Act of Congress Department Reform Act

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Court Clerk
Construction & Transport Department
Redmont Bar Assoc.
President Order of Redmont Trifecta
Apr 7, 2020

Amend the Constitution and the Executive Standards Act and to reform the Executive department structure to be clearer and to include a Department of Education.

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the 'Department Reform Act'
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This Act has been authored by: Speaker xEndeavour
(4) This Act has been co-sponsored by: Sen. Derpy_Bird

2 - Reasons
(1) As requested by the President-elect and Vice President-elect as part of their election mandate.
(2) There has been a historical abandonment of education in Government, partly due to the large portfolio of responsibilities of the DEC and the primacy of economics within that department. A department dedicated to the cause of education is therefore required to advance education across the nation.
(3) The size and responsibilities of Departments are growing, this will alleviate stresses on larger departments to allow them to focus in on a narrower primary role.
(4) Departmentalising something has been an effective method of resolving troubled areas of government in the past.
(5) To clear up the duty statements of Departments to be easier to read.
(6) To expand job opportunities for citizens of Redmont which are tailored to the responsibilities of departments.
3 - Amendments to Department Seniority and the Presidential Order of Succession
(1) The amended order of succession, from which the seniority of Departments will be devised:

'd. Secretary of the Department of State
e. Secretary of the Department of Justice
f. Secretary of the Department of Legal Affairs
g. Secretary of the Department of Commerce
h. Secretary of the Department of Public Affairs
i. Secretary of the Department of Construction & Transport
j. Secretary of the Department of Health
k. Secretary of the Department of Interior
l. Secretary of the Department of Education'

4 - Amendments to the Department of State (DOS)

(1) The Department of State is charged with the following primary responsibilities:
(a) Internal auditing and performance of all Government Departments.
(b) Evaluation and oversight of the Executive.
(c) Compiling a State of the Commonwealth.
(d) Administration, facilitation of, and communication with towns, including notification of any laws that may impact towns.
(e) Foreign relations
(f) Political party registration
(g) Facilitation of Federal elections (and other elections as requested), including debates.
(h) Dedication and establish of national public holidays and any conditions that go with the public holiday.
(i) Mediating intragovernmental disputes.
(j) Managing and responding to complaints and reports against executive departments.
(2) Leadership:
(a) Secretary of the Department of State
(b) Deputy Secretary of the Department of State.
(3) Management:
(a) Electoral Manager
(b) Audit Manager
(c) Ambassador
(4) Occupations:
(a) Electoral Officer
(b) Auditor
(c) Foreign Officer
(5) Seal:

Dept State.png

7 - Amendments to the Department of Justice (DOJ)
(1) The Department of Justice is charged with the following primary responsibilities:
(a) Maintaining the peace and good order of the server, through lawfully exercising its power equally to enforce the laws of the Commonwealth of Redmont.
(b) Administration of a Federal impound and providing security to government officials and events.
(c) Maintaining criminal records
(d) Providing criminal records upon request (the requesting individual must be party to the record requested) within 7 days.
(2) The Department is considered an 'emergency services' provider.
(3) Leadership:
(a) Secretary of the Department of Justice.
(b) Deputy Secretary of the Department of Justice.
(4) Management:
(a) Superintendent
(b) Sergeant
(5) Occupations:
(a) Constable
(b) Recruit
(6) Seal:

Dept Justice.png

8 - Amendments to the Department of Legal Affairs (DLA)
(1) The Department of Legal Affairs is charged with the following primary responsibilities:
(a) Defending the national legal interest.
(b) Investigating and prosecuting on behalf of the Federal Government.
(c) Acting ethically and lawfully at the President’s direction.
(d) Managing Freedom of Information requests.
(3) Leadership:
(a) Secretary of the Department of Legal Affairs (Attorney General)
(b) Deputy Secretary of the Department of Legal Affairs (Solicitor General)
(4) Management: Nil.
(5) Occupations:
(a) Special Prosecutor
(b) State Prosecutor
(6) Seal:

Dept Legal Affairs.png

4 - Creation of Department of Commerce (DOC)
(1) The Department of Commerce is charged with the following primary responsibilities:
(a) Maintaining a prosperous national economic state.
(b) Advancing employment opportunities and guidelines for occupations.
(c) Administration of government grants and the registration of companies.
(d) Enforcing compliance with national corporate standards.
(3) Leadership:
(a) Secretary of the Department of Commerce.
(b) Deputy Secretary of the Department of Commerce.
(4) Management:
(a) Commerce Manager
(b) Compliance Manager
(5) Occupations:
(a) Economist
(b) Compliance Officer
(6) Seal:

Dept Commerce.png

6 - Amendments to the Department of Public Affairs (DPA)
(1) The Department of Public Affairs is charged with the following primary responsibilities:
(a) Advancing the spirit of community.
(b) Organising and hosting community events.
(c) Administering national social media accounts.
(d) Administration of cabinet meetings
(e) Managing National event calendar (Discord Events Tab).
(f) Managing bookings for Government recreation facilities.
(3) Leadership:
(a) Secretary of the Department of Public Affairs.
(b) Deputy Secretary of the Department of Public Affairs.
(4) Management:
(a) Media Manager
(b) Event Manager
(5) Occupations:
(a) Media Officer
(b) Event Coordinator
(6) Seal:

Dept Public Affairs.png

11 - Amendments to the Department of Construction & Transportation (DCT)
(1) The Department of Construction and Transport is charged with the following primary responsibilities:
(a) Creation of Government infrastructure
(b) Maintenance of building regulation compliance.
(c) Management of Public Transport networks.
(3) Leadership:
(a) Secretary of the Department of Construction and Transport.
(b) Deputy Secretary of the Department of Construction and Transport.
(4) Management:
(a) Construction Manager
(b) Inspection Manager
(5) Occupations:
(a) Constructor
(b) Building Inspector
(6) Seal:

Dept Construction & Transport.png

12 - Amendments to the Department of Health (DOH)
(1) The Department of Health is charged with the following primary responsibilities:
(a) Maintenance and upkeep of the national health system.
(2) The Department is considered an 'emergency services' provider.
(3) Leadership:
(a) Secretary of the Department of Health
(b) Deputy Secretary of the Department of Health.
(4) Management: Medical Specialist
(5) Occupations:
(a) Paramedic
(b) Doctor
(c) Trainee Doctor
(6) Seal:

Dept Health.png

13 - Amendments to the Department of the Interior (DOI)
(1) The Department of the Interior is charged with the following primary responsibilities:
(a) Maintaining the natural aesthetic of the nation and surrounding lands through repairing and revitalising the natural landscape, developing natural wonders, and strategically managing and conserving natural resources.
(b) Regulating farming practices and resource collection.
(c) Administration of a animal shelters, zoos, urban parks, and national parks.
(d) Management of a Government Tender program and Supply Depot.
(2) Leadership:
(a) Secretary of the Department of the Interior.
(b) Deputy Secretary of the Department of the Interior.
(3) Management:
(a) Environment Manager
(b) Logistics Manager
(4) Occupations:
(a) Supply Officer
(b) Ranger
(5) Seal:

Dept Interior.png

14 - Amendments to the Creation of the Department of Education (DOE)
(1) The Department of Education is charged with the following primary responsibilities:
(a) Advancing the knowledge, skills, and retention of the people of Redmont through education initiatives and furthering contributions to academia.
(b) Maintaining a historical national archives to document and preserve national history.
(2) Leadership:
(a) Secretary of the Department of Education.
(b) Deputy Secretary of the Department of Education.
(3) Management:
(a) Education Manager
(b) Archive Manager
(c) Tour Manager
(4) Occupations:
(a) Professor
(b) Archivist
(c) Guide
(5) Seal:

