Appeal: Accepted [2023] FCR 22 - Appeal Request - [2023] SCR 6

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Change Maker Popular in the Polls Legal Eagle Statesman
Apr 13, 2020
- Client Name: The State
- Counsel Name: Dusty_3
- Were you originally the plaintiff or the defendant: Originally the prosecution
- Reason for the Appeal:

In the case The Commonwealth v. xEndeavour [2023] FCR 22, the Federal court justice Dygyee dismissed the case on the grounds that xEndeavour had not committed bribery. The reasons given, and why those reasons are very wrong, were the following:

"Firstly at the time of xEndeavour asking for his job back, Avelanie was not, and currently is not the DCT secretary."
This does not matter. I provided evidence in the original case that showed xEndeavour knew Avelanie would be the next DCT secretary, and all 3 presidential campaigns had her listed as DCT secretary, meaning he is knowingly attempting to bribe a future secretary. He even stated in the evidence provided to the federal court that once Avelanie became secretary he would fulfill his side of the bribe: "I'll drop the case as soon as I hear back from you"
Dygyee has set a horrible precedent that must be overturned. If his decision stands, any player who is about to become a powerful government official (Congress, president, etc) would be legally allowed to make bribes before their appointment. For example, a regular lawyer is about to be confirmed as a Federal Court judge and makes a deal with someone (who has a federal court case) that they would be biased toward them in exchange for money. By Dygyee's terrible ruling, this would be legal.

"Secondly, xEndeavour is not offering anything of value to Avelanie. Avelanie is not the one being sued, nor does she face the consequences if xEndeavour wins the case."
xEndeavour is offering something of value. It is not for the federal court to make this assumption before the case goes to trial, especially when there is no other reason given as to why xEndeavour is bribing with the lawsuit. If the Lawsuit was not of value according to this terrible Federal Court decision, why was xEndeavour offering to drop it in exchange for his job back? Clearly there is some value to it.

Furthermore, the case xEndeavour is bribing to drop is not only against Avelanies good friend Lavender (The Secretary who fired xEndeavour), but also the case affects the DCT as a whole, a department Avelanie would be taking over in the future. Of course it is valuable to Avelanie, and her testimony as a witness to this should be heard to understand how valuable xEndeavours case is.
xEndeavour was begging for his job back, why would he offer something that wasn't of value? The Federal Court obviously had little understanding of not only the case but the Bribery law as well.

We ask that the court accept this appeal so that a trial can take place and justice can be served. The Federal Court was extremely hasty in their dismissal, and frankly congress needs to look into that.
Thank you, your honours.




The Supreme Court of Redmont has voted unanimously to accept this appeal, grant a writ of certiorari, and hear this case within the Supreme Court. Please refile your case in the Supreme Court subnode within the next 48 hours.​
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