Nope. Xtub explained the reasoning why they were able to and I affirm the reasoning and going beyond that you again do not choose who rules on the Motion to Recuse as anyone else on the Judiciary can rule on it.
I'm not entertaining this.
No, your fishing expedition and further ends here. You don't get to pick who rules on your Motion to Recuse nor do you decide who presides over your case. You are using this as a way to choose who rules on your case and likely who will auto rule in your favor. You know how the Court System works...
This will be overruled as regardless of when the mistake is realized the deed can still be corrected.
We are correcting the mistake that has been going on and while I do appreciate you bringing the cases to my attention, the rules should still be enforced and as Nacholebraa has stated in the...
Thank you, due to neither side filing witnesses we will be moving straight into Closing Statements.
The Prosecution has 72 hours to provide their Closing Statement.
This is overruled as the same can be applied to any job. If I'm a cashier, that does not show I am qualified for Regional Manager however I can still be hired in that position. It is not the duty of the Courts to manage who the Departments can and cannot promote. If the Secretary saw that...
You have an additional 24 hours.
I will be partially granting this Objection of perjury. The reason for partial is the final paragraph pertaining to dismissal is the only part not being accepted.
The reasoning for this is that when you are promoted you still do not keep the position you are...
I will be granting the Motion to Reconsider.
The statement from the Plaintiff regarding "Based on multiple cases, Multiple judges and Multiple levels of the court no one enforces rule 4.6 so to strike this evidenced based on rule 4.6 would be going against almost the entire Judiciary" while yes...
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