Lawsuit: Dismissed FriedPotaters v. lord_donuticus [2021] FCR 24


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Jan 27, 2021




The Plaintiff complains against the Defendant as follows:

The defendant lord_donuticus has set out on a mission to stop terrorism, but he has been doing this by falsely creating stories about the plaintiff, he has defamed and slandered the name of the plaintiff and has created libel, he refuses to acknowledge the damage he is causing on the plaintiff. Will the plaintiff always be known as a terrorist by the defendant? Is he above the law and is able of accusing players of such acts? Is it up to him when a player is or isn't a terrorist anymore? When does it end, and when will this player be held responsible for acting above the law and creating libel?

1. FriedPotaters
2. Lord_donuticus

1. Defendant makes false claims about the plaintiff attacking a DRP rally which is untrue.
2. Defendant claims the plaintiff has admitted to being in some sort of terrorist group which is untrue.
3. Defendant continuously refers to the plaintiff as a terrorist which is untrue.
4. Defendant falsely claims the plaintiff threatened to sue a candidate he falsely claims the plaintiff attacked because they reported the plaintiff to the police, which is untrue.

1. The defendant claiming the plaintiff attacked the DRP rally is untrue and if it were true, would there not be coroners reports on the plaintiff murdering people, arrests on the plaintiff, and evidence of the plaintiff attending the rally other than hearsay and rumors?

2. The defendant claiming the plaintiff is or was apart of "The Terrorists" by saying "The Terrorists, which the Defendant clearly admits to being a part of" never have I admitted to anyone that I am apart of a group of terrorists nor affiliated in any way. Who is "The Terrorists" he is referring to, what is their name, who was involved, and where is proof of me admitting I am with "The Terrorists"? He also edits out the part when I spoke wrongly of him when I said "but we will stand against him" referring to the good hearted people who are against terrorism, it was a joke but is being used out of context by the Defendant in court.

3. The Defendant on multiple occasions and even during trial has referred to "FriedPotaters" as a terrorist when I have spoken to him and have told him I am not a terrorist, he wishes to cause libel and he knows I am not a terrorist as I can provide evidence of me telling him I am not a terrorist on previous occasions, I have also not been charged with terrorism nor ever claimed to be a terrorist, I may have committed crimes in the past but this does not give anyone the right to accuse someone of terrorism.

4. Defendant falsely claiming the plaintiff is threatening to sue a candidate for speaking to the police, this is untrue and the reason behind me speaking and threatening to sue the candidate is for providing false stories to the police which itself is libel and slander. I had spoken to the candidate and told him if he continues to spread false truths, I would be suing him. I would never threaten to sue someone for speaking to the police as it is their right to do such an act, but they must be truthful and honest when doing so otherwise it can hurt others reputations. The candidate has since stopped and no issues have arise since then.

5. The Defendant has on many occasions tried to cause issues as he has a grudge as we do not see eye to eye on many of his terrorist bill plans or other political agendas, so he refers to me as a terrorist and creates false stories and feeds off of rumors to publish hateful rhetoric against the plaintiff, this has hurt my reputation greatly and I cannot even find a lawyer or mingle with certain players as some fear representing someone another lawyer has claimed to be a terrorist and also claims committed an attack on the DRP rally. None of this has been proven and lord_donuticus to this day falsely accuses me of this acts in public. I have lost countless business opportunities and have seen a decline in sales since the defendant started accusing me of these things. He is not apart of the DoJ nor has any credibility when it comes to accusing someone of terrorism, but he feels as if he is the law in these situations and hammers them down peoples throats if they disagree.

The Plaintiff seeks the following from the Defendant:
1. The defendant to make a public retraction of their statements and stop all forms accusing players of terrorism unless the player openly claims to be one.
2. $5000 in damages, as I have lost business, players choose to not associate with me due to these claims and I have been emotionally stressed as he continues to refer to me as a terrorist as he has created libel and slander.

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This (09) day of (03) (2021)




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To make the plaintiff aware, the majority of the claims he has made is in relation to things said in the course of a trial. As such, the matter at hand would be one of perjury in relation to these statements. This would impact claims 1-4 of your submission. With claim 5 and part of claim 3 alluding to separate instances of slander (please confirm as to this).

