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  1. Crazy_Cryo_810

    LOL. Thanks for the response. Things like this are why you'll make a great president.

    LOL. Thanks for the response. Things like this are why you'll make a great president.
  2. Crazy_Cryo_810

    XD They left comments open on the DOS report so I replied with my opinion on some government...

    XD They left comments open on the DOS report so I replied with my opinion on some government polices. It was deleted and the post was locked. I wasn't rude or anything, I just had an opinion that opposed the state, and they removed it.
  3. Crazy_Cryo_810

    Hugebob is going to be a great president!

    Hugebob is going to be a great president!
  4. Crazy_Cryo_810

    Sure. Labour mines are always the sign of a democratic nation.

    Sure. Labour mines are always the sign of a democratic nation.
  5. Crazy_Cryo_810

    ITT: We act like we are all roommates

    BUt I hAvE PlOT ArmoR!
  6. Crazy_Cryo_810

    ITT: We act like we are all roommates

    (Phone dies because coincidence XD)
  7. Crazy_Cryo_810

    ITT: We act like we are all roommates

    It matters not. Yobrojo, I've been waiting to ask, would you like to join my operation? I'm going into my bunker and stationing guards around the area.
  8. Crazy_Cryo_810

    ITT: We act like we are all roommates

    The new world order task force will be here in 3 minutes, and you're cornered with no way out, I also have a totem of undying, so you won't kill me before you die.
  9. Crazy_Cryo_810

    ITT: We act like we are all roommates

    (XD we can rewind to before you grabbed the grenade or just pretend I didn't say that)
  10. Crazy_Cryo_810

    A Royal Production

    "Know your enemy, and know yourself, and you need not fear the result of 100 battles." - Sun Tzu, The Art of War
  11. Crazy_Cryo_810

    ITT: We act like we are all roommates

    (It's an impact grenade.)
  12. Crazy_Cryo_810

    Because they seemed nice and they still do.

    Because they seemed nice and they still do.
  13. Crazy_Cryo_810

    ITT: We act like we are all roommates

    (I throw a grenade in the hiding spot)
  14. Crazy_Cryo_810

    ITT: We act like we are all roommates

    As you should
  15. Crazy_Cryo_810

    ITT: We act like we are all roommates

    Give me the device or you get sniped
  16. Crazy_Cryo_810

    ITT: We act like we are all roommates

    Also there are 5 snipers on you if you shoot me it’s over.
  17. Crazy_Cryo_810

    ITT: We act like we are all roommates

    Woah Cats. I’m also unloading 10% of my profits to you to compensate. When the new world order arrives, you will have a first class seat within it.
  18. Crazy_Cryo_810

    ITT: We act like we are all roommates

    I'm running a crime empire under your name.
  19. Crazy_Cryo_810

    ITT: We act like we are all roommates

    It was 1950 but hey that isn't a problem anymore
  20. Crazy_Cryo_810

    ITT: We act like we are all roommates

    ^You're in the trash bin after eating a blue-ringed octopus, you don't get to gasp XD.