Dept Education.png

15 - Replaced Duty Statements
6 - Department of State
(1) The Department of State is charged with the Executive oversight and evaluation of departments and the cabinet. In addition, the Department of State is charged with the internal auditing and performance of all Government Departments and is responsible for writing the President's State of the Commonwealth address. The Department of State is also responsible for the administration and facilitation of towns as well as any communication between towns and the executive branch, which must be done through the Department of State. The Department of State shall lead matters of foreign relations with Governments outside the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth of Redmont. The Department of State shall oversee and manage federally sanctioned elections, and political party registration. Political debates will be organised by the Department of Public Affairs but overseen by the Department of State for quality control.
(2) The Department of State has the power to dedicate and establish national public holidays and any conditions that go with the public holiday.
(3) It is the responsibility of the DoS to inform town mayors of any changes that have happened to the government/laws which may affect their town.
(4) Any disputes between towns, the central government and towns and town/federal government agencies and towns are first to be handled by the Department and if the dispute cannot be resolved then legal action may be taken.
7 - Department of Justice
(1) The department is charged with maintaining the peace and good order of the server, through lawfully exercising its power to enforce the laws of the Commonwealth of Redmont. The department oversees the Police Officer employment of Redmont. Additionally, the department is responsible for the administration of an impound and providing security to government officials and events.
(2) The Department of Justice shall be considered a provider of an “Emergency Service”, vital to public order.
(3) The Department of Justice is obligated to ensure the laws are enforced and applied to every individual equally.
(4) A citizen can request for a Police Officer to provide security at a gathering of 8 or more citizens.
(5) A citizen has the right to know their own criminal records which must be facilitated by a Sergeant or Department official within 7 days. Citizens cannot be charged with a crime if there is no criminal record of such.
8 - Department of Legal Affairs
(1) The department is charged with legally defending, investigating, and prosecuting on behalf of the Government. The department is charged with the employment of Commonwealth Prosecutors and Legal Officers. The Department of Legal Affairs is to act in the best interests of the Government. The Department will act ethically and lawfully at the President’s direction. The Department oversees Freedom of Information requests.
(2) The Secretary of the Department of Legal Affairs is the Attorney General and will be referred to in an official capacity as the Attorney General.
9 - Department of Education & Commerce
(1) The department is charged with maintaining the country's economic state, as well as updating country guidelines and laws. The department oversees economist and draftsman employment. Additionally, the department is charged with the administration of government grants and the registration of companies.
10 - Department of Public Affairs
(1) The department is charged with organizing and hosting server community events, political debates, and surveys. The department oversees Event Coordinator and Tour Guide employment. Additionally, the department is responsible for the administration of the country's social media accounts and the administration of cabinet meetings. Bookings and events in Government recreation facilities are managed by the Public Affairs Department. The Department of Public Affairs will also maintain a National Archive on forums to document and preserve national history.
11 - Department of Construction & Transportation
(1) The department is charged with the creation of Government infrastructure and maintenance of build quality throughout the country's urban environments. The department oversees Constructor and Building Inspector employment. Additionally, the department is responsible for the administration of a DCT store and Government Tenders.
12 - Department of Health
(1) The Department of Health is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the country's health systems. The department oversees Doctor and Medical Specialist employment.
(2) The Department of Health shall be considered a provider of an “Emergency Service”, vital to public health.
13 - Department of the Interior
(1) The Department of the Interior is charged with maintaining the natural aesthetic of the country through repairing and revitalizing the natural landscape, developing natural wonders, and strategically managing and conserving natural resources. The department oversees Ranger employment, farming practices, and resource collection around the country. Additionally, the department is responsible for the administration of a DOI store, Animal Shelters, Zoo, and Government Tenders/Supply Depot.
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While I somewhat like the idea of the bill, why are half the roles called "Officer" now? Was that also a request by the President-elect and Vice President-elect?
While I somewhat like the idea of the bill, why are half the roles called "Officer" now? Was that also a request by the President-elect and Vice President-elect?
Supported by them.

As standardisation - if it doesn't have an original name - managerial roles will be 'x manager' and occupational roles will be 'x officer.'

Many of these jobs are new to give certain niche aspects of departments niche roles to manage that specific thing.
Withdrawn from voting, amendments made, ballot reopened.

Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law.
