Lawsuit: Dismissed Commonwealth of Redmont v. FakeLlama360 [2024] SCR 23

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May 14, 2021
Criminal Action

The Commonwealth of Redmont




On March 6th, 2024, FakeLlama360 cast an "aye" vote on Motion S.28.23. This motion was to conclude the impeachment trial of President Goldblooded. Despite the procedural mandates outlined in the Peach Act, which stipulates the necessity of a structured trial process, President Goldblooded was not afforded the opportunity for a fair trial as per the foundational principles given to him in the Redmont Constitution. The failure to conduct a trial constitutes a violation of the Peach Act, an act designed to uphold the integrity of impeachment proceedings and ensure due process for all individuals subject to such inquiries. Moreover, the right to a trial is enshrined as a fundamental entitlement bestowed upon every citizen under the Redmont Constitution. This treasonous action by FakeLlama360 greatly undermined the stability of the Commonwealth of Redmont.

  1. The Commonwealth of Redmont (Prosecution
  2. Mask3D_WOLF (Prosecuting Authority)
  3. FakeLlama360 (Defendant)
  1. On March 6, 2024, Motion S.28.23 was brought to the Senate floor
  2. The Motion concluded President Goldblooded’s impeachment trial, despite no impeachment trial being held for him
  3. FakeLlama360 voted "aye" for this illegal motion, violating Goldblooded's rights outlined in the Peach Act
The Prosecution hereby alleges the following charges against the Defendant:
1 Count of Treason for not upholding the laws while in a government office leading to the destabilization of the government and the body of laws that support it.

The Prosecution hereby recommends the following sentence for the Defendant:
1. In accordance with the ‘Corruption and Espionage Offenses Act' the exclusion of FakeLlama360 from a political office for a consecutive 2 months.
2. A $25,000 fine be paid by FakeLlama360

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 8th day of March 2024
Last edited:


The defendant is required to appear before the court in The Commonwealth of Redmont v. FakeLlama360 [2024] SCR 23. Failure to appear within 72 hours of this summons will result in a default judgment.

I'd like to remind both parties to be aware of the Court Rules and Procedures, including the option of an in-game trial should both parties request one.​
Your Honor

The defense has retained me as their attorney and I would like to request a 48 hour extension.
Your Honor

The defense has retained me as their attorney and I would like to request a 48 hour extension.
Breach of procedure

Your Honor,
The 72 hour deadline to put up a answer to complaint has passed. The defendents cousel is requesting an extension after the deadline has passed.​
Your Honor,

This is an extremely important case to let go to default judgment. This is unprecedented abuse of prosecutorial power for political gain, because the Senate failed to pass the solicitor generals attorney general nomination, the weaponization of this office against senators for voting Is something we can’t let go to fault judgment. I am willing to take the contempt of court charge however, this trial would be allowed to proceed.
The objection is overruled.

Before we get off on the wrong foot, it is not the place to air either side's dirty laundry and perform the theatrics commonly displayed within the lower courts. The alleged crimes are severe and have been presented to the court. Please keep the snark comments behind the prosecution's intentions to a minimum and allow the facts to speak for themselves. The same will go for the prosecution should the comments arise.

However, I would like to formally give notice to the defense. Being prompt and on time is very valued within this court. It's been roughly 48 hours since the request was submitted to the court. It is within the best nature that you prepare a plea for the court, please have the plea presented to the court by 3/14/24 @ 11:14 pm EST

Commonwealth of Redmont



1. The Defense AFFIRMS Motion S.28.23 was brought to the floor
2. The Defense AFFIRMS The Motion concluded president Goldblooded’s impeachment trial
3. The Defense DISPUTES No Impeachment Trial was held for president Goldblooded therefor the motion was an illegal motion that violated the peach act and the constitution
4. The Defense DISPUTES FakeLlama360 voted “aye” for an illegal motion.

1. The DLA is prosecuting my client for doing his job of exercising his obligation as a Senator to vote on motions.
2. It is not the job of the DLA to sue any Senator based on how they vote in congress, should they feel that the motions are unconstitutional, they should sue the government as a whole not try to hold individual senators liable as this will ultimately lead to political prosecution rather then proactive. Soon we will be prosecuting senators for failing to pass Presidential Nominations should the DLA be allowed to do this.
3. The Defense does not believe that the motion was illegal and will prove that during this case

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 14th day of March 2024
The court thanks you for providing the plea.

