Rescinded Legal Board Act

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Jul 20, 2020
House Vote: 5-0-0
Senate Vote: 3-1-0

Establish the DC Bar Association

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the ”Legal Board Act''.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.

2 - Purpose
The DC Bar Association shall be a board composed of all lawyers, which include Solicitors, Barristers, and Attorneys.

3 - Responsibilities
(1) Discuss and debate on legal policy.
(2) Advise Congress on bills relating to legal policy.
(3) Regulate and ensure that lawyers are accurately representing their clients.
(4) Manage the use of Public Defenders.

4 - Regulation of Lawyers
(1) This bill hereby grants the power to the board to revoke a person’s ability to file a case on behalf of a client; however the Judge may order to allow such to file a case.
(2) The Council of the board may vote to revoke such person’s ability to file a lawsuit.

5 - Terms for Removal
(1) Anyone may be subject to their ability to file a lawsuit for someone else being revoked should they breach the following;
(2) Lawyers must respect attorney-client privilege and cannot reveal information told in private by their client.
(a) Lawyers cannot be held accountable for conspiracy if practising the use of attorney-client privilege; with the exception of being involved in the conspiracy.
(b) Lawyers may break attorney-client privilege should the individual be involved in corruption or pose an imminent threat to the safety of others.

(3) Lawyers must ensure they are providing effective counsel in representing their clients in court.
(4) Lawyers must ensure they are abiding by any other procedure or terms set out by the courts.
(5) The additional grounds for which disbarment (terms for removal) should take place will be the following:
a. Committing a crime against a party during a case.
b. Harassment, insultment, and/or intimidation of a party in a case after being warned at least once.
c. All terms for removal listed here are not explicit to the removal or punishment of the legal professions; lawyers will be subject to the ethics doctrine, Legal Board Act, and bylaws set by the RBA.

6 - RBA Vote Publication & Justification
(1) The RBA shall be required to post how many ayes, nays, and/or abstains were submitted during a council vote to disbar/suspend a member.
a. This shall be made public on the RBA Discord server.
(2) The RBA shall be required to post a statement of justification for the disbarment/suspension of any member, along with all pertaining evidence, within 3 days (72 hours) of the disbarment.

7 - Public Defenders
(1) The Department of Education and Commerce, will process funding for the Public Defenders Program through the Board and Director of the PDP.
(2) The Pubic Defenders program will grant PDs to defend players with less than $5,000 in their balance and company balances of less that $15,000, for free of charge.
(3) Cases will be assigned by the director to the PDs
(4) Any lawyer on the board may apply for the public defenders program with the criteria established below.

8 - Roles
(1) The Attorney General shall be charged with the initial organising of such board.
(2) The Chairman of the DC Bar Association shall be elected by the board every two months
(a) Only lawyers with the Attorney Qualification and have attained 24 hours playtime and 12 hours of playtime within the last 30 days may run for Chairman.
(b) The Chairman shall manage the votes and ensure the proper usage of the board.
(c) The Chairman shall act as a tie-breaking vote in the Council.
(d) The Chairman can be removed with a ⅔ majority of votes from the entire board in favor of the removal.

(3) There shall also be a Council of four on the board elected every two months.
(a) Only lawyers with the Barrister or Attorney qualification and have attained 24 hours playtime and 12 hours of playtime within the last 30 days may run for the Council.
(b) The Council will be charged with the regulation of lawyers as described in Section 4.
(c) The Council will manage the Public Defender program and assign cases.
(d) The Council may establish initiatives within the board in relation to profession and board development.
(e) A member of the Council can be removed with a simple majority of votes from the entire board in favor of the removal.

9 - Limiting Recruitment
(1) Recruitment within the legal profession is to be moderated by the DCBA Council at their discretion.
(2) Additional requirements to take the Legal exams may be required by the DCBA, such as but not limited to, an application.

10 - Solicitor
(1) The primary, but not exclusive, role of a solicitor is to manage the groundwork of the legal system, with an emphasis on civil law cases.

11 - Barrister
(1) Barristers may apply for the role of Public Defender within the legal system.
(a) Any application is to be made to the DCBA, in a format required by the DCBA, which will be judged as the DCBA sees fit.

12 - Attorney
(1) Attorneys may apply for the role of Prosecutor within the legal system.
(a) Any application is to be made to the Attorney General, in a format required by the Attorney General, which will be judged as the Attorney General sees fit.

