Lawsuit: Dismissed Commonwealth of Redmont v. Wetc, Milqy & Deadwax

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Jul 20, 2020

The Commonwealth of Redmont


Former DEC Secretary Wetc, Senator Milqy & DCT-Secretary Deadwax

The Prosecution alleges criminal actions committed by the Defendant as follows:

Former DEC Secretary Wetc announced he will be resigning on July 13th, effective 12:00 AM EST 7/14/22. During the time between his announcement and when his resignation would take into effect. Wetc did a number of things to purposefully and maliciously undermine the stability of the Government. This includes but is not limited, to Getting rid of all tax exemptions, accepting all employee applications and agreeing to sell DEC minting requests to LHBank for next to nothing so LHBank could make a huge profit.

LHBank is run and operated by both Milqy & Secretary Deadwax. On July 13th, Milqy proposed a contract to Former DEC Secretary Wetc that would sell DEC minting requests to LHBank for $0.01 on the dollar(Exhibit A). This is an absurdly lower price than what would be considered justifiable. This proposal was made after the former secretary was asking around in a VC what final acts he could do to abuse his position as DEC Secretary because he didn't care about the punishment. During the VC they drafted the contract. After the contract was signed in the same VC Milqy and Wetc also mentioned that they were going to quickly delete any incriminating messages.

LHBank later sold/attempted to sell, these DEC minting requests to multiple banks. These offers were something along the line of $0.50/dollar. Selling the minting request at this price would net LHBank with a profit of $377,611.15. The only reason Wetc accepted this contract from LHBank is that Milqy, Deadwax and Former DEC Secretary Wetc were "best friends"(Exhibit B). Along with a friendship, the three also shared a political partnership, with both Wetc, Deadwax and Wetc being among the highest ranking members of the MHP. Wetc being chairman and later on leaving the chairmanship to Milqy.

After the fact, Milqy and Deadwax have intentionally tried to block any inquiries into the original contract, as well as the subsequent selling of those DEC-Minting requests to other banks. They went as far as creating a group chat called "If we go down we go down together". Making people enter into a contract to not talk to the Department of Legal Affairs(Exhibit C). Which is the definition of Obstruction of Justice.


1. The Commonwealth of Remont
2. Former DEC Secretary Wetc
3. LHBank owner, President of the Senate and Chief of Staff Milqy.
4. LHBank owner and DCT Secretary Deadwax

1. Former DEC Secretary Wetc announced he will be resigning on July 13th, effective 12:00 AM EST 7/14/22. (Exhibit D)
2. Wetc Accepted all employee applications without checking them.
3. Wetc removed all tax-exempt status from businesses.(Exhibit E)
4. Wetc agreed to a contract that would benefit his best friends and undermine the government.
5. Milqy & Deadwax created a group called "If we go down, then we go down together"
6. Milqy forced people to sign an NDA to not talk to the Department of Legal Affairs so we couldn't conduct an investigation.

The Prosecution hereby alleges the following charges against the Defendant:
1. Wetc is hereby charged with 1 count of treason.
2. Wetc is hereby charged with 1 count of corruption
3. Milqy is hereby charged with 1 count of Accomplice to commit Corruption.
4. Deadwax is hereby charged with 1 count of Accomplice to commit Corruption
5. Milqy is hereby charged with 1 count of Obstruction of Justice
6. Deadwax is hereby charged with 1 count of Obstruction of Justice.
7. Milqy is hereby charged with 1 count of Money Laundering.
8. Deadwax is hereby charged with 1 count of Money Laundering.

The Prosecution hereby recommends the following sentence for the Defendant:
1. The Commonwealth asks the maximum fine for 1 count of treason for Wetc which is a $25,000 fine and 2-month removal from public office.
2. The Commonwealth asks the maximum fine for 1 count of corruption for Wetc which is a $5,000 fine and 2-month removal from public office.
3. The Commonwealth asks the maximum fine for 1 count of Accomplice to commit Corruption for Milqy which is a $3750 fine and 1,5-month removal from public office.
3. The Commonwealth asks the maximum fine for 1 count of Accomplice to commit Corruption for Deadwax which is a $3750 fine and 1,5-month removal from public office.
4. The Commonwealth asks the maximum fine for 1 count of Obstruction of Justice for Milqy which is a verbal warning 👀
5. The Commonwealth asks the maximum fine for 1 count of Obstruction of Justice for Deadwax which is a verbal warning 👀
6. The Commonwealth asks for the maximum fine for 1 count of Money Laundering for Milqy which is a $50.000 fine and 10min of jail-time.
7. The Commonwealth asks for the maximum fine for 1 count of Money Laundering for Deadwax which is a $50.000 fine and 10min of jail-time.

(Attach evidence and a list of witnesses at the bottom if applicable)

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 26th day of June 2022


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The Supreme Court requests that this case will be seperated in 3 cases and put in the right court. This to have a fair trial for all of them.
Sorry to clarify you want the Department to Re-file the cases in 3 parts or will the courts be copying the threads to 3 separate threads?
You should refile the cases in 3 parts in the proper court. This will be a closed thread afterward.
Attorney General @Milkcrack I'll be dismissing this lawsuit in 48 hours, pls place the 3 separate lawsuits in the correct court by then.
Lawsuit is split up in 3 cases so I hereby dismiss this lawsuit.
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