This bill has been granted Presidential Assent and is hereby signed into law.
A point was raised by Representative xEndeavour that I agree with, I will inform the departments to look out for such when monitoring sign abuse.
I, _Austin27_, President of the Commonwealth of Redmont,
hereby order the following Executive Order.
(1) In the event that a Mayor is either (a) removed from office or (b) willfully resigns from their position, the following process will occur.
(2) The federal...
I, Austin27, declare that I will be contesting the Office of President. My Vice Presidential running mate will be Vanquish_ap. I will be running as a member of the BDP.
My response your honor,
Had the incapacitation letter failed to go anywhere, did you plan on resigning and for what reason?
Yes. I had begun preparing plans for my resignation and I had also begun preparing plans for my possible firing in case Krix was going to do so as we expressed our...
Question 1 -
I, Austin27, Acting Vice President and Secretary of State, was not aware that in the end Krix would be removed. I did, however, sign the letter with the intent to declare former President Krix incapacitated and my reasons are clearly listed there. However, I will list some...
Senate Vote: 5 - 0 - 0
Senate Vote as Amended (Includes Section 11): 4 - 0 - 0
Establish Standing Orders for the 7th Congress
The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through...
I, _Austin27_, declare that I will be contesting the Office of President. My Vice Presidential running mate will be xEndeavour. I will be running as an independent.
I have since withdrawn my candidacy for President of Redmont. Best of luck to the other candidates.
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