13 - Public Defender Program
(1) Representation through the Public Defenders program will be available to those players/companies who have the required minimal monetary amount in there balance.
(a) Any case that reverts to a default judgement, where the defendant is inactive, the presiding Judge may request a public defender represent the Defendant.
(2) The Director of the PDP will hold record of the PDs.
(3) Payment will be a flat rate commission by the Department of Education and Commerce and from Advise from the Director of the PDP, this amount cannot be less than $50 and no more than $200.
(4) For extra specify performance or complex lengthy cases a bonus award to the PDs may be awarded at the discretion off the DOJ and Director with bonus being caped at $100.
(5) The PDP will be available for all criminal and civil cases subject to the restriction of s7.1.
(6) All cases will be approved to be taken by the Director.
(7) Recruitment will be at the discretion of the Director of the PDP
(8) There will be no set limit on the PDs unless the AG offices and Director agrees to establish a maximum number.
(9) PDs may be struck from there office/duites if in breach any rules stated by the RBA Board and if it contravene s.5.
(10) The Director is the sole body who allocates case work based on work ethic, fairness and efficacy.

14 - Prosecutors
(1) Prosecutors will be managed by the Attorney General.
(2)Payment for cases will be a flat-rate commission specified by the Attorney General.
(a) For particularly complex cases, a further amount may be awarded at the discretion of the Attorney General.
(b) Funding will be issued from the Attorney General Government account.
(3) Prosecutors may be assigned any case within a criminal jurisdiction, or at the direction of the Attorney General in relation to non-criminal cases.
(4) The recruitment process for the Prosecutor team will be handled by the Attorney General, at their discretion.
(a) Prosecutors may be relieved at the discretion of the Attorney General.
(5) Prosecutors will be allocated work at the discretion of the Attorney General.

15 - Definitions
(1) Disbar - The act of removing a member from the Redmont Bar Association (RBA) and thus causing the former member to lose the ability to practice law, file lawsuits on behalf of another player, and represent an individual in court.
(2) Suspend - The act of removing a member from the RBA for a temporary and limited period of time while still having the same effects as disbarment.
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This bill has received presidential assent and is hereby signed into law.​
House Vote: 8-0-1
Senate Vote: 4-2-0

Reassess the role of legal professionals within DemocracyCraft

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the ”DCBA Legal Profession Reform Act''.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
Written by the DemocracyCraft Bar Association

2 - Purpose
To facilitate growth and development of the legal profession within DemocracyCraft.

3 - Limiting recruitment
(1) Recruitment within the legal profession is to be moderated by the DCBA Council at their discretion.
(2) Additional requirements to take the Legal exams may be required by the DCBA, such as but not limited to, an application.

4 - Solicitor
(1) The primary, but not exclusive, role of a solicitor is to manage the groundwork of the legal system, with an emphasis on civil law cases.

5 - Barrister
(1) Barristers may apply for the role of Public Defender within the legal system.
(a) Any application is to be made to the DCBA, in a format required by the DCBA, which will be judged as the DCBA sees fit.​

6 - Attorney
(1) Attorneys may apply for the role of Prosecutor within the legal system.
(a) Any application is to be made to the Attorney General, in a format required by the Attorney General, which will be judged as the Attorney General sees fit.​

7 - Public Defender Program
(1) Representation through the Public Defender Program will only be available to those players who have less than $4000 in their balance and company balance.
(2) The Chairman of the DCBA will hold a register of all Public Defenders.
(3) Payment for cases will be a flat-rate commission specified by the DEC in coordination with guidance from the DCBA.
(a) For particularly complex cases, a further amount may be awarded at the discretion of the DEC and DCBA Chairman.​
(4) The Public Defender Program will be available for all criminal and civil cases, subject to the restriction in s.7(1).
(a) The cases the Program is available for is subject to change by the decision of the DCBA.​
(5) The recruitment process to the Public Defender Program will be outlined at the discretion of the DCBA.
(a) Recruitment may fluctuate to match demand.​
(b) Public Defenders can be struck from the register should they contravene s.5 of the Legal Board Act or any further regulations outlined by the DCBA.​
(6) Public Defenders will be allocated work at the discretion of the Chairman, based on both fairness but the efficacy of Defenders.

