Homeland Security Department
Commerce Department
Public Affairs Department
Construction & Transport Department
Education Department
Oakridge Resident
- Joined
- Jul 17, 2024
- Messages
- 180
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- #1
The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:
1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the ‘DLA doesnt Exist Act’'
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This Act has been authored by Avaneesh2008
(4) This Act has been co-sponsored by Rep. Kaiserin_
2 - Reasons
(1) Department of Legal Affairs became Department of Justice
(2) Department of Justice became Department of Homeland Security
(3) These old names are still present in some acts and need to be fixed
3 - Amend Commercial Standards Act
(1) Section 4 of The Commercial Standards Act shall be amended from:
“(1) The Department of Commerce is authorized to monitor financial transactions and may publish generalized reporting on transaction statistics.
(2) The Department of Commerce is afforded access to financial institution accounts on request for the purposes of monitoring them for compliance.
(3) The Department of Commerce is empowered to conduct random spot-checks of gaming machines to ensure compliance with the advertised odds. Failure to comply is considered fraudulent trading.
(4) The Department of Commerce is authorized to disband any companies in game which do not meet the requirements to be a company.
(5) The Department of Commerce is charged with investigating commerce-related white-collar crimes.
(a) Findings are referred to the Department of Legal Affairs for prosecution.
(b) Where it is unclear which department should investigate the crime, the matter will be referred to the Department of Legal Affairs.”
“(1) The Department of Commerce is authorized to monitor financial transactions and may publish generalized reporting on transaction statistics.
(2) The Department of Commerce is afforded access to financial institution accounts on request for the purposes of monitoring them for compliance.
(3) The Department of Commerce is empowered to conduct random spot-checks of gaming machines to ensure compliance with the advertised odds. Failure to comply is considered fraudulent trading.
(4) The Department of Commerce is authorized to disband any companies in game which do not meet the requirements to be a company.
(5) The Department of Commerce is charged with investigating commerce-related white-collar crimes.
(a) Findings are referred to the Department of Justice for prosecution.
(b) Where it is unclear which department should investigate the crime, the matter will be referred to the Department of Justice.”
4 - Amend State Commendations Act
(1) Section 6 Part 4 of State Commendations Act shall be amended from:
“(4) Department of Legal Affairs
(i) Golden Scales of Redmont
(a) Sponsor: Attorney General
(b) Limit: 1
(c) Awarded for: Exceptional achievement and/or outstanding service to the Department.
(ii) Iron Scales of Redmont
(a) Sponsor: Attorney General
(b) Limit: 2
(c) Awarded for: Achievement and/or service to the Department.”
“(4) Department of Justice
(i) Golden Scales of Redmont
(a) Sponsor: Attorney General
(b) Limit: 1
(c) Awarded for: Exceptional achievement and/or outstanding service to the Department.
(ii) Iron Scales of Redmont
(a) Sponsor: Attorney General
(b) Limit: 2
(c) Awarded for: Achievement and/or service to the Department.”
5 - Amend Classification Act
(1) Section 10 Part 2 of State Commendations Act shall be amended from:
“(2) Freedom of Information requests can be made by a congressional chamber, congressional committee, Courts, and/or individuals.
(a) A Freedom of Information request made by an individual is, made towards the Department of Legal Affairs. The Department of Legal Affairs is then expected to make a reasonable attempt to, provide all non-classified requested information. Providing the request is reasonable as decided by the Speaker for Congressional requests, the Chief of Staff for Cabinet requests, and the Chief Justice for Judicial requests. A request for something classified by a player without sufficient clearance is always an unreasonable request. The request may be for any unclassified document or chat discussion of the Congressional, Cabinet, or Judicial discord servers.
(b) A Freedom of Information request made by a court, congressional chamber or congressional committee is an ordained subpoena of information towards the cabinet. The cabinet is expected to provide all relevant information, with an SC of 3 or lower.”
“(2) Freedom of Information requests can be made by a congressional chamber, congressional committee, Courts, and/or individuals.
(a) A Freedom of Information request made by an individual is, made towards the Department of Justice. The Department of Justice is then expected to make a reasonable attempt to, provide all non-classified requested information. Providing the request is reasonable as decided by the Speaker for Congressional requests, the Chief of Staff for Cabinet requests, and the Chief Justice for Judicial requests. A request for something classified by a player without sufficient clearance is always an unreasonable request. The request may be for any unclassified document or chat discussion of the Congressional, Cabinet, or Judicial discord servers.
(b) A Freedom of Information request made by a court, congressional chamber or congressional committee is an ordained subpoena of information towards the cabinet. The cabinet is expected to provide all relevant information, with an SC of 3 or lower.”