If you're happy to proceed on this basis please confirm as such.
I confirm claim 5 is in relation to claim 3, I also wish to proceed.

The defendant is required to appear before the court in the case FriedPotaters v Lord_Donuticus. Failure to appear within 48 hours of this summons will result in a default judgment in favour of the plaintiff.​




Case no: Case No. 03-2021-10

1. Firstly your honor I do apologize for what is going to be a very long answer from the defense, the claims for relief in this case are extremely high and restricting and as such to miss any detail could prove damning. This suit raised by the Plaintiff would not only set an extraordinarily dangerous precedent if they were to win it, but also provide a victory for someone who has time and again not only stuck at our very democratic principles but mocked us as they do. It is the hope of the defense that by the end of this statement and the countless amounts of evidence the defense has gathered the court will not only clear the Defendant of all charges but find the Plaintiff extremely guilty of perjury for his attempts to mislead the court throughout this claim.

The only way in which the defense can see to start this is to tell the court a story, the story of a terrorist know as FriedPotaters. Now some may question why the Plaintiff is a terrorist, the fact of the matter is the Plaintiff actions and words over the past month reveal a very telling story, now the defense would like to state that this may not be the complete story, details may be missing, but this is what the defense has uncovered during a 4 hour period after this suit was first filed in preparation for this story.


Our story begins on the 26th of February 2021, here we see an exchange between the Plaintiff and a MISTERHASAN, MISTERHASAN is reporting that there are 3 guys with iron axes, to which the Plaintiff says the story is made up, MISTERHASAN identifies the Plaintiff, one erasedusername and his friends, and the Plaintiff end this with a gif saying stop snitching.

So it is clear from this exchange that the Plaintiff, MISTERHASAN and erasedusername all know each other to some degree. But but how well do they know each other? Well as it turns out, very well.


On the 27th of February during a in game Senate meeting the Plaintiff and his friends, including MISTERHASAN who it would appear now is actually in cahoots with the Plaintiff broke in and murdered 10 audience and 5 senators. They reportedly shouted "Long Live The Mafia", threw grenades and fired weapons. This was a politically motivated attack at the heart of our government. For the Plaintiff to claim he is not a terrorist after this alone, not withstanding everything else he does, is an egregious insult and paramount to perjury.

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Here we see the Plaintiff make a few statements after his attack that reveal his intentions. The Plaintiff says in two separate places that he is going to war. He also makes the claim that he is part of a citizens militia to which he is asked, "Aren't you a convicted terrorist"

Furthermore if you look carefully at the image provided by the Plaintiff you will see moments before his death he shouts "Curse you" and "I WILL SEEK REVENGE", the Plaintiff broke into a Senate meeting, murdered, along with his friends, 15 people. It was unproved and for political reasons, and yet the Plaintiff believes that he is entitled to revenge for being stopped. This is the mindset of the person who has made this lawsuit, and it is disgusting. Constant attack trying to find the weak points in our systems.

Now the Plaintiff makes the complaint in this lawsuit that the Defendant is responsible for the ruination of his name, however the Defendant wasn't even aware that the Plaintiff was a terrorist as seen in an exchange below with JoanM999 after the Plaintiff joined the Defendants union the RFA and was saying that he wants to fight terrorists.


Here the Plaintiff used the fact that his discord name was different to his ingame name to deceive and trick, something that his friends would later do to the Plaintiff, but that's for another time. Clearly you can see about that Defendant was not aware that fried was a terrorist on the 27th and multiple others were already calling him a terrorist before that time. This was because of the Plaintiffs actions in perpetrating acts of terror! He ruined his own reputation and now has to live with that fact, instead of choosing to blame the Defendant.

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The day after the vicious attack on the senate the the Plaintiff makes the two statements above. At this point the defense would hope that it is obvious that the Plaintiff is dedicated to the pursuit of terrorism, if not however there is plenty more information to come in support of this fact. The two statements that the Plaintiff makes here clearly show his motive, even though in the second statement he tries to distance himself from the attacks despite the fact that he was a part of them by talking about the attacks as "These people". It is here we see the beginning of this horrific lie from the Plaintiff that he stands against terrorism, that he does not support terrorism, that he is not one of "these people". The submission of the statements where the Plaintiff is saying "I am not a terrorist" as evidence to this court ARE perjury your honor in the opinion of the defense in the attempt to use them to mislead and paint a false narrative.