8 - Prosecutors
(1) Prosecutors will be managed by the Attorney General.
(2)Payment for cases will be a flat-rate commission specified by the Attorney General.
(a) For particularly complex cases, a further amount may be awarded at the discretion of the Attorney General.​
(b) Funding will be issued from the Attorney General Government account.​
(3) Prosecutors may be assigned any case within a criminal jurisdiction, or at the direction of the Attorney General in relation to non-criminal cases.
(4) The recruitment process for the Prosecutor team will be handled by the Attorney General, at their discretion.
(a) Prosecutors may be relieved at the discretion of the Attorney General.​
(5) Prosecutors will be allocated work at the discretion of the Attorney General.
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This amendment has received presidential assent and is hereby signed into law.​
House Vote: 10-0-1
Senate Vote: 4-0-0

Amend the Legal Board Act​

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the "Legal Board Revisions Act"
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.

2 - Purpose
(1) This is a simple revision to the Legal Board Act, to adjust its new name into law, and to address economic change.
(2) As time progresses, with matters of inflation and monetary changes, it is more reasonable to leave the amount in which a player is considered eligible for a public defender up to the council, so that it can be adjusted on a more regular basis.

3 - Name Fix Amendments
(1) Hereby amends the Legal Board Act to change all references to the "DC Bar Association" to the "Redmont Bar Association".
(2) Hereby amends the Legal Board Act to change all references to the "DCBA" to the "RBA".

4 - Discretionary Changes
(1) Hereby amends Section 12 Subsection 1 of the Legal Board Act to change "Representation through the Public Defender Program will only be available to those players who have less than $4000 in their balance and company balance." to "Representation through the Public Defender Program will only be available to those players who have less than a specific monetary amount determined by the respective council, in their balance and company balance."
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AYE - RBA needs to control this not Congress.
This bill has been granted assent and is hereby passed into law.​

While I would prefer that the elected Government control access to public defender programs funded by the Government, the reality is that the RBA needs more power to increase interest in the vital organization. This should be revisited at a future date.
House Vote: 8-1-0
Senate Vote: 5-0-1

Establish the DC Bar Association​

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the ”Legal Board Act''.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This Amendment was Co - Authored by PugBandit

2 - Purpose
The DC Bar Association shall be a board composed of all lawyers, which include Solicitors, Barristers, and Attorneys.

3 - Responsibilities
(1) Discuss and debate on legal policy.
(2) Advise Congress on bills relating to legal policy.
(3) Regulate and ensure that lawyers are accurately representing their clients.
(4) Manage the use of Public Defenders.

4 - Regulation of Lawyers
(1) This bill hereby grants the power to the board to revoke a person’s ability to file a case on behalf of a client; however the Judge may order to allow such to file a case.
(2) The Council of the board may vote to revoke such person’s ability to file a lawsuit.

5 - Terms for Removal
(1) Anyone may be subject to their ability to file a lawsuit for someone else being revoked should they breach the following;
(2) Lawyers must respect attorney-client privilege and cannot reveal information told in private by their client.
(a) Lawyers cannot be held accountable for conspiracy if practising the use of attorney-client privilege; with the exception of being involved in the conspiracy.
(b) Lawyers may break attorney-client privilege should the individual be involved in corruption or pose an imminent threat to the safety of others.
(3) Lawyers must ensure they are providing effective counsel in representing their clients in court.
(4) Lawyers must ensure they are abiding by any other procedure or terms set out by the courts.

6 - Public Defenders
(1) The DEC will establish a process for funding a Public Defenders program through the Board.
(2) The Public Defenders program will allow lawyers to defend players with less than $4000 in their balance and company balance, for free; and receive funding to be determined by the DEC per case handled.
(3) Any lawyer on the board may apply for the Public Defender program using a format established by the Council of the board.

  1. The Department of Justice, will process funding for the Public Defenders Program through the Board and Director of the PDP.
  2. The Pubic Defenders program will grant PDs to defend players with less than $5,000 in their balance and company balances of less that $15,000, for free of charge.
  3. Cases will be assigned by the director to the PDs
  4. Any lawyer on the board may apply for the public defenders program with the criteria established below.

