Due to me being the only available Supreme Court Justice that can take this case, I would like to ask if the Defense has any grievances with me dismissing this case?
Should both sides agree then this case will be dismissed otherwise, this case will remain in recess.
Due to me being the only available Supreme Court Justice that can take this case, I would like to ask if the Defense has any grievances with me dismissing this case?
Should both sides agree then this case will be dismissed otherwise, this case will remain in recess.
Apologies for the delay, I was assigned this case last night while on a flight home. With that said:
I will be dismissing this case due to lack of jurisdiction. Given Snowy_Heart has now been confirmed to the Supreme Court, should the Courts find her nomination illegal then the illegal...
Due to the Plaintiff missing their Opening Statement I will be holding them in Contempt. Simply put this is the case that they started and thus should be in attendance throughout this case.
The Defense has 72 hours to file their Opening Statement.
Due to the Defense being legally inactive (under 6 hours) I will be bringing a PD into this case to defend them.
The Court will be in recess pending a PD.
Given the Defense missed their Closing Statement and no extension was asked for by either of the Attorneys running the case for the Defense.
Due to the fact that I am unable to pinpoint who is at fault for the missing of such a statement I will not be issuing a Contempt of Court Charge.
To be...
Given the Plaintiff has now missed their time to respond to the Objection, I will be granting the Objection.
We will now be in recess pending a verdict.
Given the Plaintiff's response, I will be overruling this Objection given the argument here is that the evidence was published illegally via the CPI. Through confirming with the Plaintiff shows that the evidence was obtained via public means. Thus the Objection is fruitless.
Due to Justice Neemfy's resignation I will be taking over this case.
Given Discovery is now over, we will be moving onto Opening Statements.
The Plaintiff has 72 hours to provide their Opening Statement.
@NavyGoober197 is required to appear before the court in the case of kvogt2340 v. NavyGoober197. Failure to appear within 72 hours of this summons will result in a default judgment in favour of the plaintiff.
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