Rescinded Executions Act


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Feb 10, 2024

Establish a Formal Process for Executions​

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the 'Executions Act'.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This Act has been authored by Representative lcn.
(4) This Act has been co-sponsored by (Looking for co-sponsors).

2 - Reasons
(1) To establish a formal process for executions, should the law require it.

3 - Execution Process
(1) On the day of execution, the following personnel must be present:
(a) The Secretary of Homeland Security, to authorize the execution.​
(i) The Secretary of Homeland Security shall reserve the right to deny any execution.​
(b) Three Department of Homeland Security employees, ranking Sergeant or higher, to action the execution.​
(2) The following may be present as witnesses, and no others:
(a) Family members of the executee.​
(b) Official witnesses of the crime, should the execution be punishment for a crime.​
(c) One player of the executee's choice.​
(d) All witnesses shall be given at least 2 days (48 hours) notice of the execution.​
(3) At the time of the execution, the following must be done, in order:
(a) Should the execution be a punishment for a crime, the Secretary of Homeland Security will read to the executee, the crime(s) they are being punished for.​
(b) The executee shall be given an opportunity to make a final statement.​
(c) The executee shall turn away from all members present.​
(i) The executee shall not be wearing any armor at this point.​
(d) The three Department of Homeland Security employees, ranking Sergeant or higher, each armed with an Mk-19, shall fire an Mk-19 at the executee.​
(i) One Mk-19 shall be loaded with a single bullet, and the other two shall be not loaded.​
(e) Should the executee drop a head after death, the Secretary of Homeland Security shall burn it with a fire charge, and then put the fire out.​
(f) The Secretary of Homeland Security shall escort all witnesses out.​
I get the point, but death is a lot less serious in this game than in real life. Criminals would practically be begging for this sentence because it’s only a couple of minutes detained opposed to the maximum jail sentence (one hour). Additionally the one gun loaded with one bullet while the others remain empty simply doesn’t work in DC because you see how many bullets you have in a subtitle, you can actually see the bullet, and you can hear the bullet (completely avoiding the purpose of negating guilt). I mean maybe this could work if it was, “when you die from execution you can only spectate for the next 100 hours,” or smth to make it more serious and make the execution from a withering potion.
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I get the point, but death is a lot less serious in this game than in real life. Criminals would practically be begging for this sentence because it’s only a couple of minutes detained opposed to the maximum jail sentence (one hour). Additionally the one gun loaded with one bullet while the others remain empty simply doesn’t work in DC because you see how many bullets you have in a subtitle, you can actually see the bullet, and you can hear the bullet (completely avoiding the purpose of negating guilt). I mean maybe this could work if it was, “when you die from execution you can only spectate for the next 100 hours,” or smth to make it more serious and make the execution from a withering potion.
This bill will only establish the process of the execution itself. Should there be a death row, or however the punishment be used, will be in a different bill.

The firing squad method also doesn't work because of chat logs. I will be amending this bill to use a different method of execution.
This bill will only establish the process of the execution itself. Should there be a death row, or however the punishment be used, will be in a different bill.

The firing squad method also doesn't work because of chat logs. I will be amending this bill to use a different method of execution.
Well we need both in the same bill before judges start handing out this sentence
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Tabling this bill