Act of Congress Don't Leave the Door Open-Act


3rd Anniversary Statesman
Nov 9, 2021
House Vote: 7-1-2
Senate Vote: 3-0-2


Ensure that the owner of a plot that has been subjected to a warranted search is notified afterwards.

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1-Short Title and Enactment

(1) This Act may be cited as the “Don’t leave the Door Open-Act” or the “DLTDO-Act” for short.​
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.​
(3) This Act is authored by Representative Freeze28.​
(4) This Act has been co-sponsored by Senator Black_Ven0m.​
(5) This Act has been approved by the DOJ Secretary ElainaThomas29.​


(1) Currently, the owner of a plot that has been subject to a search warrant, is not notified once in the whole process of applying for a warrant, getting a warrant, and subsequently searching the entire plot, seizing illegal items.​
(2) In the process of searching a plot, staff unlock chests and doors for police to search. These chests and doors STAY UNLOCKED even after the search is done, since staff cannot lock a chest for someone. Those chests and doors then stay unlocked without the owner of the plot being notified. This can lead to trespassing and stealing without the owner of the plot even knowing about the possibility of such things happening. This Bill aims to prevent these unnecessary damages.​

(1) Using the /mail system, the Policeman / Policewoman who has fulfilled a search warrant must notify the owner of the searched plot, including the date of the search, the affected plot and a list of all items seized, if any.
(2) Said message must roughly follow this template: “<Player Name>, the DOJ hereby informs you that your plot, <Plot-Number> has been searched for illegal items. Any doors and chests in your plot may therefore still be unlocked. We have seized the following items from you: <list of seized items, including quantities>”.
(3) An officers failure to provide this information to the owner of the searched plot will result in a 500$ fine, made payable to the owner of the plot. In Addition, it is then up to the DOJ Secretary whether to warn the officer.
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Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law.

