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  1. Technofied

    Lawsuit: Dismissed Commonwealth of Redmont v. Deadwax [2022] SCR 24

    Your Honour, I apologise for the interruption. As pursuant to an extended leave of absence filed to the Staff Team, Deadwax is hereby under no obligation to present himself to court for the duration of this case as per explicit permission granted by myself. You can proceed with the case once...
  2. Technofied

    Count to 1,000,000

  3. Technofied


  4. Technofied

    Lawsuit: Adjourned Belmont Financial Group LLC v. _Zeos [2022] FCR 92

    Belmont is an enemy to Satan and an enemy to the State. This message is protected under the ongoing Techtatorship and is not considered a contempt of court.
  5. Technofied

    Executive Order Executive Owner Order - 28/11 - Technofied's Techtatorship

    This executive order will effective immediately from publication. I, Owner Technofied hereby order that all Judiciary, Congressional and Cabinet jobs are hereby occupied by myself for the period of 24 hours. I, will not be referred to as President, instead I will be referred to as "Satan". The...
  6. Technofied

    Bill: Rejected Public XP Farm and Mob Farm Act

    Good to see this isn't posted as a petition anymore. ;)
  7. Technofied

    Bill Nye, the...

    比尔·奈 科学人
  8. Technofied


  9. Technofied

    Election House of Beans Elections - December 2021

    BlogWorldExpo wins the Bean role for 168 hours or 7 days. :)
  10. Technofied

    Election House of Beans Elections - December 2021

    Registration closed. You have 3 votes.
  11. Technofied

    Election House of Beans Elections - December 2021

    All requirements and formalities waived.
  12. Technofied

    Vetoed Dark Mode Act

    What law?
  13. Technofied

    Vetoed Dark Mode Act

  14. Technofied

    The Christmas Game

    Still proving Wes' point :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
  15. Technofied

    The Christmas Game

    @xEndeavour If you know, you know
  16. Technofied

    The Christmas Game

    Unoriginal, you're proving Wes' point
  17. Technofied

    Pictures of Canadians

  18. Technofied

    Continue the Story!

    xEndeavour is the President of the USA. He is a very respected president, although some call him a meanie. On the planet of the apes, he is attacked by a transformer. The transformer is called Jeff and is throwing vegemite at end. end then shoots narwhals at jeff. Tech appears on the scene and...
  19. Technofied

    Last to post wins [Season 1][ended]

    How is this only Season 1 though lmao