ITT: We act like we are all roommates

usually I would buy some wine, but I feel real sick
Can we figure out what's wrong with my leg first?
I was a doctor for a few years, let's see if I can still work my magic.
(Taps leg with leg splint.) There! It should be good now.
(Runs to bathroom and throws up) Guys! Don't go in to the bathroom!
Yeah.. you're welcome... (passes out)
(Only nerds, Australians, and people who happened to watch discovery at the right time will understand.)
Sure! But I brought this Rioja wine.
No one looked up what a Blue Ringed Octopus is, did they?
Sorry but the room was getting cramped, I had to clear up some space
I think I’m gonna be sick
*collapses to the floor*
I need a doc now
(Spending 90% of my childhood watching animal planet has really paid off.)
No turns out I didn’t eat the poisonous part, I’m just allergic to sea food
irl the entire thing is poisonous lol. I'll accept it though.
1950 on the other hand...
Huh, seems your seafood allergy actually caused a double negative situation and you lived.
WAIT, Is that a totem of undying I’m his pocket?
Uh how do we tell ANSGARD
I’ll just tell him 1950 left for some scratchers and a pack of smokes
Yea but your the one who asked and I’m the one who wanted to party sooo
So he got into my private aquarium while drunk and tried to eat my mollusks.
Ok that’s better than my suggestion of smokes and scrachers
Honestly, this is an ideal murder, let's dip his hands in the mollusk tank to make it look like his hands were in there.
No way I’m not touching his body