Search results

  1. ko531

    Appeal: Accepted [2024] FCR 124 - Appeal

    Username: ko531 I am representing myself What Case are you Appealing?: [2024] FCR 124 Link to the Original Case: Lawsuit: Adjourned - Commonwealth of Redmont v. ko531 [2024] FCR 124 Basis for Appeal: This Verdict set dangerous precedent as it possibly violated 3 of my rights. Rights VII...
  2. ko531

    Appeal: Denied [2024] FCR 114 - Appeal - Appeal

    Username: ko531 I am representing myself What Case are you Appealing?: [2024] FCR 114 - Appeal Link to the Original Case: Appeal: Denied - [2024] FCR 114 - Appeal Basis for Appeal: I am appealing a supreme court decision on the bases of "applied an incorrect principle of law" as I have the...
  3. ko531

    Lawsuit: Dismissed The Commonwealth of Redmont v. The Commonwealth of Redmont [2024] SCR 35

    IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF REDMONT CIVIL ACTION Commonwealth of Redmont Plaintiff v. Commonwealth of Redmont Defendant COMPLAINT The Department of Justice's sentencing guideline and their application of it, violates constitutional right XIII (equal protection under the law)...
  4. ko531

    Appeal: Denied [2024] FCR 114 - Appeal

    Username: ko531 I am representing myself What Case are you Appealing?: [2024] FCR 114 Link to the Original Case: Lawsuit: Adjourned - Ko531 v. The Commonwealth of Redmont [2024] FCR 114 Basis for Appeal: Sumo's entire argument is that the prison mine is not guaranteed to prisoners therefore...
  5. ko531

    Lawsuit: Adjourned Smokeyybunnyyy v. V__D [2024] DCR 30

    N THE FEDERAL COURT OF DEMOCRACYCRAFT CIVIL ACTION Smokeyybunnyyy Plaintiff v. V__D Defendant COMPLAINT Smokeyybunnyyy and V__D (formerly known as Dumbyhead1234) used to be married. During this marriage they adopted 5 children. Since these adoptions Smokeyybunnyyy and V__D have since...
  6. ko531

    Appeal: Denied [2024] FCR 116 - Appeal

    Username: ko531 I am representing a client Who is your Client?: The Commonwealth of Redmont What Case are you Appealing?: [2024] FCR 116 Link to the Original Case: Lawsuit: Adjourned - The Commonwealth of Redmont v. Alexanderlove [2024] FCR 116 Basis for Appeal: The Commonwealth wishes for...
  7. ko531

    Lawsuit: Adjourned The Commonwealth of Redmont v. Alexanderlove [2024] FCR 116

    IN THE FEDERAL COURT OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF REDMONT Criminal Action The Commonwealth of Redmont Prosecution v. AlexanderLove Defendant COMPLAINT Alexanderlove has been lose with the law for a while. As shown by the evidence of this case Alex has talked about committing legal fraud in the...
  8. ko531

    Lawsuit: Adjourned Ko531 v. The Commonwealth of Redmont [2024] FCR 114

    IN THE FEDERAL COURT OF DEMOCRACYCRAFT CIVIL ACTION Ko531 Plaintiff v. The Commonwealth of Redmont Defendant COMPLAINT On August 5th, I was wanted for 66 counts of murder. This is of course illegal and I was arrested for all 66 counts of murder. While in prison I decided to work off my time...
  9. ko531

    Appeal: Denied [2024] FCR 102 - Appeal

    Username: ko531 I am representing a client Who is your Client?: The Commonwealth of Redmont What Case are you Appealing?: [2024] FCR 102 Link to the Original Case: Lawsuit: Adjourned - The Commonwealth of Redmont v. Alexanderlove [2024] FCR 102 Basis for Appeal: The Commonwealth...
  10. ko531

    Lawsuit: Dismissed The Commonwealth of Redmont v. Alexanderlove [2024] FCR 113

    IN THE FEDERAL COURT OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF REDMONT Criminal Action The Commonwealth of Redmont Prosecution v. AlexanderLove Defendant COMPLAINT On July 6th Alexanderlove filed a case arguing that his right to a trial was violated has he was sentences to jail for murder. Less the 24...
  11. ko531

