Lawsuit: Adjourned Commonwealth of Redmont v. BubblyBo [2022] FCR 1


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Jul 5, 2021

Commonwealth of Redmont



The Prosecution alleges criminal actions committed by the Defendant as follows: The defendant abused police powers for their own personal gain, including stealing DOJ money and removing wanted points.

BubblyBo is an ex-police officer who was recently fired for improper conduct. After investigation into their conduct, it has come to light that they stole $5000 from the DOJ's balance as well as removed wanted points from themselves.

1. nnmc - prosecuting authority
2. BubblyBo - defendant

1. While still an officer, BubblyBo used the /unfine command to take $5000 from the DOJ and give it to themselves.
2. While still an officer, BubblyBo used the /wanted remove command to remove wanted points from themselves
3. BubblyBo has since been fired from the DOJ for this improper conduct.

The Prosecution hereby alleges the following charges against the Defendant:
1. TWO (2) counts of violating Law 16.1 - Corruption. One count is for stealing money, the other count is for removing wanted points.

The Prosecution hereby recommends the following sentence for the Defendant:
1. A fine of $10,000 (fine of $5,000 for each count of corruption)
2. An additional $5,000 in order to recover the stolen funds, in accordance with the Proceeds of Crime Act ( Act of Congress - Proceeds of Crime Act )
3. Removal from all public office for a period of 4 months (2 months for each count of corruption)


By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 3rd day of January 2022


The defendant is required to appear before the court in the case of The Commonwealth of Redmont v. @Bubblybo. Failure to appear within 48 hours of this summons will result in a default judgment.

I'd also like to remind both parties to be aware of the Court Rules and Procedures, including the option of an in-game trial should both parties request one.
Just finish this, please I want this to be over
Alright, I've decided im not leaving, but I need a way to pay. Can I finance?
@Bubblybo do you understand that by entering a plea of guilty, you will be found guilty of two counts of corruption:

1. Corruption in relation to stealing $5000 of Commonwealth funds.
2. Corruption in relation to removing a police record.
Well how can I not be charged of that then?
@Bubblybo please seek legal counsel within the next 48 hours. It is important that you understand what you are doing before you respond to the court with your plea of either guilty or not guilty.
I wish to be appointed a public defender.
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I wish to be appointed a public defender.
Bubblybo I am only permitted to request a Public Defender on your behalf if you are inactive.

You are otherwise not able to use the Public Defender program as you exceed the balance threshold. You can seek a legal firm under #links on discord.

I will extend your deadline by 24 hours. You have 48 hours from now to enter a plea.
will there be reduced punishment for plea guilty than plea innocent? if am proven guilty
I have a one-time offer for a plea bargain. If you plead guilty, your fine will be reduced by $2,500. So instead of a $10,000 fine, the fine will be $7,500. That will be in addition to paying back the $5000 stolen from the DOJ.

Given that there is clear proof that you ran the commands to steal money and remove wanted points, seen in the evidence screenshot I attached, this is the best plea bargain I can offer you.
ok lemme decide
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The prosecutor's plea bargain has been noted, although I am not satisfied that the defence totally understands the circumstances. For this reason, I will not be accepting a plea until the defence has sought counsel.

The Defence needs to understand the Government is charging them for two counts of corruption. While the prosecution has said that they will advocate for a less-severe penalty if you plead guilty, it is still the Court that makes a determination of the sentence.​
Correction, the law has changed and you actually are entitled to a Public Defender. Reach out to the RBA for more information.
I’m actually willing to be represented by the lovely law firm
No, I would like to be appointed a public defender.
Your Honor, the defendant has been stalling this case for a while now. I would hope that they can choose a lawyer and stick with it, so that the case can proceed.
I’m trying give me some time.
“I, BubblyBo, agree to be represented in court by AlexanderLove.”
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The Commonwealth of Redmont



1. The defense pleads not guilty on one count of corruption: taking $5000 from the DOJ, however, the defense is willing to plead guilty to stealing for this offense, as that would be a more appropriate categorization of what took place. To be clear, this is not a confession of stealing.
2. The defense pleads not guilty on one count of corruption: removing points from the wanted list.

1. Corruption requires an element that the Prosecution has failed to prove: that the actions actually benefit one's private or corporate interest. In this case, the defense will provide an alternative recounting of the events to show that there was no private or corporate interest, but rather, a public interest. The Prosecution has the burden of proof in this case: they must prove the defendant guilty of the charges beyond a reasonable doubt.
2. The punishment for stealing is 15 minutes in jail and a repossession of what was stolen. The defendant is extremely apologetic for his actions and is willing to face these punishments if the Prosecution were to agree to a plea deal of dropping both charges on the condition that the defendant pleads guilty to stealing.
3. Regardless of whether or not the defendant is guilty of the second count of corruption, the punishment requested is extreme. $5000 and 2 months barred from public office is the highest punishment for corruption. Are we really going to compare allegedly taking some points off of the wanted list with actual high corrupt offenses? To say that this is the highest form of corruption undermines true corruption, such as Presidential or Judicial abuse.

