Repealed Executive Order No. 04/2025: Regulating Permanent Residency in the Commonwealth of Redmont


Construction Secretary
Commerce Department
Construction & Transport Department
Popular in the Polls Statesman
Jan 12, 2021

Executive Order No. 04/2025: Regulating Permanent Residency in the Commonwealth of Redmont​

By the authority vested in me as President under the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Redmont, I hereby establish a framework for regulating permanent residency to ensure consistency, fairness, and alignment with the infrastructure of the Commonwealth.

Section 1: Definition of Permanent Residency​

  1. Permanent Residency Defined:
    Permanent residency is the formal designation of a citizen’s primary domicile within the Commonwealth. It establishes the individual’s official connection to a specific region, determining their spawn location, hospital respawn point, and eligibility for local benefits or services.

  2. Residency Determination:
    1. Permanent residency is managed through the existing /about <username> system, allowing citizens to designate or change their residency directly.

Section 2: Residency Mechanics​

  1. Spawn and Respawn Points:
    1. A citizen’s designated permanent residency will determine their spawnpoint, setting it to the nearest regional hub or municipal center.
    2. Hospital respawn points will be tied to the region of permanent residency, ensuring that citizens are transported to the nearest medical facility within their region.
  2. Cooldown for Switching Residency:
    1. Citizens may change their residency through the /about <username> system, but a 28-day cooldown period will apply between changes to prevent exploitation or instability in regional populations.
    2. The cooldown is enforced automatically.
  3. Automatic Updates:
    1. Changes made through /about <username> will automatically update the citizen’s spawn and hospital respawn points.

Section 3: Responsibilities of Permanent Residents​

  1. Community Engagement:
    1. Permanent residents are encouraged to contribute to their local community through economic activity, civic engagement, or participation in regional events.
  2. Local Taxation and Benefits:
    1. Regional benefits, such as access to local facilities or public services, may be tied to permanent residency.
    2. Taxes, if applicable, will be calculated based on the region of residency.

“One Vision. One Purpose. One Dream.”

Signed this 7th day of January, 2025.
President of the Commonwealth of Redmont