(1) The Attorney General shall be charged with the initial organising of such board.
(2) The Chairman of the DC Bar Association shall be elected by the board every two months.
(a) Only lawyers with the Attorney qualification may run for Chairman.
(b) The Chairman shall manage the votes and ensure the proper usage of the board.
(c) The Chairman shall act as a tie-breaking vote in the Council.
(d) The Chairman can be removed with a ⅔ majority of votes from the entire board in favor of the removal.
(3) There shall also be a Council of four on the board elected every two months.
(a) Only lawyers with the Barrister or Attorney qualification may run for the Council.
(b) The Council will be charged with the regulation of lawyers as described in Section 4.
(c) The Council will manage the Public Defender program and assign cases.
(d) The Council may establish initiatives within the board in relation to profession and board development.
(e) A member of the Council can be removed with a simple majority of votes from the entire board in favor of the removal.

8 - Limiting recruitment
(1) Recruitment within the legal profession is to be moderated by the DCBA Council at their discretion.
(2) Additional requirements to take the Legal exams may be required by the DCBA, such as but not limited to, an application.

9- Solicitor
(1) The primary, but not exclusive, role of a solicitor is to manage the groundwork of the legal system, with an emphasis on civil law cases.

10- Barrister
(1) Barristers may apply for the role of Public Defender within the legal system.
(a) Any application is to be made to the DCBA, in a format required by the DCBA, which will be judged as the DCBA sees fit.

11 - Attorney
(1) Attorneys may apply for the role of Prosecutor within the legal system.
(a) Any application is to be made to the Attorney General, in a format required by the Attorney General, which will be judged as the Attorney General sees fit.

12- Public Defender Program
(1) Representation through the Public Defender Program will only be available to those players who have less than a specific monetary amount determined by the respective council, in their balance and company balance.
(2) The Chairman of the DCA will hold a register of all Public Defenders.
(3) Payment for cases will be a flat-rate commission specified by the DEC in coordination with guidance from the DCBA.
(a) For particularly complex cases, a further amount may be awarded at the discretion of the DEC and DCBA Chairman.
(4) The Public Defender Program will be available for all criminal and civil cases, subject to the restriction in s.7(1).
(a) The cases the Program is available for is subject to change by the decision of the DCBA.
(5) The recruitment process to the Public Defender Program will be outlined at the discretion of the DCBA.
(a) Recruitment may fluctuate to match demand.
(b) Public Defenders can be struck from the register should they contravene s.5 of the Legal Board Act or any further regulations outlined by the DCBA.
(6) Public Defenders will be allocated work at the discretion of the Chairman, based on both fairness but the efficacy of Defenders.

  1. Representation through the Public Defenders program will be available to those players/companies who have the required minimal monetary amount in there balance.
  2. The Director of the PDP will hold record of the PDs.
  3. Payment will be a flat rate commission by the Department of justice and from Advise from the Director of the PDP, this amount cannot be less than $50 and no more than $200.
  4. For extra specify performance or complex lengthy cases a bonus award to the PDs may be awarded at the discretion off the DOJ and Director with bonus being caped at $100.
  5. The PDP will be available for all criminal and civil cases subject to the restriction of s7.1.
  6. All cases will be approved to be taken by the Director.
  7. Recruitment will be at the discretion of the Director of the PDP
  8. There will be no set limit on the PDs unless the AG offices and Director agrees to establish a maximum number.
  9. PDs may be struck from there office/duites if in breach any rules stated by the RBA Board and if it contravene s.5.
  10. (10) The Director is the sole body who allocates case work based on work ethic, fairness and efficacy.

13- Prosecutors
(1) Prosecutors will be managed by the Attorney General.
(2)Payment for cases will be a flat-rate commission specified by the Attorney General.
(a) For particularly complex cases, a further amount may be awarded at the discretion of the Attorney General.
(b) Funding will be issued from the Attorney General Government account.
(3) Prosecutors may be assigned any case within a criminal jurisdiction, or at the direction of the Attorney General in relation to non-criminal cases.
(4) The recruitment process for the Prosecutor team will be handled by the Attorney General, at their discretion.
(a) Prosecutors may be relieved at the discretion of the Attorney General.
(5) Prosecutors will be allocated work at the discretion of the Attorney General.
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Nay, did not go through committee

Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law.


Reform the Redmont Bar Association to prevent confusing incidents from occurring

The people of DemocracyCraft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the “RBA Reform Act”.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) The Act has been co-sponsored by: Dep. Speaker AndreyMia
(4) This Act is authored by Rep. FracturedGhast7 and Rep. JoeGamer2120.