    Appeal: Denied [2024] FCR 107 - Appeal

    Username: ko531 I am representing a client Who is your Client?: The Commonwealth of Redmont What Case are you Appealing?: [2024] FCR 107 Link to the Original Case: Lawsuit: Dismissed - The Commonwealth of Redmont v. Crytiee [2024] FCR 107 Basis for Appeal: The case was dismissed for 2...
  12. ko531

    Appeal: Denied [2024] FCR 99 - Perjury Appeal

    Username: ko531 I am representing myself What Case are you Appealing?: [2024] FCR 99 Link to the Original Case: Lawsuit: In Session - AlexanderLove v. The Commonwealth of Redmont [2024] FCR 99 Basis for Appeal: I was charged with perjury for a false statement I made. I admitted that the...
  13. ko531

    Lawsuit: Dismissed The Commonwealth of Redmont v. Crytiee [2024] FCR 107

    IN THE FEDERAL COURT OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF REDMONT CRIMINAL ACTION The Commonwealth of Redmont Prosecution v. Crytiee Defendant COMPLAINT On June 19th 2024, voting was opened up to the senators by POS Xinexyax for a motion made by V__D to remove Xinexyax as President of the Senate. At the...
  14. ko531

    Lawsuit: Dismissed Commonwealth of Redmont v. Crytiee [2024] SCR 29

    IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF REDMONT CRIMINAL ACTION The Commonwealth of Redmont Prosecution v. Crytiee Defendant COMPLAINT On June 19th 2024, voting was opened up to the senators by POS Xinexyax for a motion made by V__D to remove Xinexyax as President of the Senate. At the...
  15. ko531

    Lawsuit: Adjourned The Commonwealth of Redmont v. Alexanderlove [2024] FCR 102

    IN THE FEDERAL COURT OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF REDMONT Criminal Action The Commonwealth of Redmont Prosecution v. AlexanderLove Defendant COMPLAINT On July 6th Alexanderlove filed a case arguing that his right to a trial was violated has he was sentences to jail for murder. Less the 24...
  16. ko531

    Lawsuit: Dismissed The Commonwealth of Redmont v. AlexanderLove [2024] FCR 100

    IN THE FEDERAL COURT OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF REDMONT Criminal Action The Commonwealth of Redmont Prosecution v. AlexanderLove Defendant COMPLAINT On July 6th Alexanderlove filed a case arguing that his right to a trial was violated has he was sentences to jail for murder. Less the 24...
  17. ko531

    Lawsuit: Adjourned Ko531 v. Commonwealth of Redmont [2024] FCR 96

    IN THE FEDERAL COURT OF DEMOCRACYCRAFT CIVIL ACTION Ko531 Plaintiff v. The Commonwealth of Redmont Defendant COMPLAINT I was unjustly Fired as Inspections Manager of the DCT and as Building Inspector of the DCT. I was informed on May 8th that I was fired from the DCT for not doing various...
  18. ko531

    Appeal: Accepted [2024] FCR 70 Perjury Appeal Request

    - Client Name: ko531 - Counsel Name: ko531 - Were you originally the plaintiff or the defendant: Plaintiff - Reason for the Appeal: I was charged with Perjury for stating that I was fired from the DCT as both Inspections Manager and Building Inspector. When the state objected to perjury I...
  19. ko531

    Appeal: Accepted [2024] FCR 70 - Contempt Appeal Request

    - Client Name: ko531 - Counsel Name: ko531 - Were you originally the plaintiff or the defendant: Plantiff - Reason for the Appeal: I was held in contempt of court 3 times for the presiding judge Relaxed failure to rule on my recusal. I made a new motion to recuse based on something new that...
  20. ko531

    Lawsuit: Dismissed Ko531 v. The Commonwealth of Redmont [2024] FCR 70

    IN THE FEDERAL COURT OF DEMOCRACYCRAFT CIVIL ACTION Ko531 Plaintiff v. The Commonwealth of Redmont Defendant COMPLAINT I was unjustly Fired as Inspections Manager of the DCT and as Building Inspector of the DCT. I was informed on May 8th that I was fired from the DCT for not doing various...