Lawsuit: Dismissed Commonwealth of Redmont v. Deadwax [2022] SCR 24

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Redmont Bar Assoc.
Grave Digger 3rd Anniversary Legal Eagle Change Maker 1st Anniversary Statesman Popular in the Polls
Feb 16, 2021
Due to the actions taken in Executive Orders 42/22 - 45/22 (linked below) by President Deadwax the DLA is of the opinion that Treason has been committed.

“16.7 - Treason

Any party in federal office who is caught attempting to maliciously sabotage or undermine the stability, sovereignty, and/or national security of the government of Redmont.

Per Offense: Courts may order up to $25,000 in fines + Removal from public office for a period no longer than 2 months.”

The President has abused his position to try and remove political enemies from office and strip their citizenship (A violation of their rights to equality under the law), he does not have this power. Due to the immense power associated with the Office of the President and the severity of the charges being alleged, the Commonwealth requests that deadwax be removed from office for the duration of this lawsuit.

Furthermore the Commonwealth asks these Executive Orders be blocked for the duration of this lawsuit as their constitutionality is in question and likely the result of criminal Treason.

Executive Order - Executive Order 43/22 Declaration of war
Executive Order - Executive Order 44/22 General of Redmont
Executive Order - Executive Order 45/22 Martial law
Vetoed - Executive Order 42/22 Enemies of the State (last one was owner vetoed while writing this)

Full suit to follow soon.

The Commonwealth of Redmont



The Prosecution alleges criminal actions committed by the Defendant as follows:

Throughout the course of four Executive Orders designed in such a way that they undermine stability of the Government of the Commonwealth of Redmont, undermine the national security of the Commonwealth of Redmont, and infringe on the rights of others, President Deadwax has committed multiple crimes, particularly Corruption and Treason.

Additionally, the Defendant has committed Obstruction of Justice by trying to interfere with this lawsuit.

1. Deadwax
2. The Commonwealth of Redmont

1. Treason is described as: Any party in federal office who is caught attempting to maliciously sabotage or undermine the stability, sovereignty, and/or national security of the government of Redmont.
2. Corruption is described as using “a government position to act to give some advantage inconsistent with official duty and the rights of others to unfairly benefit oneself, or someone else.”
3. The Constitution’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms provides that: “Every citizen is equal before and under the law and has the right to equal protection and equal benefit of the law without unfair discrimination…”
4. The Constitution provides the power of “approving the signage/revocation/leaving of any treaty in which the Commonwealth of Redmont is involved” to the Senate, not the President. (Thus, the Declaration of War requires Senate approval).
5. A Declaration of War is a treaty in which the Commonwealth of Redmont is involved.
6. Deadwax, using his power as President, passed an Executive Order (although it was later Owner vetoed) enforcing that the following individuals be stripped of their citizenship [Exhibit A]:
  • Dusty_3
  • Mhadsher101
  • poemhunter
  • xLayzur
7. Immediately after the filing of the above Emergency Injunction, President Deadwax fired Attorney General The_Donuticus from his position. [Exhibit E]
8. Deadwax, using his power as President, passed an Executive Order declaring war on three countries. [Exhibit D]
9. Deadwax, using his power as President, passed an Executive Order forcing a citizen into a government position. [Exhibit C]
10. Deadwax, using his power as President, passed an Executive Order enforcing a State of Emergency and Martial Law (neither of which have legal definitions in Redmont) until such time as either xEndeavour finds it no longer necessary or three countries which the President has no control over succumb to the President’s wishes. [Exhibit B]
11. After an Emergency Injunction had been approved, blocking the Executive Orders, deadwax passed a new Executive Order attempting to bypass the court's decision and give himself "unlimited authority to make and enforce laws" as well as "suspend[ing] all existing laws, as well as civil authority and the ordinary administration of justice." [Exhibit F]

The Prosecution hereby alleges the following charges against the Defendant:
1. One count of Treason, for maliciously undermining the stability of the Government by revoking the citizenship (and by extension, the public office) of government officials.
2. One count of Treason, for undermining the stability and national security of Redmont by declaring war without Senate approval.
3. One count of Corruption, for benefiting his own private and political interest by attempting to remove citizenship from his political rivals (most notably ex-Presidential opponent Mhadsher101).
4. One count of Corruption, for firing the Attorney General because he filed a lawsuit against the President.

