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  1. RampantMech

    Lawsuit: Adjourned xAntho_ny v. RampantMech [2023] DCR 49

    what is a summary judgement? edit: i looked it up on google and i agree.
  2. RampantMech

    Lawsuit: Adjourned xAntho_ny v. RampantMech [2023] DCR 49

    xAntho_ny Plaintiff v. RampantMech Defendant I. ANSWER TO COMPLAINT The plaintiff’s complaint does not mention the fact that every time I killed him he had a bounty, and I only killed him a total of 6 times, which was across 2 days (3 times each day). Also, I stopped killing the plaintiff...
  3. RampantMech

    Lawsuit: Adjourned xAntho_ny v. RampantMech [2023] DCR 49

    thank you, i may be mistaken but it says doesnt that mean that the plaintiff cannot ask for $10,900, because its more than $7500? this isnt my defense, im just seeking clarification.
  4. RampantMech

    Lawsuit: Adjourned xAntho_ny v. RampantMech [2023] DCR 49

    where can i find the proper format? i cant give a defense if i dont know the format.
  5. RampantMech

    Lawsuit: Adjourned xAntho_ny v. RampantMech [2023] DCR 49

    your honor, I have nothing against the plaintiff personally, or anyone else. I am simply a bounty hunter. every time I killed the plaintiff was because he had a bounty. The only reason i have to kill anybody is for their bounty. I played no part in setting the bounties. the plaintiff suing me...
  6. RampantMech

    Lawsuit: Adjourned xAntho_ny v. RampantMech [2023] DCR 49

    i agree, i didnt know i had to wait :/
  7. RampantMech

    Lawsuit: Adjourned xAntho_ny v. RampantMech [2023] DCR 49

    People cant lie in these right? Ill admit after all the bounties I've collected I don't remember them all, however the judge should ask the plaintiff why they didn't show that they had bounties as part of their "facts" section. It seems like it would be pretty important to the case.
  8. RampantMech

    Lawsuit: Adjourned xAntho_ny v. RampantMech [2023] DCR 49

    I've never been sued before, but your complaining about me playing the game how its supposed to be played, which seems wrong. Also if I'm supposed to reply somewhere else or got anything else wrong, some1 should correct me. I'm new to this :)
  9. RampantMech

    Lawsuit: Adjourned xAntho_ny v. RampantMech [2023] DCR 49

    Idk if I'm supposed to reply here but: 1: I only killed u when u had a bounty. The entire point of the bounty system is that I'm supposed to hunt people with bounties, and it's not my fault u had bounties. 2: you only had 3 bounties so I only killed u 3 times.