We will now transition into a 7-day discovery period. Should either party wish to end discovery early, please note that both parties will need to consent.
Your Honors, @Snowy_Heart will be taking this case for now.
Your Honor,

My client has left all DC Related Servers and cut contact with me as his council for a period of 8 Days, The Redmont Law Firm will be withdrawing as his council at this time.
As the defendant does not have proper representation at this time a public defender is requested. As the trial is already under way the court will be temporarily halting discovery.

The court is hereby in recess until one is assigned to the case.
Although a Public Defender has been hired, due to a lack of another available Justice, this case will remain in recess.
Due to Justice SumoMC's nomination passing earlier this morning, we will be moving forward.

Due to the Defense not presenting, a Public Defender will be summoned.
They have 72 hours to give an answer to complaint or motion to dismiss.
Inquiry to the Court

Your honour, are we to make another answer to complaint / motion to dismiss? The original legal representation of the defendant had already made one, though if we are allowed to, we would love to make another answer to complaint as our defence strategy is different than theirs, and additionally, we do not have access to what they were planning.
Inquiry to the Court

Your honour, are we to make another answer to complaint / motion to dismiss? The original legal representation of the defendant had already made one, though if we are allowed to, we would love to make another answer to complaint as our defence strategy is different than theirs, and additionally, we do not have access to what they were planning.
You may.

The Commonwealth of Redmont



  1. We affirm that "On March 6, 2024, Motion S.28.23 was brought to the Senate floor"
  2. We neither affirm or deny that "The Motion concluded President Goldblooded’s impeachment trial, despite no impeachment trial being held for him"
  3. We neither affirm or deny that "FakeLlama360 voted "aye" for this illegal motion, violating Goldblooded's rights outlined in the Peach Act"

1. The defence wishes to argue that the alleged actions have no connection to build up a case of treason, and will prove so throughout the case.

(Attach evidence and a list of witnesses at the bottom if applicable)

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 15th day of May, 2024
Apologies for not responding sooner, we are now moving into Discovery which will last 7 days.
Your Honor, may we fix a one-word error in the filing?
Criminal Action

The Commonwealth of Redmont




On March 6th, 2024, FakeLlama360 cast an "aye" vote on Motion S.28.23. This motion was to conclude the impeachment trial of President Goldblooded. Despite the procedural mandates outlined in the Peach Act, which stipulates the necessity of a structured trial process, President Goldblooded was not afforded the opportunity for a fair trial as per the foundational principles given to him in the Redmont Constitution. The failure to conduct a trial constitutes a violation of the Peach Act, an act designed to uphold the integrity of impeachment proceedings and ensure due process for all individuals subject to such inquiries. Moreover, the right to a trial is enshrined as a fundamental entitlement bestowed upon every citizen under the Redmont Constitution. This treasonous action by FakeLlama360 greatly undermined the stability of the Commonwealth of Redmont.

  1. The Commonwealth of Redmont (Prosecution
  2. Mask3D_WOLF (Prosecuting Authority)
  3. FakeLlama360 (Defendant)
  1. On March 6, 2024, Motion S.28.23 was brought to the Senate floor
  2. The Motion concluded President Goldblooded’s impeachment trial, despite no impeachment trial being held for him
  3. FakeLlama360 voted "aye" for this illegal motion, violating Goldblooded's rights outlined in the Peach Act
The Prosecution hereby alleges the following charges against the Defendant:
1 Count of Treason for not upholding the laws while in a government office leading to the destabilization of the government and the body of laws that support it.

The Prosecution hereby recommends the following sentence for the Defendant:
1. In accordance with the ‘Corruption and Espionage Offenses Act' the exclusion of OverlordofPeonys from a political office for a consecutive 2 months.
2. A $25,000 fine be paid by FakeLlama360

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 8th day of March 2024
We would also like to call FakeLlama360 and Dartanman as witnesses at this time
Your Honor, may we fix a one-word error in the filing?

We would also like to call FakeLlama360 and Dartanman as witnesses at this time
You may, Discovery is also now over so we will be moving into Opening Statements.

The Prosecution has 72 hours to provide their Opening Statement.
I will be taking over as the Presiding Justice for this case, all timelines are still in effect at this time.
Your Honor, as I will be out of town there will be a temporary prosecutor taking over the case. The Commonwealth would like to request an extension for this person to be familiarized with the case.
Your Honor, as I will be out of town there will be a temporary prosecutor taking over the case. The Commonwealth would like to request an extension for this person to be familiarized with the case.

