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House Vote: 10-0-1
Senate Vote: 5-1-0
Ensure government property is returned
(And allow for easier tracking of it)
Senate Vote: 5-1-0
Ensure government property is returned
(And allow for easier tracking of it)
The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:
1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the “A Cool Government Property Return Act"
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This bill was authored by Representative A__C with input from SnoWhitebeard.
(4) This Act is co-sponsored by Senator sleepyjay_ and Senator Overlordofpeonys.
(5) This Act is approved by Justice Secretary ElainaThomas29, Health Secretary blockyelise, and Public Affairs Secretary SnoWhitebeard.
2 - Reasons
(1) There is no punishment for failure to return government property.
(2) DoJ equipment for example, should be returned by a department employee after they leave. It’s currently in department policy for it to be returned but if they refuse, it just creates a lot of extra work to get it back.
(3) We need to be able to enforce things.

(4) People who possess government property that should be returned currently have no requirement to return it either.
3 - Terms
(1) Everything given out by a government department is assumed to be required to be returned in a timely manner unless it is specified as something they can keep.
a. The department can set a specific time for return such as upon employee termination from the department, after a number of days, after an event, etc.
(2) A Sergeant or higher rank in the Department of Justice may request logs from staff regarding the item without requesting a warrant, and the found item(s) will be returned to the respective government department immediately.
a. Any profits made due to selling the item to another player are to be returned immediately via fining and unfining.
b. A player who is found to be in possession of an item from a government department, who should not be in possession of it (i.e. non police officer with handcuffs or a taser or a non paramedic with an ambulance) will have the item returned to the government.
i. This player who is found in possession must have had reasonable suspicion for investigation, such as a person stating they have a particular item, an item having been tracked from someone who was formerly in possession, etc.
(3) An individual who fails to return an item within 24 hours of the set time is subject to the following punishment:
Failure to Return Government Property:
First Offence: $100 fine
Second Offence: $250 fine
Third and Subsequent Offences: $1000 fine
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