Executive Order Executive Order 11/25 - President lcn's Order of Service Awards

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Oakridge Resident
President Presidential Commendation
Feb 10, 2024

By the power vested in me by the Redmont Constitution, I, lcn, President of the Commonwealth of Redmont, do declare the following under this Executive Order:

(1) In accordance with §5 of the State Commendations Act, I hereby sponsor the following individuals to be inducted into the Order of Service:
  • (OS-1) | Intercepticon: for their dedication to the Commonwealth as Chief of Staff.

  • (OS-2) | Matthew100x: for their contributions to the legal sector, especially in regards to creating the new legal exams and their work in the judiciary.

  • (OS-3) | Technofied: for their dedication to the Department of Commerce.

  • (OS-4) | Smilinq: for their contributions to the architecture of the Bondi Beach residential area.

  • (OS-5) | ToasterWars: for their achievements in the arts sector.

  • (OS-6) | kvogt2340: for their achievements in the arts sector and their contributions to the Department of the Interior.

  • (OS-7) | CaseyLeFaye: for their contributions to the legislature.

  • (OS-8) | A__C: for their contributions to the Department of State.

  • (OS-9) | xEndeavour: for their contributions to the planning and construction of the Kingdom of Alexandria.

  • (OS-10) | xSyncx: for their contributions to the Department of Commerce.

  • (OS-11) | TheReal42Person: for their contributions to the Department of Homeland Security.

  • (OS-12) | SomeHumanOnEarth: for their contributions to the Department of the Interior and the Department of State.

  • (OS-13) | Casualgreyknight: for their contributions to the legislature and the Kingdom of Alexandria.

  • (OS-14) | IisForIzzy: for their dedication to the Department of Education.

  • (OS-15) | crytiee: for their dedication to the Department of Health.

  • (OS-16) | CopTop_YT: for their contributions to the Town of Aventura.

  • (OS-17) | Yeet_Boy: for their contributions to the Town of Oakridge.

  • (OS-18) | McBrittle419: for their contributions to the Department of the Interior.

  • (OS-19) | Vernicia: for their contributions in providing housing and aiding new citizens.
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