Redundant Executive Order 20/21 - Mayoral Removal & Succession


Former President, Senior Administrator
Former President
President Change Maker Staff Statesman
Oct 9, 2020
Seal of the President.png

I, _Austin27_, President of the Commonwealth of Redmont,
hereby order the following Executive Order.​


(1) In the event that a Mayor is either (a) removed from office or (b) willfully resigns from their position, the following process will occur.

(2) The federal government now officially recognizes Deputy Mayors, they will not be granted an in game role but will be invited to the Department of State discord.

(a) In order for a Mayor to be removed from their town, cabinet must vote unanimously to do so. If a Mayor is also a member of cabinet, their vote will not be required.
(a.1) In the event that a Mayor is removed from office and the town has appointed a Deputy Mayor, they will assume the position of Mayor. When a Mayor is removed from office, they will be compensated the original town fee for the work they performed on their town unless otherwise noted by the Department of State.
(a.2) If a Deputy Mayor does not wish to assume the position of Mayor, they may inform the Department of State of such. In that case, if the town consists of an elected council then they may vote to hold a Mayoral Election. If the town does not have an elected council, the Secretary of State will trigger a cabinet vote to find the next Mayor.

(b) In the event that a Mayor resigns from their position and the town has appointed a Deputy Mayor, they will assume the position of Mayor. When a Mayor willfully resigns from their position, they are forfeiting their Ownership and rights to the town unless otherwise noted by the Mayor in coordination with the Department of State.
(b.1) If a Deputy Mayor does not wish to assume the position of Mayor, they may inform the Department of State of such. In that case, if the town consists of an elected council then they may vote to hold a Mayoral Election. If the town does not have an elected council, the Secretary of State will trigger a cabinet vote to find the next Mayor.

(3) In the event that the Secretary of State is forced to trigger a cabinet vote, they may do one of two things.
1. Cabinet may vote to hold a Mayoral Election for the town.
2. Cabinet may vote to re-open town applications, the existing town infrastructure will stay - they will simply be selecting a new Mayor.

(4) Mayoral Elections
1. Mayoral Elections that are facilitated by the Department of State will last for a period of 5 days.
2. Candidates will declare for a period of 48 hours and voting will open thereafter for a period of 72 hours.

Glory to Redmont