5. One count of Obstruction of Justice, for firing the Attorney General immediately after the Attorney General started a criminal prosecution against him.
6. One count of Treason, for maliciously undermining the stability of the Government by issuing an Executive Order that "suspend[ed] all existing laws" and gave deadwax "unlimited authority to make and enforce laws."
7. One count of Corruption, for benefiting his own private interest by giving himself unlimited power to make and enforce laws.

Total: 3 counts of treason, 1 count of obstruction of justice, and 3 counts of corruption.

The Prosecution hereby recommends the following sentence for the Defendant:
1. For three counts of treason, the prosecution suggests $75,000 in fines + Removal from public office for a period of six months.
2. For three counts of corruption, the prosecution suggests $75,000 in fines + removal from public office for a period of six months.
3. For one count of obstruction of justice, the prosecution suggests a verbal warning. While this is quite underwhelming for a thing like this, this is what is specified in the Saviour Act.

Total: $150,000 in fines, removal from public office for a period of 12 months, and a verbal warning.

Exhibit A: Vetoed - Executive Order 42/22 Enemies of the State

Exhibit B: Executive Order - Executive Order 45/22 Martial law

Exhibit C: Executive Order - Executive Order 44/22 General of Redmont

Exhibit D: Executive Order - Executive Order 43/22 Declaration of war

Exhibit E:

Exhibit F: Executive Order - Executive Order 46/22 State of Emergency, War & Martial Law #2

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 2nd day of December 2022
Last edited:

The Supreme Court of the commonwealth hereby grants the emergency injunction under the defined definitions.

The following executive orders shall be struck down as they are deemed to be an overreach of executive authority as defined expressly by the constitution.

Executive Order 42 | Executive Order 43 | Executive Order 44 | Executive Order 45
Executive Order 42 | The executive order has been owner vetoed and, therefore, beyond court jurisdiction.

Executive Order 43 | The Constitution nor anywhere in the Redmont Law grant power expressly to the executive to declare war upon other countries.

Executive Order 44 | As with the striking of EO 43, the position as a whole shall be struck because you cannot create a position with government authority through Executive Orders. Titles can be created as previously made. However, an EO can be issued for a title with non-binding powers or authority.

Executive Order 45 | Nowhere is martial law defined within the Commonwealth of Redmont's laws. Further, it is not an expressed power granted to the executive to create a system of government change with an executive order.

All Supreme Court justices have approved this injunction. Due to the inability of the Chief Justice to be able to respond via their computer, Associate Justice Nacholebraa has delivered the response.


The President has just passed another Executive Order:

This Executive Order violates the Constitution by declaring Martial Law, which is defined by the Executive Order as:

"Martial law involves the temporary substitution of military authority for civilian rule and is usually invoked in time of war, rebellion, or natural disaster.
When martial law is in effect, the military commander of an area or country has unlimited authority to make and enforce laws. Martial law is justified when civilian authority has ceased to function, is completely absent, or has become ineffective. Further, martial law suspends all existing laws, as well as civil authority and the ordinary administration of justice."

Essentially, this order:
  • Suspends all laws
  • Gives unlimited, dictatorial authority to the Executive

The Commonwealth requests:
1. This Executive Order be blocked for the duration of this case.
2. The President be barred from making Executive Orders for the duration of this case.
3. The Commonwealth be allowed to edit the Case Filing to include this Executive Order.

Thank you, your honors.
The Supreme Court of the commonwealth hereby grants the emergency injunction under the defined definitions.

The following executive orders shall be struck down as they are deemed to be an overreach of executive authority as defined expressly by the constitution.​

Executive Order 46 | No authority, as previously explained within the previous ruling.

The Supreme Court moves to grant a previous request to remove a member of the government temporarily. Due to the recent dangerous and apparent outright disregard for the system of government. The Supreme Court hereby declares the President temporarily suspended from office. Following the case's conclusion, the president's titles shall be restored.

All Supreme Court justices have approved this injunction. Due to the inability of the Chief Justice to be able to respond via their computer, Associate Justice Nacholebraa has delivered the response.

The Supreme Court of the commonwealth hereby grants the emergency injunction under the defined definitions.

The following executive orders shall be struck down as they are deemed to be an overreach of executive authority as defined expressly by the constitution.​

Executive Order 46 | No authority, as previously explained within the previous ruling.