2 - Reasons
(1) After a recent RBA incident involving a disbarred lawyer, it’s important to make sure that no confusion happens again.
(2) This legislation will help establish further guidelines for the use of the RBA in carrying out its duties and to remove all confusion in its conduct.

3 - Definitions
(1) Disbar - The act of removing a member from the Redmont Bar Association (RBA) and thus causing the former member to lose the ability to practice law, file lawsuits on behalf of another player, and represent an individual in court.
(2) Suspend - The act of removing a member from the RBA for a temporary and limited period of time while still having the same effects as disbarment.

4 - Terms for Removal
(1) The additional grounds for which disbarment (terms for removal) should take place will be the following:
a. Committing a crime against a party during a case.
b. Harassment, insultment, and/or intimidation of a party in a case after being warned at least once.
c. All terms for removal listed here are not explicit to the removal or punishment of the legal professions; lawyers will be subject to the ethics doctrine, Legal Board Act, and bylaws set by the RBA.
(2) These additions shall collaborate with the terms under Section V of the Legal Board Act.

5 - RBA Vote Publication & Justification
(1) The RBA shall be required to post how many ayes, nays, and/or abstains were submitted during a council vote to disbar/suspend a member.
a. This shall be made public on the RBA Discord server.
(2) The RBA shall be required to post a statement of justification for the disbarment/suspension of any member, along with all pertaining evidence, within 3 days (72 hours) of the disbarment.
Aye This Will avoid any future incident

Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted Presidential Assent and is hereby signed into law.


Provide for Inactive Player Public Defence

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the “Legal Board Amendment Act”.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) Cosponsored by: Sen. Antatro

2 - Reasons
(1) Currently the courts are issuing large prayers for relief with no legal argument.
(2) By assigning a public defender, legal argument will ensure a fair and equitable outcome is reached. Whether it be a reduced sentence, reduced fine, or the case is dismissed.

3 - Public Defender Program Amendments
(1) Representation through the Public Defender Program will only be available to those players who have less than $4000 in their balance and company balance.
(a) Any case that reverts to a default judgement, where the defendant is inactive, the presiding Judge may request a public defender represent the Defendant.
(2) The Chairman of the DCBA will hold a register of all Public Defenders.
(3) Payment for cases will be a flat-rate commission specified by the DEC in coordination with guidance from the DCBA.
(a) For particularly complex cases, a further amount may be awarded at the discretion of the DEC and DCBA Chairman.
(4) The Public Defender Program will be available for all criminal and civil cases, subject to the restriction in s.7(1).
(a) The cases the Program is available for is subject to change by the decision of the DCBA.
(5) The recruitment process to the Public Defender Program will be outlined at the discretion of the DCBA.
(a) Recruitment may fluctuate to match demand.
(b) Public Defenders can be struck from the register should they contravene s.5 of the Legal Board Act or any further regulations outlined by the DCBA.
(6) Public Defenders will be allocated work at the discretion of the Chairman, based on both fairness but the efficacy of Defenders.
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Let me further clarify, since I've heard the RBA is vocally against this.

The lawyer is a legal advocate for the defendant in a default judgement. They advocate for them, they don't defend them, as they can't when they don't reply.

e.g. Someone is suing your client for $1,000,000 because your client stole a stack of dirt.

The lawyer will walk in and go; "your honour, no objections to the stealing offence, however, $1,000,000 is excessive for a stack of dirt. A sum of $4 is far more appropriate as the market value for a stack of dirt."

They scrutinise the case based on the known facts. Our courts are an adversarial system so both sides need legal representation.

Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted Presidential Assent and is hereby signed into law.


Amend the payer of the PDP.

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment

(1) This Act may be cited as the “PDP Payer Amendment.”.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This Act was authored by Representative ReinausPrinzzip in cooperation with the Secretary of Justice.
(4) This Act has been co-sponsored by Representative Aladeen, 1950minecrafter

2 - Reason

(1) Since the public defender program is mostly used against the DoJ, it doesnt make sense to have the DoJ paying the ones who are against them.
(2) The DoJ has one of the lowest budgets, so why use the DoJ´s budget to pay the PDP if we can use the department with the highest budget.