43 hours is still remaining in the deadline, that should be more then enough time.
@Mask3D_WOLF is hereby held in Contempt of Court, i order the Department of Homeland Security to Jail/Fine Accordingly.

Given that 96 Hours have elapsed and no extension has been requested, nor response has been given we will move on.

The Defense has 72 Hours to give their opening statements.
@Mask3D_WOLF is hereby held in Contempt of Court, i order the Department of Homeland Security to Jail/Fine Accordingly.

Given that 96 Hours have elapsed and no extension has been requested, nor response has been given we will move on.

The Defense has 72 Hours to give their opening statements.
Motion to Reconsider

An extension actually was requested. Furthermore, Masked announced he would be unavailable, holding him in contempt is erroneous. Accept or deny the extension, but don't use a lack of request as a reason to hold a prosecutor in contempt who explicitly requested an extension and said he would be unavailable for real life reasons. The process of justice need not be rushed.

That being said, I am taking over this case until the assigned prosecutor has returned.
Motion to Reconsider

An extension actually was requested. Furthermore, Masked announced he would be unavailable, holding him in contempt is erroneous. Accept or deny the extension, but don't use a lack of request as a reason to hold a prosecutor in contempt who explicitly requested an extension and said he would be unavailable for real life reasons. The process of justice need not be rushed.

That being said, I am taking over this case until the assigned prosecutor has returned.

Motion Denied they had 24 additional hours to request an extension and only asked to familiarize themselves with the case, none of the reasons you stated.

I would like a 12 hour extension, just so I can get it out today. I apologise for the delay due to my finals, and moving of residence in real life.
This case is hereby in recess pending the appointment of another Justice
With having a full court, we will be continuing the case. The Defense has 72 Hours to give an Opening Statement.
Your honor, the DOJ kindly asks for a 24 hour extension. I guess I’m gonna have to write the opening for this cuz the original prosecutors aren’t stepping up. And I need a little time.
Your honor, the DOJ kindly asks for a 24 hour extension. I guess I’m gonna have to write the opening for this cuz the original prosecutors aren’t stepping up. And I need a little time.
I apologize I got caught up with work stuff. Honestly this case is kind of weird, if the DOJ really wants to try it they can but I’m not going to take this case. I was supposed to be resigned like forever ago.
@MrFluffy2U94 is hereby held in contempt, 5 Days is more then enough to post a response. Case is in recess pending a public defender.
Since this case has been going on for a fair few months now, and the previous acting-AG was unfortunately busy with a real life issue, I have analyzed this cases merits to see if there is justification to continue it.

Given there is a lack of claim in the original filing, failing to mention intent whatsoever (which is a requirement to prove treason), I see no reason why this case should continue against an inactive and innocent player.

Unless a future AG finds evidence to prove intent, this case will be closed by the DOJ.

Thank you justices for your patience, I know its been a long wait.
Motion to Reconsider

I would also like to point out that perhaps a courtesy ping would've been warranted for @MrFluffy2U94 before issuing a contempt of court. This fell onto his desk without notice, and I ask respectfully that the courts reconsider the contempt charge.
@MrFluffy2U94 is hereby held in contempt, 5 Days is more then enough to post a response. Case is in recess pending a public defender.
I am no longer acting AG as of yesterday. Technically there was no AG acting or not when you wrote this.
Motion to Reconsider

I would also like to point out that perhaps a courtesy ping would've been warranted for @MrFluffy2U94 before issuing a contempt of court. This fell onto his desk without notice, and I ask respectfully that the courts reconsider the contempt charge.
Motion Denied, it is not my job to be his keeper. Contempt Charge stands.
I am no longer acting AG as of yesterday. Technically there was no AG acting or not when you wrote this.
You are hereby held in contempt again, there was no reason for your response. I hereby order the DHS to fine/jail accordingly.

We would like to make the courts aware again of the DOJ's intent to drop this case. We do not believe this case had enough evidence or even a full understanding of the law when it was filed, and we do not wish to continue this case.

Thank you for your time
Respectfully your honors, this is the only case on the Supreme Courts docket, may I ask what might be taking so long?
Respectfully your honors, this is the only case on the Supreme Courts docket, may I ask what might be taking so long?
The Supreme Court agreed in a 3-0 decision to dismiss at the request of the Prosecution.

Somehow, it never got posted. Case dismissed.
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