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 9th day of January, 2022
Opening statement

This is a very obvious case of corruption, on the contrary to what the defense claims. The CoreProtect Lookup screenshot is an infallible form of evidence for what happened. Given that I have already clearly outlined the case in the initial filing, I will use this statement to rebut the answer to complaint.

First of all, I am declining the offer from the defense to plead guilty to stealing. Stealing is a rule, not a law, so it falls outside the jurisdiction of this court. Furthermore, stealing is in regards to stealing in-game items from chests, etc. It does not relate to stealing money or removing wanted points.

We have certainly proven that the defendant’s private interests were benefitted, contrary to what the defense says. Stealing money and taking it for yourself is profitable and very beneficial for the culprit’s private economic situation. Removing wanted points is very beneficial for the culprit’s private interests, as they won’t be arrested, jailed, fined, and they will prevent a reputation-damaging criminal record.

Furthermore, the requested punishment is not extreme and is proportional to what the defendant has done. The defendant stole $5000 from the DOJ, which is equal to half of their monthly budget. In addition, a January budget has still not passed Congress, meaning that the DOJ does not have any new allocations. This has led to severe financial strain for the department responsible for the security of Redmont citizens. BubblyBo is significantly responsible for that, given that she took 50% of the DOJ’s budget. Not to mention, BubblyBo has devalued the justice system and the DOJ by using her (former) great power as an officer to evade justice rather than serve justice. This is why the prosecution requested the maximum punishment.
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If the defense agrees, I motion to skip witnesses and closing statements. The DOJ urgently needs this case adjourned due to their aforementioned financial crisis.
No, the defense will proceed with an entire, full-length, trial. If the Prosecution deems this so urgent and wishes to hurry proceedings along, perhaps reconsider the plea deal.

Your honor, I will have our opening statement prepared within the next 48 hours. I don't wish to unnecessarily stall this trial.
In addition, a January budget has still not passed Congress, meaning that the DOJ does not have any new allocations. This has led to severe financial strain for the department responsible for the security of Redmont citizens. BubblyBo is significantly responsible for that, given that she took 50% of the DOJ’s budget.

The notion that budget constraints were caused by the defendant will be struck from the record on the basis of relevance. The Government is legally required to re-issue the proceeding month's budget on the 1st day of the month in the event that a new budget is not passed.
Your honor, we have reached a bargain. The defense will plead guilty, and the prayers for relief will be changed to two counts of corruption:

Unfining DOJ money - 5k in fines and 5k in repaid money. No ban on public office.
Removing points from wanted list - 2k in fines. No ban on public office.

The defense wants to stress to the Court the importance of the no ban on public office portion, for when the Court is considering its verdict.
I can confirm the prosecution is offering this plea bargain. $7k in fines, an additional $5k to recover stolen money, so a total of $12k
Your Honor, given that we have reached a plea bargain, when can we expect a verdict?
The plea deal is noted.

How do you plea to the following @Bubblybo?

1. Violating Law 16.1 - Corruption in relation to stealing $5000 of Department funds.
Guilty / Not Guilty

2. Violating Law 16.1 - Corruption in relation to unlawfully removing wanted points.
Guilty / Not Guilty

Please answer to both charges.
1. corruption to stealing, 7500$ including the return of stolen funds and no removal from public office

2. wanted points removal, 5000$ as per charge for corruption and no removal from public office
Yes, he misunderstood what was asked of him by the Court. The defense pleads guilty on both charges.



The Commonwealth of Redmont v. BubblyBo [2022] FCR 1

1. TWO (2) counts of violating Law 16.1 - Corruption.
(a) Stealing $5000 of Department funds
(b) Unlawfully removing wanted points
2. Stealing funds was in the Defendant's private financial interests.
3. Removing wanted points was in the culprit's interests.
4. Confirmed plea deal totalling $7,000 in fines and the recovery of the stolen $5,000.

1. The actions did not fall within the Defendant's private or corporate interest.
2. The Defendant is remorseful.
3. The defence claimed that the maximum punishment proposed is not fit for the alleged crime.
4. Confirmed plea deal totalling $7,000 in fines and the recovery of the stolen $5,000.
5. Pleads guilty to both charges before the court.

1. Corruption is defined as using 'a government position, elected or otherwise, to benefit one's private interests or corporate ventures.' It is the Federal Court's opinion that the Defendant has clearly used their position to better their financial interests, as well as using their position as a Police Officer to obstruct justice.

1. The Defendant has pleaded guilty to TWO (2) counts of violating Law 16.1 - Corruption.
(a) Stealing $5000 of Department funds
(b) Unlawfully removing wanted points
2. The court accepts the terms of the plea deal and herby orders the Defendant to pay the State $7,000 in fines. The Defendant is also ordered to return any funds which were unlawfully taken from the Department's funds.

The Federal Court thanks all involved.

May I ask that this has no further effect on my reputation etc,?
sorry if I'm not meant to comment I'm new to this court stuff