3 – Amending section 6 and 12 of the Legal Board Act

(1) Section 6:


6 - Public Defenders
(1) The Department of Justice, will process funding for the Public Defenders Program through the Board and Director of the PDP.
(2) The Pubic Defenders program will grant PDs to defend players with less than $5,000 in their balance and company balances of less that $15,000, for free of charge.
(3) Cases will be assigned by the director to the PDs
(4) Any lawyer on the board may apply for the public defenders program with the criteria established below.


6 - Public Defenders
(1) The Department of Education and Commerce, will process funding for the Public Defenders Program through the Board and Director of the PDP.
(2) The Public Defenders program will grant PDs to defend players with less than $5,000 in their balance and company balances of less that $15,000, for free of charge.
(3) Cases will be assigned by the director to the PDs
(4) Any lawyer on the board may apply for the public defenders program with the criteria established below.

(2) Section 12:


12- Public Defender Program
(1) Representation through the Public Defenders program will be available to those players/companies who have the required minimal monetary amount in there balance.
(a) Any case that reverts to a default judgement, where the defendant is inactive, the presiding Judge may request a public defender represent the Defendant.
(2) The Director of the PDP will hold record of the PDs.
(3) Payment will be a flat rate commission by the Department of justice and from Advise from the Director of the PDP, this amount cannot be less than $50 and no more than $200.
(4) For extra specify performance or complex lengthy cases a bonus award to the PDs may be awarded at the discretion off the DOJ and Director with bonus being caped at $100.
(5) The PDP will be available for all criminal and civil cases subject to the restriction of s7.1.
(6) All cases will be approved to be taken by the Director.
(7) Recruitment will be at the discretion of the Director of the PDP
(8) There will be no set limit on the PDs unless the AG offices and Director agrees to establish a maximum number.
(9) PDs may be struck from there office/duites if in breach any rules stated by the RBA Board and if it contravene s.5.
(10) The Director is the sole body who allocates case work based on work ethic, fairness and efficacy.


12- Public Defender Program
(1) Representation through the Public Defenders program will be available to those players/companies who have the required minimal monetary amount in there balance.
(a) Any case that reverts to a default judgement, where the defendant is inactive, the presiding Judge may request a public defender represent the Defendant.
(2) The Director of the PDP will hold record of the PDs.
(3) Payment will be a flat rate commission by the Department of Education and Commerce and from Advise from the Director of the PDP, this amount cannot be less than $50 and no more than $200.
(4) For extra specify performance or complex lengthy cases a bonus award to the PDs may be awarded at the discretion off the DOJ and Director with bonus being caped at $100.
(5) The PDP will be available for all criminal and civil cases subject to the restriction of s7.1.
(6) All cases will be approved to be taken by the Director.
(7) Recruitment will be at the discretion of the Director of the PDP
(8) There will be no set limit on the PDs unless the AG offices and Director agrees to establish a maximum number.
(9) PDs may be struck from there office/duites if in breach any rules stated by the RBA Board and if it contravene s.5.
(10) The Director is the sole body who allocates case work based on work ethic, fairness and efficacy.
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Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted Presidential Assent and is hereby signed into law.

House Vote: 8-0-0
Senate Vote: 4-0-0


Amend the Legal Board Act

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the “Legal Board Amendment Act”.
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) The Act has been co-sponsored by: Representative 1950minecrafter and Representative ReinausPrinzzip

2 - Reasons
As of now, the RBA doesn't have any requirement to run for Councilman and Chairman besides being a Barrister and an Attorney. Because of this, people who haven't got online in months have achieved to run and get elected.

3 - Amend Section 8


(2) The Chairman of the DC Bar Association shall be elected by the board every two months.
(a) Only lawyers with the Attorney qualification may run for Chairman.


(3) There shall also be a Council of four on the board elected every two months.
(a) Only lawyers with the Barrister or Attorney qualification may run for the Council.


(2) The Chairman of the DC Bar Association shall be elected by the board every two months
(a) Only lawyers with the Attorney Qualification and have attained 24 hours playtime and 12 hours of playtime within the last 30 days may run for Chairman.

(3) There shall also be a Council of four on the board elected every two months.

(a) Only lawyers with the Barrister or Attorney qualification and have attained 24 hours playtime and 12 hours of playtime within the last 30 days may run for the Council.
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Presidential Assent

This bill has been granted assent and is hereby signed into law.
