Search results

  1. Austin27

    Redundant Executive Order 36/21 - Paramedic Job

    I, _Austin27_, President of the Commonwealth of Redmont, hereby order the following Executive Order: (1) The role of "Paramedic" will be commissioned under the Department of Health as an exam job on the following terms. (2) The Paramedic job will be brought back as an exam job. You must have...
  2. Austin27

    Executive Order Executive Order 35/21 - Presidential Pardons

    I, _Austin27_, President of the Commonwealth of Redmont, hereby order the following Executive Order: (1) By the authority vested in me under Section 2 of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Redmont, I hereby issue the following total and absolute pardons to the following individuals for the...
  3. Austin27

    Executive Order Executive Order 34/21 - Official Titles

    I, _Austin27_, President of the Commonwealth of Redmont, hereby order the following Executive Order: (1) The following titles will be given to the specified individuals for life, the titles are absolute and may not be revoked unless otherwise stated in a future Executive Order. (2) These...
  4. Austin27

    Redundant Executive Order 33/21 - Judicial Pay

    I, _Austin27_, President of the Commonwealth of Redmont, hereby order the following Executive Order: (1) By the authority vested in me under the Wages Act, I hereby issue the following wage modifications to members of the Judicial Branch for their work both in-game and out of game, mainly on...
  5. Austin27

    Redundant Executive Order 32/21 - The Westray Order

    I, _Austin27_, President of the Commonwealth of Redmont, hereby order the following Executive Order: (1) The roles of "Guide," "Trainee Guide," and "Tour Manager" will be commissioned under the Department of Public Affairs as a government job on the following terms. (1.a) Guides have been...
  6. Austin27

    Redundant Executive Order 31/21 - Hamilton Mayor

    I, _Austin27_, President of the Commonwealth of Redmont, hereby order the following Executive Order: (1) Establish the following as the role of the Mayor of Hamilton and in addition to such, formally establish candidate requirements in order to run for Mayor. (2) The Hamilton City Mayor shall...
  7. Austin27

    Redundant Executive Order 30/21 - Town Grants & Consolidation

    I, _Austin27_, President of the Commonwealth of Redmont, hereby order the following Executive Order: The intent of towns is to create outer communities around the Capitol, Hamilton City. It is the intent that these will remain small community based projects which serve a purpose for the...
  8. Austin27

    Redundant Executive Order 29/21 - HCC Dissolution

    I, _Austin27_, President of the Commonwealth of Redmont, hereby order the following Executive Order: (1) Rescind Executive Order 04/21 - Hamilton City Council at the request of current Hamilton City Mayor @BlogWorldExpo and establish the following: (2) The Hamilton City Mayor shall act purely...
  9. Austin27

    Redundant Executive Order 28/21 - Wages

    I, _Austin27_, President of the Commonwealth of Redmont, hereby order the following Executive Order: (1) Per the following clause found in the Wages Act, I issue these changes to the government wages. (a) "The executive has exclusive jurisdiction over the creation of, and amendments to...
  10. Austin27

    Executive Order Executive Order 27/21 - PURGE

    I, _Austin27_, President of the Commonwealth of Redmont, hereby order the following Executive Order: (1) Any of the following crimes are hereby pardoned for a period of 12 hours from 12 PM EST Saturday August 21st until 12 AM EST Sunday August 22nd. - Attempted Murder - Murder - Assault -...
  11. Austin27

    Redundant Executive Order 26/21 - Town Merge

    I, _Austin27_, President of the Commonwealth of Redmont, hereby order the following Executive Order: (1) The Mining Town (Town B) and the Industrial Town (Town E) will officially be merged into one, named as follows: "Town B: Industrial Town" (2) This removes Town E entirely and transfers the...
  12. Austin27

    Repealed Executive Order 25/21 - Town Regulations

    I, _Austin27_, President of the Commonwealth of Redmont, hereby order the following Executive Order: (1) Town mayors from here forward will be required to post the following under their respective forums threads: (1.a) Town Constitution (if applicable) (1.b) Town Bylaws (if applicable) (1.c)...
  13. Austin27

    Redundant Executive Order 24/21 - AustinCare

    I, _Austin27_, President of the Commonwealth of Redmont, hereby order the following Executive Order: (1) From now and forward, Medicare will be an opt-out program instead of an opt-in program. (1.a) All members of the community will automatically be entitled to the state sponsored medicare...
  14. Austin27

    Repealed Executive Order 23/21 - Best Secretary

    I, _Austin27_, President of the Commonwealth of Redmont, hereby order the following Executive Order. (1) Player Muffins29 will now and forever hold the title of "Best Secretary" for her service to the Commonwealth of Redmont. This title comes with no in game role or salary but if she so...
  15. Austin27

    Redundant Executive Order 22/21 - Federal Treasury Revision/Removal

    I, _Austin27_, President of the Commonwealth of Redmont, hereby order the following Executive Order. FEDERAL TREASURY REVISION/REMOVAL (1) In the original Federal Treasury thread, it states the following: "The Federal Government reserves the right to make modifications to this system at any...
  16. Austin27

    Redundant Executive Order 21/21 - Creation of Town E

    I, _Austin27_, President of the Commonwealth of Redmont, hereby order the following Executive Order. CREATION OF A 5TH TOWN (1) The 5th town will be created, labeled "Town E" (2) Town E will be assigned the Industrial/Manufacturing Industry (3) This town will follow all other guidelines as...
  17. Austin27

    Redundant Executive Order 20/21 - Mayoral Removal & Succession

    I, _Austin27_, President of the Commonwealth of Redmont, hereby order the following Executive Order. MAYORAL REMOVAL & SUCCESSION (1) In the event that a Mayor is either (a) removed from office or (b) willfully resigns from their position, the following process will occur. (2) The federal...
  18. Austin27

    Act of Congress Appropriations Act - NOV 2020

    House Vote: 7-0-0 Senate Vote: 3-0-0 A Bill To Propose the government budget to Congress For November 1 - Notes (1)This is by no means an exhaustive list of all expenses, as salaries are impossible to track with our current plugin; Commissions are included; (2)All government departments, the...
  19. Austin27

    Bill: Rejected Mass Murder Act

    A BILL To Prevent Serial Murder Within a Certain Period of Time The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law: 1 -...
  20. Austin27

    Redundant Proper Appropriations Amendment

    House Vote: 5-1-0 Senate Vote: 4-0-0 A BILL To Amend the Constitution The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law...