Bill: Rejected Casino Regulations Amendment Act

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Nov 22, 2020

Change the Casino Regulation act to make it more clear​

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment

  1. This Act may be cited as the “Casino Regulations Amendment Act”.
  2. This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
  3. This Bill was authored by Economist ModSlayer with consultation from casino owner FriedPotaters, reviewed, edited, and sponsored by Representative ElainaThomas29, with collaboration from Vice President and DEC Secretary _Zab_ and DEC Deputy Secretary JoanM999

2 - Reasons

  1. There is no set format for odds.
  2. People can just display things like “Chance A” and have the odds of Chance A posted somewhere else.
  3. This makes the laws have a lot of loopholes.
  4. Competition can just make petty reports against each other wasting the DEC’s time.
  5. Right now fines are negligible to a casino owner's earnings if they violate the law.
  6. To define gambling machines, casinos, and odds.
  7. To clarify the difference between odds and probability.

3 - General Provisions

  1. Change
    1. “All Casinos must publicly display the odds of winning on each automated machine via a sign” to “All Casinos must publicly display the odds of winning on each machine via a sign. Odds being in the format Chance to win:Chance to lose (example 3:6 for a 3/9 chance to win).”
  1. Casinos must be registered.
    1. Registration will be handled by the DEC.
    2. The registration will include the type of machines and trusted members/employees to tend to the casino.
    3. Players who create any form of gambling system or device must register their casino to the DEC to enable the DEC to know of its existence and to enable random inspections of said machines.
    4. Fines will be imposed if a casino is not registered.
  2. With the registration, the DEC will schedule the members of the auditing department to inspect the casinos. This will be the only way a casino can and will get inspected.
  3. Gambling machines are defined as: “a machine that collects money for the possibility of receiving an excess amount of money in return.”
  4. Odds are defined as: “the ratio between the amounts staked by the parties to a bet, based on the expected probability either way.”
    1. Odds and probability are not the same. Odds compare one event to another event, whereas probability compares one vent to both possible events.
      1. Example: if you have 2 slots of books and 7 slots of sticks in a dropper/dispenser, then the odds are 2:7, resulting in a 22% chance of winning a book.
  5. A casino is defined as: “a public room or building where gambling games are played.”
  6. Odds must be individually posted on signs directly correlating to each machine. They must be easily seen and correlated to each machine.
  7. If a machine is predetermined to lower the possibility of winning over the course of gambling, the machine must be completely shut down or inaccessible if no casino owner, or employees are online and able to refill the machines to the claimed odds.

4 - Punishments

  1. Change the punishment in law 10.4 from:
    1. "Per Offence: $100 fine" to "Per Offence: $1,000 fine"
  1. If a casino is not registered in accordance to 3.3 by a week of the registry creation they will be fined $5,000 and the casino will be ordered to be shut down.
  2. Existing casinos, defined as any casino existing as of this bill getting passed, get two weeks from the registry creation to register.
  3. Casino owners are subject to punishment under law “10.1: Fraud” if they do not obey by the standards and requirements set in this bill.
Abstain - I really agree with the first part and the chance to win thing, though I'd lower the fine proposal from $1k to $500.