Appealed: Case No. 07-2021-06-01
1. On July 9 2021, the Federal Court of Redmont ruled with a default judgement by the Hon. Judge Matthew100x, as the result of the Defendant's failure to respond due to...
Thank you. The court would like to thank both parties for the arguments they have presented here thus far, as well as the witnesses for their insight.
Was there any additional witness testimony or evidence that either party wished to present before we proceed to closing statements?
Given the Federal Court has an adequate amount of Judges, the Supreme Court has determined that this case should be moved to the Federal Court. The Supreme Court acts as primarily a place of appeal, and the Federal Court may hear constitutional matters in the first instance, as noted within the...
Given the timeline of this case, I recognize it may be difficult to find the chat logs and for the Department of Justice to retrieve DoJ ticket logs from so long ago, if they do not already have them on hand. Therefore I will be asking the Defendant first, if it is possible for evidence of the...
Unfortunately the Supreme Court has decided to reject your appeal to re-consider Case No. 08-2021-23.
We believe that the ruling produced in the Federal Court was within the adequate scope of law and justice. This appellant has presented no new facts or evidence in this appeal, but instead...
Thank you for the points raised.
The objection to question one will be overruled, I believe it is pertinent to this case to understand how the DOJ policy operates - especially if they may be operating in an unlawful department policy, one that conflicts with statute and precedent, as claimed by...
Given it has been 8 days since the court has asked for a closing statement from the Defendant, I will be arranging a deadline for the matter.
If the Defendant does not provide their closing statement within 48 hours then the Supreme Court will reconvene to consider a verdict without it.
You acted as one of the co-counsels on behalf of the Lovely Law Firm earlier in this case, therefore it is beyond reasonable to assume you are already rather sufficiently familiarized. You have 24 hours unless you can provide some other justification to warrant 48, as this case will not be...
As Chief Justice, I would like to express my apologies for the delay. Pugbandit had left the courts with little notice and therefore we had not yet arranged new Judges to preside over this case.
The Honourable Judge BubbaRC will be presiding over this case at his earliest convenience.
Ah, I see your ban appeal was accepted. Next time please send one of us a forums message or reply to the ban appeal thread. It makes it much more clear than just publicly commenting "pls admins respond" on your status.
It seems as though you are already unbanned ingame, let me know if there's...
Thank you for informing the court of this. While noting the 48 hour delay, please ensure the attorneys at your firm respond as soon as possible as to not prolong this case.
Alright. The court will note this admission of perjury and will proceed noting that the witness had seemingly used a bow from such picture evidence. The respective punishment to the actions made by the witness will be determined when the Supreme Court convenes in its final verdict.
In the...
Alright, thank you.
@Dwerpy you have a final opportunity to make your case to the court as to why you have not just committed perjury. It appears very clearly in that picture evidence that you are holding a bow, while an arrow is in LTSlade. I hope you have some explanation for the matter.
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