responsibility of the DOJ. Towns are not the nation of Redmont, have decisions that are autonomous from Redmont (such as hosting separate auctions), and do not fall under the national legal interest. This is like saying that a nation has the...
  6. Mask3D_WOLF

    Lawsuit: Adjourned totemundying v. Town of Aventura [2024] DCR 40

    Your Honor, I do not believe we have jurisdiction to defend towns in court.
  7. Mask3D_WOLF


  8. Mask3D_WOLF

    Election Council Elections - AUGUST 2024

    I, Mask3D_WOLF, declare that I will be contesting a seat as the Sheriff as an Independent.
  9. Mask3D_WOLF

    Lawsuit: Adjourned Ko531 v. The Commonwealth of Redmont [2024] FCR 114

    May I file an amicus brief, as officer in question?
  10. Mask3D_WOLF

    Lawsuit: Adjourned smokeyybunnyyy v. Commonwealth of Redmont [2024] FCR 103

    IN THE FEDERAL COURT OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF REDMONT Closing Statement Thank you, Your Honor. This case is quite simple. The DCT was only following their policy when deciding the outcome of the auction. DCT policy clearly states that the highest bid after an invalid bid wins the auction...
  11. Mask3D_WOLF

    heya skywat

    heya skywat
  12. Mask3D_WOLF

    Lawsuit: Dismissed fluffywaafelz v. The Commonwealth of Redmont [2024] DCR 27

    Your Honor, I was unable to do this due to a family emergency. I would like to forfeit my amicus brief.
  13. Mask3D_WOLF

    I can be a pilot

    I can be a pilot
  14. Mask3D_WOLF

    Lawsuit: Adjourned The Commonwealth of Redmont v. eizeShem [2024] FCR 111

    The prosecution agrees with the motion for summary judgement.
  15. Mask3D_WOLF

    Lawsuit: Adjourned smokeyybunnyyy v. Commonwealth of Redmont [2024] FCR 103

    The_Superior10: 1. What is the official policy of the DCT in regards to if a bid is invalid but there is a higher bid that had been filed?