Search results

  1. CasualGreyKnight

    Accepted Casualgreyknight - Grant Application

    In-Game Name: Casualgreyknight Business Name (if applicable): Tricky Trinkets Business Description (if applicable): Selling goods from the most recent MC updates, the newer the better! Name Of Grant: Sectoral Grant Reason: I'm looking to be the first to sell resources harvested from pale...
  2. CasualGreyKnight

    Bill: Draft Town Tweeks Act

    A BILL TO Amend the Oakridge constitution The citizens of Oakridge, through their elected Representatives in the Town-Council and the force of law ordained to that Town-Council by the people through the constitution of Oakridge, do hereby enact the following provisions into the by-laws: 1 -...
  3. CasualGreyKnight

    Accepted Casualgreyknight Grant Applications

    In-Game Name: Casualgreyknight Business Name (if applicable): Potion Plaza Business Owner (if applicable): Casualgreyknight Plot/rental region name(s): Or-c008, shop 1 Name of grant: Active Business Bonus Grant Requirements met (y/n): Y Additional information: Would be used for materials and...
  4. CasualGreyKnight

    Accepted Casualgreyknight Grant Application

    In-Game Name: Casualgreyknight Business Name (if applicable): Potion Plaza Business Owner (if applicable): Casualgreyknight Plot/rental region name(s): Or-c008, shop 1 Name of grant: Active Business Bonus Grant Requirements met (y/n): Y Additional information: Would be used for materials and...