Executive Order Executive Order 15/24 - Towns Rights

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Former President
Education Department
Redmont Bar Assoc.
Oakridge Resident
Statesman President
Jul 8, 2020
By the power vested in me by the Redmont Constitution, I, Bezzergeezer, President of the Commonwealth of Redmont, do declare the following under this Executive Order:

The intent of towns is to create outer communities around the Capitol, Reveille City. These communities will remain small community projects which serve a purpose for the industries of the nation. This also allows players a greater responsibility in local governance. It is not intended that towns will grow into cities to compete with Capitol.

Town forums will be situated under the Cities and Towns node. The mayor will have admin perms over their town forum. By-laws and the town Constitution must be listed and maintained under this node.

Towns can create by-laws. By-laws are an extension of Executive jurisdiction - or the absence of Federal Legislation - that is delegated to local jurisdictions for the purposes of implementing and enforcing regulations within their specified jurisdiction.
- Build height limits (May not exceed more than 40 blocks high, with exceptions, managed and determined by the DCT)
- Plot zoning (Enforced by the DCT)
- Local elections + Council formation (if any) (All local town elections, Mayoral and Council, are facilitated by the DOS.
- Plot Pricing (actioned by staff)
- Town Constitution (enforced by the town government in coordination with Federal Departments)
- Town building regulations (facilitated by town government)
- Transportation within towns (facilitated by town government)
- Plot evictions within town jurisdiction (facilitated by town government, actioned by the DCT)
- In the event that any Town legislation contradicts any Federal legislation, the Federal legislation shall apply within the jurisdiction of the Town, unless such legislation expressly the jurisdiction. Any Federal code which is not an Act of Congress, an Executive Order, or within the Constitution, such as department policy, does not take precedence over Town legislation.

There may only be one Mayor for each town and they will be entitled to ownership of their respective town region and a tag on forums and Discord.

A town mayor and or councilors may be removed from their positions following a formal vote in which a supermajority of all sitting members of the legislature of the respective town, excluding those with a conflict of interest, votes in the affirmative.

The Town Constitution will dictate the method of succession for a Mayor who has left office.

Each town is required to have fair elections for the positions of Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Town legislature. The Town Constitution will dictate the method and nature of elections for all positions within the town. Mayoral terms may not exceed 4 months. If a mayor has left office before the end of their term, If there is no provision in the Town Constitution dictating the method of replacement, the legislature of the respective town may select a temporary (acting) mayor to serve for a period of no more than 14 days or initiate an election facilitated by the Department of State for the position.

In order to run for both Mayor and Deputy Mayor, the player must meet these requirements:
- Has been 1 month since the player’s initial join date.
- Has accrued 48 hours of total playtime
- Has accrued 12 hours of active playtime within the last 30 days.
- Is an active participant in the community, in-game, on discord, and on the forums.
- Have residency or own property within the Town.

The right to vote in local elections and referendums, provided the player has:
- Accrued 6 or more hours of playtime within the last 30 days.
- Have residency in the town.

Town themes should be contemporary, realistic, and serviceable by road. Medieval towns are therefore unsuitable themes.

Each town, in order to give it a purpose, will be allocated the following industries. It is expected that the town endorses and promotes these industries.

Willow: Farming
Aventura: Fishing, Tourism
Oakridge: Logging, Lumber, rustic

Each Town is required to have the following:
1. Town Spawn
2. Town Hall
3. Sufficient Road Network
4. Fuel Station
5. At least 20 buyable or rentable plots that are at least 10x10 in size.
6. Town Pharmacy/Clinic
7. Police Station
8. Train Station
9. Small Airport Terminal. (Airstrip to be provided by the DCT).

In addition, the town can also build and have a serviced Government:
1. Vehicle Dealership
2. Animal Shelter
3. Ferry Service
4. Bus Service
5. Town Museum
6. Other services as approved

Each town is allocated a region within the Commonwealth of Redmont. These regions provide a natural buffer between each of the three towns.

Town grants will be applied for through the Department of State. Town grants are retrospective, meaning they will be awarded upon the completion of the grant requirements. All grants are a case-by-case basis and will be assessed by the Department of State.

Towns may be capped at a per month amount determined by the department on a budgetary basis. The Department of State may repossess a grant's fund from any Town if the Town no longer qualifies for said grant (excluding population/domestic business-related grants).

$5,000Democratic Elections Grant IAny town with a democratically elected council or mayor that holds a reasonable degree of codified authority for an extended period of time will be eligible.
$10,000Democratic Elections Grant IIAny town with a democratically elected council and mayor that holds a reasonable degree of codified authority for an extended period of time will be eligible.
$2,500Town Police StationAny Town with a serviceable, practical, and aesthetic Police Station.
$2,500Town ClinicAny Town with a serviceable, practical, and aesthetic Clinic.
$5,000Town Animal ShelterAny Town with a serviceable, practical (large enough), and aesthetic Animal Shelter.
$2,500Town AirportAny Town with a serviceable, practical, and aesthetic Airport Terminal (Runway built by DCT on land not paid for by town).
$2,500Event LocationAny Town that offers a location for the Department of Public Affairs to hold events.
$5,000Supply ServiceAny Town that buys back supplies from their residents relating to their town industry. This would include a town store with sell chests.
$4,000Population I20 Residents
$8,000Population II40 Residents
$12,000Population III60 Residents
$16,000Population IV80 Residents
$2,000Commerce I10 Domestic Businesses
$4,000Commerce II20 Domestic Businesses
$8,000Commerce III30 Domestic Businesses
$10,000Commerce IV40 Domestic Businesses
$1,000ATMAny Town with a functioning, robbable ATM.
$5,000Post OfficeAny Town with a functioning Post Office.
$20,000Full Reveille TransitionAny Town fully that fully transitions from the Hamilton world to the Reveille world by October 15th, 2022.

Towns are required to pay an amount per paste of no more than $25,000 to be determined by the DCT. Towns are exempt from block supplying requirements.

The Town receives all of the revenue from their properties. The Town can apply for grants and use any other economic support, however does not get any funds budgeted to them on a monthly basis.

Departments will operate the following facilities that are built by towns. The Department facility and the land that it is situated on will be considered federal land once the facility is in operation.

Department of Health (DOH)
- Maintains the town Clinic.

Department of the Interior (DOI)
- Maintains the town Animal Shelter..

Federal government departments can conduct business within a town if the town constitution or other piece of local legislation does not prevent them from doing so.

By-law: Legislation jurisdiction delegated to towns.
Permanent Resident: An active player who resides in residential accommodation within the town, and has the resident role for the town in game.
Federal Government: The central Government residing in the Capitol building of Reveille.
Local Government: Respective town councils.
Domestic Business: A business that actively operates a service or store in the town, that is regularly stocked and or open for business.

1. This executive order overrides all previous EOs on the topic of local government.
2. This executive order shall be enacted immediately.
3. All changes shall be reflected on the Town Information page: Information - Town Information
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