The lies of the Plaintiff continue here, his actions have changed the face of how political campaigning is done on this server. After the attack on the senate he attacked a DRP rally, he was witnessed by 6 individuals including the police officer Joan, but none of them thought to take a picture of him at the event and he knew that. So he continues to deny he was there. This attack was a failure, he failed to kill anyone all the he succeeded in doing was delaying the rally as it had to be moved indoors.




Now above we see the Plaintiff repeatedly joke and threaten to show up to rallies, these attacks are funny to him - he sees it as a joke. The problem here for the Plaintiff here is he claims that the Defendant is responsible for ruining his name, for spreading a "lie" that he is a terrorist, but he has spread that information around himself. The Plaintiff ruined his own name by being a terrorists and then continually talking about it, this lawsuit is just an attempt to attack the Defendant, the Plaintiff even does this in the title of the suit - He capitalizes his own name, but doesn't capitalize the name of the Defendant making little jabs and disrespects, because that is what he does. This lawsuit of his makes a mockery of this court your honor.


Your honor, the Plaintiff here is a terrorist, I hope that has been established, but not only is he a terrorist but he is the leader of those terrorists. Before we have seen him say he is part of a citizens militia, he has been a part of groups that have attacked political events and here he claims he has about 10 players following him. This army has perpetrated multiple attacks on our government & our gatherings, we have had to change the way we go about our day to day as a result.

Your honor, the Plaintiff repeatedly says he is not a terrorist, as I have said repeatedly I hope you will now see that he is. I hope you will see that he has brought his bad reputation upon himself, that his claims that the Defendant is lying or has a grudge against him are false. It is that he is a terrorist, he has attacked multiple events, sowed chaos and discord. That is why the Defendant and so many others call him a terrorist, that is why they don't want anything to do with him. The Defense hopes that you will find the Plaintiff guilty of Perjury for even bringing this lawsuit forward, the entire suit is an attempt by the Plaintiff to create a false narrative that he can wear as a shield.

1. The Plaintiff accuses the Defendant of slander and libel in saying that he is a terrorist, terrorist is not a legal label but a political one to describe the actions of the Plaintiff and separate it from normal crime, this is protected under the constitution which guarantees " Freedom of Political Communication."

2. Even if the court find it is not protected the actions of the Plaintiff are terrorism, he is a terrorist and is widely knows as such in the community, before the Defendant ever called him one.

3. The Plaintiff say he has lost business due to the label of terrorist, however the pictures above show him saying his business is booming and that he has received a bank loan. This is perjury once again your honor.

4. Furthermore the Plaintiff fails to actually provide any proof of a loss of business, the court cannot just take him on his word at that.
5. The Plaintiff's claim that he did not threaten to sue the candidate who reported him to the police is a case of potato/potaters. He calls it threaten to sue due to it being a lie, the defense calls it rubbing salt in the wound. Nevertheless its not a lie your honor, the Plaintiff admits he did threaten to sue.

6. The Plaintiff claims the Defendant is lying that he was at the DRP rally, the point here is he was witnessed by 5 people as being there and attacking. He failed in killing anyone yes, but the testimony of 5 witness is more than enough evidence to place him at the scene. In fact the defense would like to raise that the Plaintiff might be once again committing perjury here.

7. The Plaintiff claims the Defendant has a grudge against the Defendant, this is not the case. The Defendant couldn't care less on the issue of the Plaintiff, the Defendant just sees him as a dangerous criminal that needs to be stopped.

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 13th day of March 2021






Case no: 03-2021-10

Defendant move that the complaint in this case be dismissed, and in support thereof, respectful alleges:
1. For the reasons outlined above, this case holds no reason to continue. It is frivolous, full of lies and a complete waste of the courts time and the time of the Defendant.

2. This lawsuit is being used as an attack on the Defendant, it is simply tat for tit because the Plaintiff lost the previous case. The Plaintiff is trying to use this to create a narrative where he is not a terrorists and people will be scared to stand up to him. To continue the case would allow further attacks from the Plaintiff.

