Since Whitepanther773 never testified within the allotted time period;
This case is hereby adjourned in favor of Mhadsher101.
He will not receive compensation for the murders (please report them to the DoJ), but he will receive a $400 compensation for the armor and not being able to play with a...
The Court has reached a verdict after much reviewing of testimony and evidence.
This case is hereby adjourned in favor of the Government of DemocracyCraft.
The judge presiding (ElementPenguin) will now review all evidence and testimony to provide a verdict. I will reach a verdict within 24 hours of this message.
The Court of DemocracyCraft hereby summons Whitepanther773 to testify, or to hire a lawyer who will testify for them. If the defendant (or a respresenting lawyer) does not testify within 24 hours of this message, the case will be adjourned in favor of the plaintiff.
Plaintiffs, please note that...
Both parties are hereby summoned to the court to provide their closing statement. If either party does not provide their closing statement within 24 hours, the case will be adjourned in favor of the party that provided the statement,
The court hereby summons 2 representatives of the Government to testify. President xEndeavour and Secretary of Justice SacredSpice. If neither of them testify by replying to this thread within 24 hours, the case will be adjourned in favor of the plaintiff.
Since the defendant, LewisYoYoYo13, did not make a statement in a timely fashion and tried to trick the court, the case will be adjourned in favor of the plaintiff. In addition to this, the court is charging LewisYoYoYo13 with Obstruction of Justice. This is your first and only verbal warning...
The court hereby summons the defendant, LewisYoYoYo13 to make their case. If the defendant does not answer this summons within 24 hours, the case will be adjourned in favor of the plaintiff.
Plaintiffs, Please Note That: You may request specific compensation, but the court will decide...
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