The Supreme Court moves to grant a previous request to remove a member of the government temporarily. Due to the recent dangerous and apparent outright disregard for the system of government. The Supreme Court hereby declares the President temporarily suspended from office. Following the case's conclusion, the president's titles shall be restored.

All Supreme Court justices have approved this injunction. Due to the inability of the Chief Justice to be able to respond via their computer, Associate Justice Nacholebraa has delivered the response.

View attachment 29943
Thank you, your honors.

Does the Commonwealth also have permission to update the Case Filing to include this new Executive Order?
Thank you, your honors.

Does the Commonwealth also have permission to update the Case Filing to include this new Executive Order?
Yes, it's fine - I meant to mention it within the response to the emergency injunction. Please update it at your next earliest convenience.
Thank you, your honors. The filing has been updated.
I will no longer be taking this case as I am resigning from the DLA.

I do not know who will be picking it up.


@Deadwax is required to appear before the Supreme Court in the case of The Commonwealth of Redmont v. Deadwax [2022] SCR 24

Failure to appear within 48 hours of this summons will result in a default judgment based on the known facts of the case.

Both parties should make themselves aware of the Court Rules and Procedures, including the option of an in-game trial should both parties request one.​


The Supreme Court will be actioning the following changes on the following grounds.
Exhibit A - Struck | Owner Veto - Outside of the court's jurisdiction
Charge 1 - Struck | Owner Veto - Outside of the court's jurisdiction
Charge 3 - Struck | Owner Veto - Outside of the court's jurisdiction
Exhibit E - Struck | Expressed Constitutional Power (§3§23)
Charge 4 - Struck | Expressed Constitutional Power (§3§23)
Fact 6 - Struck | Correlation to Exhibit A
Fact 7 - Struck | Correlation to Exhibit E

The Commonwealth of Redmont can adjust the filings in response to these strikes.​
Your Honour, I apologise for the interruption.

As pursuant to an extended leave of absence filed to the Staff Team, Deadwax is hereby under no obligation to present himself to court for the duration of this case as per explicit permission granted by myself.

You can proceed with the case once he's back.
The Court acknowledges the request made by Ownership and will be placing this case on a temporary suspension until the defendant has returned from leave. Evidence of this request is found within the SCR record of the case. The Court will be in recess until the defendant's return. Thank you for your time.
Hello Your Honor,

Deadwax has now returned from his extended leave of absence, and as such Court Proceedings may continue.
With the clearance given by staff, allow the case to resume. I will be requesting the defendant provide their plea to the charges presented to the court previously. I ask all parties to please re-familiarize themselves with the case presented to the court. I ask that a response is given to the courts within the next 48 hours.
Your Honors, my apologies for the delay in this post. Due to conflicting litigation schedules and the upcoming new year celebrations, along with the need to fully discuss and explain the details of the case to Deadwax, he will need a 72 hour extension. Please note, we are not fully representing the defendant for this case at this time but we do business with him, the extension is needed to get everything sorted.
Your Honors, my apologies for the delay in this post. Due to conflicting litigation schedules and the upcoming new year celebrations, along with the need to fully discuss and explain the details of the case to Deadwax, he will need a 72 hour extension. Please note, we are not fully representing the defendant for this case at this time but we do business with him, the extension is needed to get everything sorted.
I am not a fan of starting with an outright 72-hour extension. I am inclined that parties may have forgotten the details of the case due to the prolonged period since the filing of the case. I will grant a 24-hour extension from this point. Please note this total of 72 hours. I ask that the council be quick and efficient in the explanation of the case and provide a plea to the court within that time frame.
I’m going to need an extension, I have went to the hospital. I’m willing to verify this with senior staff.
I’m going to need an extension, I have went to the hospital. I’m willing to verify this with senior staff.
We will provide the council with 24 hours for an extension. IRL matters require full attention. I hope you feel better.
Your honors, I appreciate the extension. I am doing better and while I am still recovering from what happened I have been able to accomplish some legal work tonight. After several hours of waiting and explaining, we have failed to come to a retainer agreement to take on this case. Thus, despite having previously represented him in his impeachment case, we will not be representing him due to being unable to come to an agreement regarding payment for his case.
The Supreme Court would like to ask the state if they still wish to pursue these charges. Please inform the court within the next 24 hours.
The State does not wish to continue to pursue these charges. I would like to thank the Supreme Court for their time spent presiding over this case.
This case is hereby dismissed at the request of the state. The Court thanks all for their time.
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