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  1. W

    Lawsuit: Dismissed VELLEBELLE V DEPARTMENT OF HELATH [2025] DCR 23

    and i have evedence the mail said i will be termanated
  2. W

    Lawsuit: Dismissed VELLEBELLE V DEPARTMENT OF HELATH [2025] DCR 23

    plantiff vellbelle defendent doh i go against the doh as follows i wanted to be a doc and they said to do self trainng i do it and they say post it i do and they say YOU CANT POST IT THERE i want 2000 in money and i want the secratary to be removed
  3. W

    self training

    1 anser you give them the amout they over payed back ex 120 give 20 back 2tell them pls let me attend this patint 3coughing disyness 4common cold cullucid fever chickin pox 5 cough surup antimedic anci clover