Bill: Rejected Bill that restored everyone’s faith in Redmont’s Power Act

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Squid Lizard
Public Defender
Education Secretary
State Department
Education Department
Willow Resident
Staff Statesman Order of Redmont
Public Defender
Jul 24, 2024

Restore Faith in Redmont’s Power

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the 'Bill that restored everyone’s faith in Redmont’s Power Act.'
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This Act has been authored by AsexualDinosaur.
(4) This Act has been co-sponsored by Representative McBrittle419.
(5) This Act is supported by Technofied.
(6) This Act was written in inspiration of FTGWOP's Deep Hole Act.

2 - Reasons
  1. With the war between Oakridge and Redmont many citizens are starting to doubt Redmont’s Power.
  2. We MUST restore faith in Redmont’s Power for the morale of our people!

3 - Oversight and Construction
  1. The Department of Construction and Transportation (DCT) will be responsible for the construction, maintenance, and deepenings of The Hole

4 - Definitions
  1. Hereby defines “The Hole” as the project to be constructed, maintained, and deepened.
  2. Hereby defines “Deepening” as the process of further digging out The Hole, with the end result being a hole that is deeper than the previous hole.

5 - The Hole location
  1. The Hole shall be located at the coordinates ‘X:2847, Z:3909’
    1. The Y value of The Hole will be less than ‘Y: 74’

6 - Process for Deepening The Hole
  1. Once a calendar year, whenever the DCT decides it is a sufficient time, or if Redmont’s Power is losing faith, The Hole will be deepened such that the previous Y value of The Hole will be greater than the new Y value of the hole.
    1. Upon completion of the Deepening The Hole. A DCT member is expected to fall down The Hole to test the integrity of The Hole.
      1. The DCT member is also expected to document the depth of The Hole for verification.
    2. If The Hole is unable to be deepend for any reason, this bill will catch on fire and be rescinded permanently.
  2. The statue that sits on the location of The Hole will be lowered with The Hole.
    1. The statue should otherwise be untouched as a part of Deepening the hole.
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I change my vote to abstain