3. As a part of this motion this dismiss the Defense would like to make a unorthodox plea to the court, this case has been a tremendous drain of the time of the Defendant. A 4 hour fact fining session had to be under taken, 4 hours were spent preparing notes and forming arguments and then a further 6 hours were taken over the last 36 hours. It has been foremost of the defendants mind and causing a little stress. Furthermore the Defendant is fully of the belief that the Plaintiff will continue to pursue and harass him with wild claims and attacks. As such the defense would plea as such:

The Plaintiff is he owner of a large tower building right next to the police station, this building is part of his company which is not just funding the terrorist attacks of Plaintiff but also profiting from this terrorist cell controlled by the Plaintiff (The 10 new players that he mentions) This tower is being used to buy and sell goods and the Plaintiff is making huge profits from this.

What the Defense would plea is this, that tower is being used to damage the community right now. Not only that but it's position in the city grants the Plaintiff a staging grounds for future attacks. Partly as compensation for the time and stress he has caused the defendants and partly as a way to protect the community the defense would ask that the courts award ownership of this land to the Defendant so that the Defendant can tear down the building and replace it with something that will benefit the community instead of benefiting a terrorist organisation.

DATED: This 13th day of March 2021


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Objections your honor

I will hear only your objections should these pertain to the motion to dismiss. If they do not, please refrain from making any objections and let me know such. Please do not assert any new facts not relevant to your objection at this time and limit your response solely to the scope of your objections.
Objections to the motion to dismiss

"1. For the reasons outlined above, this case holds no reason to continue. It is frivolous, full of lies and a complete waste of the courts time and the time of the Defendant."

There are more reasons to continue this case than how the Defendant makes it seem. The reasons being is the plaintiff has never been charged with Terrorism, the average citizen such as the defendant in this case wishes to be capable of determining the title of a player without trial which is unfair and if dismissed, will be continued by the defendant. The only frivolous acts and lies are coming from the Defendants statements in the past and even throughout the request for dismissal. This is not a waste of the courts time as the court is here to bring equality and justice to all, and not to be undermined by the Defendant's judgement. The plaintiff wishes to be treated fairly and have justice taken upon someone who continues to spread lies and create perjury in attempts to collect real estate and financial gain for themselves.

"2. This lawsuit is being used as an attack on the Defendant, it is simply tat for tit because the Plaintiff lost the previous case. The Plaintiff is trying to use this to create a narrative where he is not a terrorists and people will be scared to stand up to him. To continue the case would allow further attacks from the Plaintiff."
This here does not make sense, I have no reason to care about the previous case as I admitted to my wrong doings, I just wish to not be falsely labeled as a terrorist by someone who is not in a power to label someone as a terrorist. The only one creating a narrative is the person who owns a news company and has mentioned the plaintiff and has repeatedly claimed the plaintiff is a terrorist to create some sort of narrative on him. If I were to want people to be scared of me, I would paint myself as a terrorist would I not? It makes absolutely no sense for someone to try to claim someone is trying to make others fear him by clearing his name of false allegations and slander. The Defendant wishes to paint me as a terrorist so people fear me and in returns hurts my reputation due to unknown reasons.

"3. As a part of this motion this dismiss the Defense would like to make a unorthodox plea to the court, this case has been a tremendous drain of the time of the Defendant. A 4 hour fact fining session had to be under taken, 4 hours were spent preparing notes and forming arguments and then a further 6 hours were taken over the last 36 hours. It has been foremost of the defendants mind and causing a little stress. Furthermore the Defendant is fully of the belief that the Plaintiff will continue to pursue and harass him with wild claims and attacks. As such the defense would plea as such:

The Plaintiff is he owner of a large tower building right next to the police station, this building is part of his company which is not just funding the terrorist attacks of Plaintiff but also profiting from this terrorist cell controlled by the Plaintiff (The 10 new players that he mentions) This tower is being used to buy and sell goods and the Plaintiff is making huge profits from this.

