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  1. Nacho

    Lawsuit: Dismissed Commonwealth of Redmont v. The_Superior10 [2024] FCR 119

    IN THE FEDERAL COURT OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF REDMONT OBJECTION - FRUIT OF THE POISONOUS TREE The counsel of the accused has prior knowledge of this case and was aware of its interworkings before being filed to the court. While there is no apparent objection, this can be filed under the following...
  2. Nacho

    Lawsuit: Dismissed Commonwealth of Redmont v. The_Superior10 [2024] FCR 119

    Your Honor, The Prosecution would like to submit the following evidence before the court. Just so you know, we have redacted the names of Department of Justice informants. Should the court or the defense wish to view this information, we can submit it via closed court. P-01 - Click Here -...
  3. Nacho

    Lawsuit: Adjourned Titan Law v. The Commonwealth of Redmont [2024] FCR 120

    IN THE FEDERAL COURT OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF REDMONT ANSWER TO COMPLAINT Titan Law Plaintiff v. The Commonwealth of Redmont Defendant I. ANSWER TO COMPLAINT 1. The Commonwealth partially-denies this fact. 2. The Commonwealth vehemently denies this fact. 3. The Commonwealth vehemently denies...
  4. Nacho

    Lawsuit: Adjourned Titan Law v. The Commonwealth of Redmont [2024] FCR 120

    IN THE FEDERAL OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF REDMONT MOTION TO DISMISS The Commonwealth moves to dismiss this case on the grounds of violation of rule(s) 5.5 (Lack of Claim), 5.11 (Immunity Protection) & 5.14 (Factual Error). Your Honor, This case revolves around the Commonwealth's adherence to...
  5. Nacho

    Lawsuit: Dismissed Commonwealth of Redmont v. The_Superior10 [2024] FCR 119

    IN THE FEDERAL COURT OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF REDMONT CRIMINAL ACTION Commonwealth of Redmont Prosecution v. The_Superior10 Defendant COMPLAINT The Prosecution alleges criminal actions committed by the Defendant as follows: PROSECUTING AUTHORITY REPORT The_Superior10 advertises that he farms...
  6. Nacho

    Lawsuit: Dismissed Smokeyybunnyyy v. Sample Industries [2024] FCR 106

    Yes, I've attached the agreement document.
  7. Nacho

    Act of Congress Animal & Pet Offences Act

    House Vote: 8-0-0 Senate Vote: 3-3-0 A BILL To Amend the Animal & Pet Offences Act The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following...
  8. Nacho

    Bill: Rejected Judicial Conduct Act

    A BILL To Amend the Judicial Standards Act and Amend the Constitution The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law...
  9. Nacho

    Lawsuit: Dismissed Smokeyybunnyyy v. Sample Industries [2024] FCR 106

    IN THE FEDERAL COURT OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF REDMONT CIVIL ACTION smokeyybunnyyy (Chip at Law Representing) Plaintiff v. Sample Industries Defendant COMPLAINT Smokeyybunnyyy is a dedicated and well-respected member of the education and retail communities within the Redmontian economy. On...
  10. Nacho

    Lawsuit: Adjourned BoopingBerry v. Town of Oakridge [2024] FCR 88

    IN THE FEDERAL COURT OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF REDMONT CLOSING STATEMENT Throughout this trial, we have been presented with two contrasting narratives. On the one hand, we have demonstrated that the town of Oakridge, led by Mayor Yeet_Boy, unjustly evicted BoopingBerry from her plot, OR-VALLEY-15...
  11. Nacho

    Lawsuit: Adjourned BoopingBerry v. Town of Oakridge [2024] FCR 88

    Objection - Breach of Procedures (x2) Your Honor, The individual clearly indicated when they originally posted within the thread they were here to provide assistance for witness testimony: The court has indicated that we are no longer in witness testimony and are in closing remarks. The...
  12. Nacho

    Lawsuit: Adjourned BoopingBerry v. Town of Oakridge [2024] FCR 88

    Your Honor, We request to hold off on posting a closing response until a ruling is made on the objections filled. The wording of the closing response will depend on whether the responses remain or not.
  13. Nacho

    Lawsuit: Adjourned BoopingBerry v. Town of Oakridge [2024] FCR 88

    Objection - Incompetent Your Honor, We object to question 1 to the witness on the following grounds. The witness has testified to not being a Building Inspector or employed by the Department of Construction and Transportation. The witness does not have the authority to determine if a...
  14. Nacho

    Lawsuit: Adjourned BoopingBerry v. Town of Oakridge [2024] FCR 88

    RESPONSE TO OBJECTIONS Your Honor, it is beyond doubt that The_Superiror10, as the Inspection Manager, is a legitimate and expert witness on the subject matter they are being questioned on. The question was straightforward and direct: "Does the Mayor of Oakridge have the authority to evict...
  15. Nacho

    Lawsuit: Adjourned BoopingBerry v. Town of Oakridge [2024] FCR 88

    Your Honor, I would like to file a response to these objections tonight once I am home from work.
  16. Nacho

    Lawsuit: Adjourned BoopingBerry v. Town of Oakridge [2024] FCR 88

    Follow Up Questions Did you or another member of the DCT validate the eviction report filed by the Town of Oakridge before actioning the eviction? Did the specific report being disputed get reported on the forums before the plot was evicted? Did the town of Oakridge report the plot in a DCT...
  17. Nacho

    Lawsuit: Adjourned BoopingBerry v. Town of Oakridge [2024] FCR 88

    Your Honor, I wish to note that this image failed to upload previously to the forums, but it appears to be not working. We want to enter this image pulled directly from the 'Building Inspector Guide,' a document published on the DCT information and policy page. A document outlining the process...
  18. Nacho

    Lawsuit: Adjourned BoopingBerry v. Town of Oakridge [2024] FCR 88

    Objection - Ambiguous/Nothing Pending (Answer to question 2) Your Honor, The witness's response to a simple question could have been written better. We asked if there is or is not a policy within our question. Can the court please compel the witness to answer the question? They are an...
  19. Nacho

    Lawsuit: Adjourned BoopingBerry v. Town of Oakridge [2024] FCR 88

    Follow Up Questions Do you message every individual being evicted that their plot will be evicted and not mention that you are not a part of the DCT? Under what authority do you have the ability to determine what properties are reported versus not being reported? Did the property that was...
  20. Nacho

    Lawsuit: Adjourned BoopingBerry v. Town of Oakridge [2024] FCR 88

    Follow Up Questions Does the DCT validate the reports before evicting them, or does it merely take the mayor's word and take action against them? Your response to question 3 states, "The DCT policy mandates that the job of Inspectors consists of filling reports on the forums." However, in your...