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  1. Jakovus


  2. Jakovus

    Lawsuit: Adjourned dimitre977 V. .BlazingFoxKit [2024] FCR 128

    I order a three day festive recess, starting momentarily. Any deadlines are pushed to after the 26th December. I want both parties a merry Christmas, and spend this time in peace. There'll be time for fake Minecraft law. 🎄TUKMAS🎄
  3. Jakovus

    Lawsuit: Adjourned RoryyyMC v. The Commonwealth of Redmont [2024] FCR 129

    I order a three day festive recess, starting momentarily. Any deadlines are pushed to after the 26th December. I want both parties a merry Christmas, and spend this time in peace. There'll be time for fake Minecraft law. 🎄TUKMAS🎄
  4. Jakovus

    Lawsuit: Adjourned RoryyyMC v. The Commonwealth of Redmont [2024] FCR 129

    I see. After both parties issue their Opening Statements, we shall stand in recess pending verdict.
  5. Jakovus

    Lawsuit: Adjourned Commonwealth of Redmont v. .Sirbucket420 [2024] FCR 127

    IN THE FEDERAL COURT OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF REDMONT VERDICT The Commonwealth of Redmont v. .Sirbucket420 [2024] FCR 127 I. PROSECUTION'S POSITION 1. The Defendant committed Illicit Trafficking of Weapons of Mass Destruction as described in Act of Congress - Illicit Trafficking Offenses Act...
  6. Jakovus

    Lawsuit: Adjourned RoryyyMC v. The Commonwealth of Redmont [2024] FCR 129

    The Plaintiff, as a sovereign citizen, has the right to vote in a referendum concerning a constitutional amendment. No matter if their vote is "indeterminate" or not, it is still their constitutional right whose denial is a grave constitutional breach. We are yet to determine whether such a...
  7. Jakovus

    Lawsuit: Adjourned Commonwealth of Redmont v. ko531 [2024] FCR 124

    IN THE FEDERAL COURT OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF REDMONT VERDICT Commonwealth of Redmont v. ko531 [2024] FCR 124 I. PROSECUTION'S POSITION 1. On 21st August, 2024, the Defendant, upon his arrest, offered monetary incentive to be freed. 2. The aforementioned constitutes Bribery, as defined in...
  8. Jakovus

    Lawsuit: Adjourned dimitre977 V. .BlazingFoxKit [2024] FCR 128

    Now that Discovery concluded, I call on the Plaintiff to deliver the Opening Statement within 72h. Immediately following it, the Defendant shall have 72h to deliver their own.
  9. Jakovus

    Lawsuit: Adjourned RoryyyMC v. The Commonwealth of Redmont [2024] FCR 129

    Please provide proof. Granted.
  10. Jakovus

    Lawsuit: Adjourned RoryyyMC v. The Commonwealth of Redmont [2024] FCR 129

    This Court stands at its original decision. Overruled. Precedent you provide ([2021] SCR 1) renders actions of the Legislative, which failed to follow a correct pathway for achieving a constitutional amendment, unconstitutional in the verdict. The question posed here is not so much whether a...
  11. Jakovus

    Lawsuit: Adjourned Commonwealth of Redmont v. .Sirbucket420 [2024] FCR 127

    Honour @xtub12345 recused himself, I will take the case. The motion to summary judgement is sustained. We are in recess pending verdict.
  12. Jakovus

    Lawsuit: Adjourned RoryyyMC v. The Commonwealth of Redmont [2024] FCR 129

    Honour @xtub12345 recused himself from the case due to IRL obstacles preventing him from continuing with the case. I shall be taking over the proceedings in his place. I will issue the verdict on the Motion to Reconsider soon. In the meantime, I call upon the Commonwealth to deliver the Answer...
  13. Jakovus

    Lawsuit: Adjourned Commonwealth of Redmont v. ko531 [2024] FCR 124

    Honour @xtub12345 recused himself from the case due to IRL reasons making him unable to deliver the verdict. As such, I shall be taking over the proceedings. Seeing the delay here, I will strive to deliver the verdict within 48h.
  14. Jakovus

    Lawsuit: Adjourned dimitre977 V. .BlazingFoxKit [2024] FCR 128

    I apologise, I failed to state anywhere explicitly that Discovery is underway. If any side has witnesses or evidence to submit, do it within 48 hours from now. If not, notify the Court so that we may proceed.
  15. Jakovus

    Lawsuit: Adjourned dimitre977 V. .BlazingFoxKit [2024] FCR 128

    I order you to deliver an Answer to Complaint within 24h, you have had ample time already.
  16. Jakovus

    Expungement: Granted lcn - Expungement Request

    Before we proceed, I must ask the Petitioner, lcn, about whether they want to continue to seek this expungement. As per Staff, the new policing plug-in (implemented earlier today) erased all previous records. Effectively, there is nothing to expunge. With this in mind, do you still wish to...
  17. Jakovus

    Lawsuit: Adjourned dimitre977 V. .BlazingFoxKit [2024] FCR 128

    I have to overrule at this time.
  18. Jakovus

    Lawsuit: Adjourned dimitre977 V. .BlazingFoxKit [2024] FCR 128

    Seeing the Defendant breached the summons deadline, I will be appointing a Public Defender within 24h in the name of the Defendant.
  19. Jakovus

    Lawsuit: Adjourned dimitre977 V. .BlazingFoxKit [2024] FCR 128

    Current deadline extended by 24 hours.