What the Defense would plea is this, that tower is being used to damage the community right now. Not only that but it's position in the city grants the Plaintiff a staging grounds for future attacks. Partly as compensation for the time and stress he has caused the defendants and partly as a way to protect the community the defense would ask that the courts award ownership of this land to the Defendant so that the Defendant can tear down the building and replace it with something that will benefit the community instead of benefiting a terrorist organisation. "

The fact that the defendant has caused tremendous strain on my reputation and business and would choose to request the court to dismiss this case is absolutely the same reason he wants this to be dismissed, if this case is dismissed, he will always refer to the plaintiff as a terrorist and will continue hounding and creating issues for the plaintiff, he has spoken untruthful claims and has labeled the plaintiff, and is seeking to continue these things by having this case dismissed. The defendant requesting for a building and business of mine to be transferred to him is absolutely insane, he once again makes false allegations that my business of Alibaba, that was only founded in the past few days, contributed to terrorism in the past before it ever existed, he also falsely claims I am profiting from some sort of terrorist cell which is absolutely untrue, I am the sole employee and owner of Alibaba and we have helped the average player make more money than I have made from them so far, the 10 new players were in reference to people who support criminal related bills and wish to participate in roleplay irrelevant to terrorism. I have lost roughly $30,000 in the process of creating my business, I apologize for the irrelevance but I am in a position having to defend my company and reputation once again, I don't understand where the defendant can get "This tower is being used to buy and sell goods and the Plaintiff is making huge profits from this." and link this to terrorism when I continuously lose profits through the selling of items. I really don't understand these stories of terrorism he is creating, but Alibaba is not a staging ground for terrorism, it is not used to fund or promote terrorism, and it is clear he has ulterior motives to this dismissal request, he wishes to paint the plaintiff as a terrorist and ride off with property that was earned though hard work and dedicated and actively puts money in the pockets of your average hard working citizen due to him being envious of the plaintiff.

I beg the Judge to see the obvious attempts to ruin my reputation and business, as he continues to do so even in the request for dismissal, the defendant continuously spreads lies and continues perjury throughout this request. I am not a terrorist, Alibaba is not a terrorist company and I wish the courts to decide if I am a terrorist or not, the defendant only seeks to further his stance on harming a citizen by requesting this dismissal.
I have a matter to interject with as a witness.

I would like to say that Fried has talked to me multiple times before this suit about how the claims of the defendant have hurt his business. To receive capital and keep his business afloat he had to sell a C-plot at 5,000 below market value to leading to the claim that business is "booming" that Donut is referring to (metro boomin make it boom).

I would also like to make a statement about Donut. He has threatened to make perjurious claims in a lawsuit against me as an extorsion tool over an altercation over a murder. Many wield the courts as a shield to protect their rights but since day one donut has used it as a sword to strike those he disagrees with. I am a BDP member so it pains me to talk here against my party.

I am not in the habit of making screenshots. I work in animal supply, not in law. But I hope the courts hear me and take this into consideration.
Your honor this is preposterous and a clear attempt by the Plaintiff to get one of his buddies to disrupt the court process, they are clearly friends by this interjections statements. They are making a farce of this case.
Your honor this is preposterous and a clear attempt by the Plaintiff to get one of his buddies to disrupt the court process, they are clearly friends by this interjections statements. They are making a farce of this case.

I am aware I am subject to perjury and further attest that my claims are truthful. The only thing that binds me and the plaintiff is the lack of faith in soon to be former representative donut. If it pleases the court I can contact the builder who has been working on the plot for Fried and now for me to back up my statement about the plot.
I thank all parties for their responses. Unfortunately, my emails didn't tell me that this case had recently become autonomous. I would ask that, prior to making submissions, a request is made with the presiding judge.


Both parties have made passionate arguments respectively. The first question is has perjury been committed i.e. knowingly submitting false information to the court. The defendant's responses has shown me that, objectively true or not, he believes his accusations and thus perjury cannot have occurred here.

With regards to the claim of slander (the in-game messages), for slander to be proven there must be an evidenced intention to harm the reputation of the plaintiff. The evidence before the court doesn't suggest such an intention. The distinction between the messages shown in the plaintiff's submission, and that shown in the previous case involving you both, is that the previous case showed a more consistent, thought-out messaging process including using /ad. As such, I cannot find that slander has been committed here either.

This matter is dismissed.

The defendant has been known to make exuberant claims for relief before the court in the past, but requesting a "large tower building" as recompense for this matter perhaps tops the list. I would urge the defendant to be realistic in his requests in future matters, so as to show professionalism and calculation.

While this matter has been dismissed, it need be said that public attention is garnering between this dispute. While the charge of 'terrorist' holds no legal capacity as of present, it does not mean that it will not do so in the future. This is something to be considerate of moving forward.
